
The latest and greatest insights on happiness from around the world The Little Book of Being Brilliant is a ‘greatest hits’ compilation of the best and the latest information from the science of positive psychology. Top-selling author Andy Cope exercises his PhD in happiness, along with his decades of experience bringing ‘The Art of Being Brilliant’ to rapt audiences around the world, to distill the tips, techniques, facts and ideas you need to know to achieve sustainable wellbeing and happiness in your own life. Andy’s keen for you to know that he wants you to enjoy the experience, hence his ‘laugh ‘n’ learn’ approach. Inside, you’ll find guidance for taking action in the form of activities and challenges that will help you implement the latest empirical evidence on happiness. You’ll learn why most people are miles away from feeling as great as they could, and what to do about it. Whether you’re motivated to improve your daily life or looking for the insights that will super-charge your career, or in search of inspiration for your students or your team, this little book will set you in motion toward living brilliantly. Develop resilience and embrace positivity by setting goals and taking charge of your life Learn, once and for all, what science says about the connection between money and happiness Overcome road rage and other forms of negativity that are dragging you down in the day-to-day Internalize the latest positivity wisdom for work, sport, parenting, relationships, and more There’s absolutely no filler in The Little Book of Being Brilliant , and no need to sift through half-baked ideas or wisdom that researchers have already overturned. For the latest proven techniques on getting happy and achieving success, along with the motivation required to put those techniques into practice, pick up this energetic and inspiring book today.


‘ZEST’ equates to zing, enthusiasm, energy, gusto, eagerness, zeal and fervour. It also connotes a tang, a sharpness. It’s the opposite of bland. And Zest: How to Squeeze the Max out of Life is exactly that. It’s more than just a book on personal development. There are an awful lot of those. Zest is a catalyst, a spark that ignites your remembering of what makes you, in a word, you. It drives you to rethink, rejuvenate and reinvent. It also contains a touch of the revolutions. Have you, as a grown-up, fallen into the trap of becoming a Groan-up? You know you should try to make the best of things, but oftentimes you don’t know what your “best” is anymore. It’s strange. You used to know. What happened? Was it the years of social conformity? There is a whole beige generation out there – a generation that has lost its identity and forgotten who they once were – buried under the crushing, stifling facades of adulthood. If only there was a way to unearth your passions, recover the zest for life you once had. Maybe there is. Zest is a wake-up call for you to explore the formative moments that define your life. It challenges you to believe that your best days are still ahead, to search your soul, to shake things up and bask in the warmth of glorious individuality. Zest will help you: Explore the pivotal, defining moments in your life Examine both the good and bad experiences that define you Reconnect to the essence of who you are Embrace your quirks, qualities and peculiarities Determine to be the person you always wanted to be Zest is your permission to play, your licence to wreak the right kind of havoc. Moreover, it’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not, it’s about squeezing every last drop out of who you already are.


From the authors of the bestselling The Art of Being Brilliant We all have good days and bad days. Some days we’re on form, others we can’t really be bothered and feel a little lack lustre. No one enjoys those slump days – so let’s do away with them! The wonderful, uplifting and funny authors of the bestselling The Art of Being Brilliant are here to show us how to get motivated, get positive and get happy, and, most importantly, how to be all three consistently. Every single day. Using a solid understanding of positive psychology, but with clear visual illustrations, simple explanations and a bit of funny stuff, Be Brilliant Everyday shows us how to foster some serious positivity and mental agility and transform our lives. The book is crammed with practical tips to help us ditch those down days and flourish every single day. How to live and breathe positivity everyday Learn to be truly happy, confident and more effective Become a great example to others and inspire those around you How to cope and feel brilliant in a busy, demanding world


A pep talk in your pocket This short, small, highly illustrated book will fill you to the brim with happiness, positivity, wellbeing and, most importantly, success! Andy Cope and Andy Whittaker are experts in the art of happiness and positive psychology and The Art of Being Brilliant is crammed full of good advice, instructive case studies, inspiring quotes, some funny stuff and important questions to make you think about your work, relationships and life. You see being brilliant, successful and happy isn’t about dramatic change, it’s about finding out what really works for you and doing more of it! The authors lay down their six common-sense principles that will ensure you focus on what you’re good at and become super brilliant both at work and at home. • A richly illustrated, 2 colour, small book full of humour, inspiring quotes and solid advice • A great read with a serious underlying message – how to foster positivity and bring about success in every aspect of your life • Outlines six common-sense principles that will help you ensure you are the best you can be