
One unexpected night…Emergency nurse Tamara Washington had everything—until her life was publically destroyed by her ex. She’s hidden herself away ever since, focusing only on her patients. Then one hot night with her boss, Dr Conor Maguire, upends her world again.With consequences!Now Tamara is pregnant and Conor faces being a father, something he never anticipated. But if they face their fears together, maybe they could become a family, because with Tamara in his arms, anything seems possible…


From one night…to baby surprise!Surviving a bomb blast together led to an explosive night of passion between army docs Cooper Daniels and Sophie Ingram. But the next day Cooper shipped out, leaving Sophie with a lasting reminder of their desire!Cooper hasn’t been able to forget Sophie, but commitment isn’t an option for this lone wolf. So when the army throws them back together, her baby secret stuns him! The captain will give anything to protect his new family…but can he offer Sophie his heart?