
Medical personnel were dropping like flies and Dr. Sasha Pulaski wasn't going to just stand by and do nothing.She believed in her work and would do anything for her patients. But how could she help when she was next on a murderer's hit list? The only bright spot was her new protector–Detective Anthony Santini, a man determined to catch the hospital killer and watch over Sasha. And when the building was in lockdown mode, she turned to the handsome lawman–and found more than just a strong guardian angel. Could he help her see the unspoken possibilities sizzling between them before it was too late?


Since her mother's death, FBI Special Agent Cate Kowalski had to cope with the deep emptiness she felt–and the shocking revelation that she was adopted.The news came too soon after losing her fiancé and destroyed the very foundation of her identity. So now, the only way for Cate to find herself was to go in search of her birth mother.She didn't count on finding love on her path to self-discovery.It had been three years since Dr. Christian Graywolf's wife died and he still blamed himself for her death. As a result, he focused entirely on his work at Blair Memorial Hospital until his sister brought home colleague Cate Kowalski. The attraction was intense, immediate–and the truth was something neither Christian nor Cate expected: that all his life Christian had been searching for Cate.


City girl Lily Quintano came to tiny Hades, Alaska, to get away from men. Her cheating ex-fiancé had turned her heart to stone–or so she thought.For the minute she saw Max Yearling, her pulse started racing. She had to avoid the sexy sheriff at all costs. But in a town the size of Hades, heated encounters with the handsome local hero were inevitable…and way too enjoyable.Max Yearling didn't believe in love–his deadbeat father made sure of that. So why did he feel the need to keep an eye on the pretty Ms. Lily? Perhaps she might get lost in the wilderness…or even better, lose herself in his strong, protective arms….



It was a big world out there…But was ex-nun Claire Santaniello ready for it? Her yearning for a home and family had her shedding her habit and moving back to California. But her true calling definitely wasn't with sexy single dad Caleb McClain. Was it? The stunning redhead seemed uncomfortable in the crowded bar. She was also tantalizingly familiar.Caleb couldn't believe the girl he'd once loved was now a teacher in their hometown. Soon after he rescued her from the dance floor, Claire made it her mission to bring out his softer side, arousing feelings Caleb couldn't ignore. Was it finally time for them to create the future together they both craved?


When he began his mission at Blair Memorial, undercover agent Terrance McCall collided with the only woman capable of rattling his equilibrium. Dr. Alix DuCane had grown haughty over the years, and he'd been the one to put the ice in her soul. Their love had been something so strong–something he wanted back….So Terrance assumed she would come running when he waltzed back into her life, did he? Well, Alix had a new life; she couldn't afford to let Terrance shake up her heart again. But the more time they spent together, the more she felt herself slipping back into the love that had almost destroyed her. Was there hope for them to start again…?


I, Philippe Zabelle (wealthy software designer, callous playboy, totally un-handy man), do hereby hire contractor Janice Diane Wyatt to renovate my home (but not make significant changes in my life, like making me fall for her, a single mom).I give J.D. full authority to choose appliances and decor–as long as she doesn't distract me from my poker games or wear anything too revealing…. Should J.D. fail to complete this job– or should I be unable to resist her beauty and intelligence–this agreement will be renegotiated according to our mutual desires.


The Honorable Brenton Montgomery would break every rule to recover his kidnapped little girl. But he wasn't prepared to clash with the one woman he'd secretly loved for years, Detective Callie Cavanaugh, whose job it was to find Rachel. And when tensions grew hot between them, Brenton knew he'd have one helluva fight on his hands…and in his heart.Every time the troubled single father touched her, kissed her, he made Callie's job that much harder. When this nightmare was over, how would she ever find the strength to walk away from this man and his precious daughter without wanting more?


When a bomb ripped through the Lone Star Country Club, all of Mission Creek, Texas, was shaken. Who was responsible? Was it the Mercados, Mission Creek's answer to the mob? The Carsons or the Wainwrights, two of the club's founding families? Or an even more sinister force?Only a young boy rescued from the burning wreckage knows the truth. But the culprits want him eliminated–fast! Little Jake's savior, firefighter Adam Collins, and his doctor, Tracy Walker, have taken the orphaned boy into their lives, creating an instant family. But while Adam and Tracy fight their attraction for each other, can they keep Jake out of harm's way?


HIS ONLY FEARKidnapped as a boy, Chad Andreini had devoted his life to rescuing abducted children. But this anguished mother was different. Alluring Veronica Lancaster stirred within Chad a long-buried desire to belong somewhere-and made more painful the stark dread that he never would….HER ONLY HOPETrusting a total stranger with her precious child's life wasn't easy for Veronica, but walking away from Chad would have been even harder. her child's safe return was all she wanted from this comforting yet cryptic man, until the night they turned to each other in lonely desperation–and undeniable desire….