
2011 Best Novel, Association for Mormon letters[b]Montaigne Medal Finalist“Steven Peck has imagined a world ever-so-slightly tweaked from this real one… The Scholar of Moab explores the otherworld of nature, imagination, and mind.”—BROOKE WILLIAMS, author of Halflives What happens when a two-headed cowboy, a high school dropout, and a poet abducted by aliens come together in 1970s Moab, Utah? The Scholar of Moab, a dark-comedy perambulating murder, affairs, and cowboy mysteries in the shadow of the hoary La Sal Mountains.Young Hyrum Thayne, an unrefined geological surveyor, steals a massive dictionary out of the Grand County library in a midnight raid, startling the good people of Moab into believing a nefarious band of Book of Mormon thugs, the Gadianton Robbers, has arisen again. To make matters worse, Hyrum's illicit affair with Dora Tanner, a local poet thought to be mad, results in the delivery of a bouncing baby boy who vanishes the night of his birth. Righteous Moabites accuse Dora of the murder, but who really killed their child? Did a coyote dingo the baby? Was it an alien abduction as Dora claims? Was it Hyrum? Or could it have been the only witness to the crime, one of a pair of Oxford-educated conjoined twins who cowboy in the La Sals on sabbatical? STEVEN L. PECK knows Moab, inside out. An evolutionary ecologist at Brigham Young University, Peck teaches the philosophy of biology. His scientific work has appeared in American Naturalist, Newsweek, Evolution, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Biological Theory, Agriculture and Human Values, Biology & Philosophy. Steven also co-edited a volume on environmental stewardship. His creative works include a novel, The Gift of the King's Jeweler (2003 Covenant Communications). His poetry has appeared in Dialogue, Bellowing Ark, Irreantum, Red Rock Review and other magazines. Peck was nominated for the 2011 Science Fiction Poetry Association's Rhysling Award. Other awards include the Meyhew Short Story Contest, First Place at Warp and Weave, Honorable Mention in the 2011 Brookie and D.K. Brown Fiction Contest, and Second Place in the Eugene England Memorial Essay Contest.


This book is pure art. When you are done reading you can hang it on your wall. Werner's writing, which novelist Thomas McGuane has described as «original» and «grounded,» resonates with the prose of Hemingway and McCarthy, as well as with the poetry of Rilke, Whitman, Roethke, and James Wright. This title will appeal to the literary environmental crowd. A short but epic tale, much like Jim Harrison's LEGENDS OF THE FALL, this novel will transport any avid reader to another time and place.Because of its excellent, polished, modern prose, we are also positioning the title to be used in creative writing courses in MFA programs.The author won the 2008 Utah Arts Council's Original Writing Competition for Nonfiction. Mr. Werner's poems, fiction, creative nonfiction, and essays have appeared in several journals and magazines, including Matter Journal: Edward Abbey Edition, Bright Lights Film Journal, The North American Review, ISLE, Weber Studies, Fly Rod and Reel, and Columbia.


Author’s last novel won the 2009 Willa Award for Contemporary Fiction and was a finalist for Utah Book Award.Backdrop for novel is the controversial Las Vegas proposal to build water pipeline in Nevada’s east desert and Utah’s west desert. Pipeline is getting national press including more than 20 articles that have appeared in the New York Times on the issue.Author and book have strong regional appeal throughout the West.Previous author acknowledgement: Willa Award for Contemporary Fiction 2009, Utah Book Award finalist, Utah Artys Award for Best Fiction 2008, Millay Colony for the Arts New York Times Company Foundation Fellow.Author has been reviewed/interviewed in the following national publications: New York Times Travel Section, Washington Post, PBS Series: The Mormons, NPR’s Radio West, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, Newsday (New York, New Orleans Times-Picayune, New West Magazine, Salt Lake Tribune, Tucson Citizen, Kirkus Reviews, Library Journal, Booklist, and Publisher’s Weekly.



Сибирь XVII века, суровая земля, опасные люди и тяжелые нравы. Русский фронтир. Охотник Олонец, давно расстался с кровавым прошлым и пытается жить мирной жизнью. Однако вновь сталкивается с несправедливостью, и теряет все. В горе и отчаянии, он ищет правды.


История пустоши, мира, выжженного ядерной войной, через истории о людях, которые, несмотря на разрушенный мир, остаются людьми. Все они, брошенные обществом, отщепенцы и бродяги, бредущие по пустыни жизни, ищущие свое место в этом новом мире. Это история о добре и зле, жизни и смерти, человеке и пустоши, а еще это история о рыцарях и драконах. Содержит нецензурную брань.


События происходят в 1848–1850 годах в независимой Калифорнийской республике в разгар «золотой лихорадки», начавшейся в 1848 году. В основе сюжета лежит расследование серии устрашающе жестоких убийств, совершенных загадочным Черным Дьяволом. Однако «Золото под ногами» – не только классический детектив, но и приключенческий роман, где следствие проходит одновременно с многочисленными событиями авантюрного характера. Вы еще помните тот чистый восторг, который охватывал вас при первом чтении книг Фенимора Купера и Майн Рида? Вы, конечно, думаете, что эти ощущения не вернуть. А вот и нет. Иногда они возвращаются. В «Золоте под ногами» есть все, что пленяло нас в детстве, – и индейцы, и следопыты, и трапперы, и пираты, и страшные американские бандиты, и золотодобытчики, и даже мистическая нечистая сила… Причем написана эта книга современным динамичным русским языком.



Вы еще помните тот чистый восторг, который охватывал вас при первом чтении книг Фенимора Купера и Майн Рида? Вы, конечно, думаете, что эти ощущения не вернуть. А вот и нет. Иногда они возвращаются. В «Золоте под ногами» есть все, что пленяло нас в детстве, – и индейцы, и следопыты, и трапперы, и пираты, и страшные американские бандиты, и золотодобытчики, и даже мистическая нечистая сила… Причем написана эта книга современным динамичным русским языком.


"If you ever wondered what life is like for the down and out, the remarkable Sojourner lays it out in precise and unsparing prose in her latest collection of short stories."— PUBLISHERS WEEKLY , starred reviewFrom security guards and jack rabbits to bartenders and blue herons , the desert–dwellers in The Talker surface with grit and grace from dust–blown trailers, ancient Joshua trees, and artificial lakes. With her signature down–to–earth storytelling style, Mary Sojourner explores the lives of working class people, threats to Western landscapes, and the complexities of love. The Talker depicts a community weathering the desert glare of the Mojave, seeking refuge, truth, and escape. MARY SOJOURNER is the author of the novels, 29 , Sisters of the Dream and Going Through Ghosts ; the short story collections The Talker and Delicate ; an essay collection, Bonelight: Ruin and Grace in the New Southwest ; and memoirs, Solace: Rituals of Loss and Desire and She Bets Her Life . She is an intermittent NPR commentator and the author of many essays, columns and op–eds for High Country News , Writers on the Range , and other publications. A graduate of the University of Rochester, Sojourner teaches writing in private circles, one–on–one, at colleges and universities, writing conferences, and book festivals. She believes in both the limitations and possibilities of healing through writing—the most powerful tool she has found for doing what is necessary to mend. She lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.