
AIR POLLUTION, CLEAN ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Anthropogenic climate change is a globally recognized threat multiplier. Yet, decades of intergovernmental negotiations have failed to curb toxic levels of fossil fuel energy-related air pollution which the World Health Organization (WHO) has identified as the world's largest, single environmental health risk. Lying in plain view are the troubling truths about the morbidity and ill-health burdens associated with anthropogenic climate change that are borne by those who have done the least to contribute to per capita emissions of greenhouse gas emissions. Ignoring the nexus between air pollution, lack of access to clean energy and climate adversities represents a collective failure of the UN's ambitious, universally agreed upon 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda (SDA) which pledged ' to leave no one behind '. This book highlights the air pollution crisis that emanates from the heavy reliance on polluting forms of energy and the urbanization of poverty in developing countries. It provides a framework for understanding why the broader sustainable development community needs to address the more neglected intersection between adverse climatic impacts and energy-related air pollution which devastates the lives of the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us, especially young children, women and the elderly. It focuses on the importance of breaking down persistent global silos and goals on sustainable energy for all, and climate change reflected in the UN's 2030 SDA, and the 2015 Paris Agreement. Integrating clean air and climate mitigation measures that specifically include curbing short lived climate pollutants such as black carbon via innovative partnerships/modalities are seen as vital to clean energy and climate responsive action. This book argues that linked actions by non-nation state actors aimed at reducing air pollution and ameliorating short term climate pollutants in the most populous cities, particularly in countries like India where annual average particulate matter pollution levels consistently exceed WHO guidelines are essential in reducing grave health costs and disease burdens. Air Pollution, Clean Energy and Climate Change will be of particular interest to policy makers, researchers, environmental advocates, civil society stakeholders and practitioners who want to understand the urgency of addressing linkages between climate change, fossil fuel energy, air pollution and public health risks. The cover image is an oil painting by Anilla Cherian, which incorporates tree bark and twigs, and serves as a reminder of the daily energy sources used by millions who lack access to clean energy and are exposed to high levels of household air pollution. It is the second-part of a series, with the first one serving as the cover image to Energy and Global Climate Change (Cherian, 2015). Photograph of painting by Alison Sheehy Photography.


Книга, основанная на богатом практическом опыте автора, кандидата биологических наук Александра Лебедева, подробно описывает каждый шаг в подготовке и реализации проектов ландшафтного дизайна. Здесь вы найдете информацию о современных стилях ландшафтного дизайна, описание необходимых в работе материалов, инструкцию по подбору и правильной посадке растений, комбинированию растений в цветниках, уходу за садом. Книга будет полезна как новичкам, так и опытным ландшафтным дизайнерам. Осторожно! Эта книга может навсегда изменить вашу жизнь!


Master the hottest—and most chilling—topic in the world today More and more frequent extreme weather events occur each year, and wildlife everywhere is increasingly endangered. Science fiction or science fact, most climate experts see this as our world on climate change—and, according to polls, a majority of people around the globe agree. Climate Change For Dummies allows you to investigate this hottest of hotly debated issues for yourself—examining its causes, the way it affects our lives, and what we can all do to make a difference. This straightforward guide—cowritten by the former leader of Canada's Green Party and the Canadian Chief of Staff to the Minister of Natural Resources—sifts the fact from the fiction: Is climate change caused by human activity or by natural elements beyond our control? What contribution can clean energy make? What are our best and worst-case scenarios? What are the likely long- and short-term effects? How can human activity can impact the environment? Can individuals and governments help reverse the possible effects? Which are the best sources of cleaner energy? With the IPCC predicting a 2.5–10°F warming over the next century, this complex subject will be making temperatures soar for years to come—on both sides of the debate. Climate Change For Dummies is the ideal tool to navigate these increasingly choppy waters—and to make an informed difference where you can.


Минимализм – не синоним экономии, не модная прихоть и не причуда обеспеченных людей. Это сознательный выбор и эффективный подход к формированию экологичного образа жизни с меньшим количеством вещей. Чем меньше вещей вокруг, тем больше свободного пространства и времени, тем выше скорость принятия решений, тем более продуктивно проходит наш день. Общество потребления формирует у нас зависимость сначала от покупки, а затем и от хранения вещей. Но как часто то, на что уходят наши трудом заработанные деньги, совсем скоро оказывается на свалке? Избегая ненужных трат, мы не только экономим деньги и время, но и обретаем ясность ума и финансовую стабильность, чтобы плотнее заняться своим здоровьем, образованием и повышение качества жизни. Если вы только задумались о переходе к минималистическому образу жизни и не знаете, с чего начать, книга Стефани Сефериан познакомит вас с основными принципами экологически ориентированного минимализма и поможет сделать первые шаги в этом направлении. Автор предлагает пошаговый план, основанный на методах и практиках, большинство из которых она успешно применяет сама. Он включает все аспекты организации быта и образа жизни современного человека: от гардероба, детских игрушек и питания до использования пластика, потребления электроэнергии и нового, более экологичного типа мышления. И помните, что есть еще одно огромное преимущество жизни с меньшими затратами, который часто замалчивают (но только не автор этой книги): минимализм – это ключ к сохранению драгоценных ресурсов Земли и в конечном счете – к спасению нашей планеты.


В монографии рассматриваются теоретические и практические аспекты правового регулирования деятельности крестьянского (фермерского) хозяйства. Для студентов бакалавриата, специалитета, магистратуры юридических вузов, аспирантов, изучающих гражданское, предпринимательское, аграрное, земельное право.


В монографии представлены материалы 25-летних научных исследований, выполненных авторами лично и в соавторстве с коллегами в условиях Калужской и Смоленской областях. Приведены результаты исследований по изучению продукционного потенциала многолетних трав и травосмесей в различных условиях выращивания, рассмотрены энергосберегающие приёмы создания и использования луговых агроценозов на пахотных землях, приведена энергетическая оценка луговых и пастбищных травостоев при производстве различных видов травянистых кормов. Представлены результаты исследований по использованию луговых трав при формировании различных видов газонов. Монография предназначена для технологов по производству растениеводческой и животноводческой продукции, научных работников, аспирантов, магистров и бакалавров, обучающихся по направлениям «Агрономия» и «Зоотехния».



Urban Ecology and Global Climate Change Urban Ecology and Global Climate Change contains the latest practical and theoretical concepts of the emerging issues in urban ecological studies. The authors highlight some of the major challenges currently impeding ecological restoration goals in urbanized regions across the globe. It is sobering that the majority of sustainable development projects are being defeated by the increasing pace of two particular phenomena – namely climate change and urbanization. This book includes coverage of the major threats to biodiversity conservation and the most significant contributors to the deterioration of urban ecosystems. In addition, various case studies that reflect the anthropogenic interventions on ecological restoration are included. The book looks at evolving growth and urbanization concepts, monitoring of urbanization trends, land-use land cover (LULC) changes in urban and non-urban cities based on the use of open access data, urbanization affecting rural ecology, soil carbon emissions, urban development, human well-being and case studies of sustainable smart cities. Urban Ecology and Global Climate Change will find an appreciative audience amongst students of urban ecology and environmental policy, as well as policymakers, scientists and industrialists. The book provides an excellent introduction to the principles of smart city planning and urban sustainability with a view to maintaining ecological and conservation status of urban environments.



OGENOTYPING BY SEQUENCING FOR CROP IMPROVEMENT A thoroughly up-to-date exploration of genotyping-by-sequencing technologies and related methods in plant science In Genotyping by Sequencing for Crop Improvement, a team of distinguished researchers delivers an in-depth and current exploration of the latest advances in genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) methods, the statistical approaches used to analyze GBS data, and its applications, including quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and genomic selection (GS) in crop improvement. This edited volume includes insightful contributions on a variety of relevant topics, like advanced molecular markers, high-throughput genotyping platforms, whole genome resequencing, QTL mapping with advanced mapping populations, analytical pipelines for GBS analysis, and more. The distinguished contributors explore traditional and advanced markers used in plant genotyping in extensive detail, and advanced genotyping platforms that cater to unique research purposes are discussed, as is the whole-genome resequencing (WGR) methodology. The included chapters also examine the applications of these technologies in several different crop categories, including cereals, pulses, oilseeds, and commercial crops. Genotyping by Sequencing for Crop Improvement also offers: A thorough introduction to molecular marker techniques and recent advancements in the technology Comprehensive explorations of the genotyping of seeds while preserving their viability, as well as advances in genomic selection Practical discussions of opportunities and challenges relating to high throughput genotyping in polyploid crops In-depth examinations of recent advances and applications of GBS, GWAS, and GS in cereals, pulses, oilseeds, millets, and commercial crops Perfect for practicing plant scientists with an interest in genotyping-by-sequencing technology, Genotyping by Sequencing for Crop Improvement will also earn a place in the libraries of researchers and students seeking a one-stop reference on the foundational aspects of – and recent advances in – genotyping-by-sequencing, genome-wide association studies, and genomic selection.