
A practical and comprehensive reference for equine dermatology cases The newly revised Second Edition of Practical Equine Dermatology delivers a thorough exploration of common dermatological conditions affecting horses whilst also drawing attention to rarer conditions. The book offers detailed advice on treatments and products currently available on the veterinary market in a problem-oriented layout that provides a practical approach to quick and efficient diagnosis. Clinical presentations, diagnostic features, and disorder management for each described condition are presented in an easy-to-digest bullet-point format supported by concise references and recommendations for further reading. An ideal quick reference for veterinary practitioners on the key points of equine skin conditions, this new edition also includes: A thorough introduction to the diagnostic approach, including taking an accurate history, the clinical examination, and diagnostic tests. Comprehensive exploration of pruritus, including contagious conditions, such as ectoparasites and helminth infestation, and non-contagious conditions, such as insect attack and atopic dermatitis. Practical discussion of crusting and scaling, including primary seborrhoea and infectious causes, such as superficial fungal infections and environmental factors. In-depth examination of ulcers and erosions, nodules and swellings, coat problems, and pigmentary disorders. Perfect for any practising veterinarian seeing equine cases in first opinion practice, Practical Equine Dermatology will also be of use to veterinary students with an interest in equine veterinary medicine.




One of the challenges of our modern society is to successfully reconcile growing energy demand, demographic and food pressure and ecological and environmental urgency.<br /><br />This book offers an update on a rapidly evolving subject, that of modern photovoltaic systems capable of combining the needs of energy and ecological transition. Although photovoltaic solar energy is a well-proven technical solution in terms of energy, its development can compete with agricultural land or natural sites.<br /><br />New solutions are emerging: the installation of photovoltaic parks on industrial wasteland; agrivoltaics, which reconcile agricultural activity and energy production on the same surface; and ecovoltaics, which make it possible to make use of the unused surfaces under solar panels by developing ecological solutions capable of providing services to nature. These innovations are part of the response to the need to preserve terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, halt the decline in animal and plant biodiversity and participate in the development of a new mode of sustainable development and green economy.


The future of the human posture is in the spotlight. The 200-year-old locomotion paradigm can no longer resist the advancement of knowledge, yet 2,500 years of thinking on the place of verticalized human anatomy and its reflexive consciousness in the natural history of life and the Earth, is more relevant than ever.<br /><br />This book retraces these reflections from pre-Socratic philosophers, focusing on the link between verticality and the most complex and consciously reflexive nervous system on the top rung of the ladder of living beings. The origin of animated forms, or animals, was considered metaphysical until the 19th century but reflection on their inception, from fertilization, paved the way for mathematics of infinitesimal geometry and dynamics. The simian filiation was inconceivable until Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck bridged the gap in 1802 with the locomotion postulate to explain the transition from quadrupedal to bipedal posture, sustained by the hypothesis of inheritance of acquired characteristics.<br /><br />This doctrine was overturned in 1987 by the discovery of the embryonic origins of the straightening – specific dynamics linked to neurogenesis – confirming the natural place of human verticality and nervous system complexity with its psychomotor and cognitive consequences. Sapiens find themselves at the physical limit of the straightening while mechanisms of gametogenesis have never ceased in making neurogenesis exponentially more complex. Is the future exclusively terrestrial or does intrauterine hominization open up new perspectives for space exploration? Posturologists, occlusodontics, osteopaths, cognisciences – all anthropological sciences exposed to human verticality are concerned with this discovery, which allows Sapiens to face their natural destiny.



Человек состоит из миллиардов клеток, и в каждой из них есть ядро с геномом, который является молекулой жизни, инструкцией по созданию каждого индивида. В этой книге ты прочтешь о ДНК, геноме и генах – самых загадочных феноменах современной науки.



Вторая книга эколого-публицистических очерков председателя Северо-Западного Зеленого Креста посвящена будущему России и сопредельных стран. В ней рассказывается об истоках современного всеобщего кризиса, о том, что в основе любых изменений в экономике и социуме лежат перемены в состоянии окружающей среды, а также о том, что люди могут сделать для минимизации изменений климата. В книге даются обоснованные предложения по формированию внешней и внутренней политики России исходя из прогноза климатических изменений, и рассказывается, как знание экологии может повлиять на систему ценностей элит. Не являясь энциклопедией экологического кризиса, книга тем не менее дает представление о наиболее угрожающих России тенденциях изменения окружающей среды и связанных с ними внешних и внутренних политических вызовах. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


Двухтомник "Машина мышления" в одной книге. Мышление – самая удивительная и загадочная вещь во Вселенной. Цивилизация, культура, наука – всё это результат нашего с вами мыслительного процесса. Процесса, о котором мы так мало знаем. Процесса, которым мы пока так и не научились управлять. Эта книга – о том, как наш мозг создаёт образы, идеи, принимает решения, как в нём рождаются инсайты и переживаемые нами чувства. А ещё она содержит «инструменты мышления» – конкретные методики, которые помогут вам принимать правильные решения, лучше понимать себя, других людей и мир вокруг вас! МАШИНА МЫШЛЕНИЯ – ПОЕХАЛИ!