
Vladimir Lenin is the great leader of the working people of the whole world, who is considered the most outstanding politician in world history, who created the first socialist state. The Russian communist philosopher-theoretician, who continued the work of Marx and Engels, whose activity was widely deployed in the early 20th century, is still of interest to the public today, as its historical role is not only significant for Russia, but for the whole world. Lenin’s activities have both…


Adolf Gitler. The founder and central figure of National Socialism, the founder of the totalitarian dictatorship of the Third Reich, the leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, the Reich Chancellor and Führer of Germany, the supreme commander-in-chief of the German armed forces in World War II. Before his death, Hitler bequeathed his entire personal fortune to his sister Paula.


Joseph Stalin is an outstanding revolutionary politician in the history of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union, whose activities are marked by mass repressions, which today are considered a crime against humanity. The personality and activity of Stalin in modern society are still loudly discussed – some consider him a great ruler, leading the country to victory in the Great Patriotic War, while others accuse him of genocide of the people and of famine, terror and violence against people.


“The more monstrous the lie, the more willing the crowd believes in it,” said the ideologist of fascism and the faithful companion and companion of Hitler, the propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels.


Crime knows no boundaries, does not distinguish between rich and poor, family members or acquaintances. Murders committed by public and socially held personalities are no different from crimes of unknown individuals of the human race. Celebrity killers: Elena Berkova, Laura Bush, Oscar Pistorius, Robert Wagner, Michael Jace, Alexei Kabanov and many others.


What could such a terrible young criminals do that they were sentenced to such severe punishment? It’s not always a murder. It is good that in many countries there are moratoria on such executions and similar occurrences are less and less common. 15 sad stories from all about juvenile offenders sentenced to death. There are girls.


10 chilling stories about Russian serial killers who have been on the territory of Russia since 2000. Cannibals and sexual maniacs, sane and insane. Famous maniacs from such cities as Lipetsk, Novosibirsk, Moscow, Krasnodar, Berdsk, Rossosh, Barnaul, Chelyabinsk, St. Petersburg…


Maniac killer: psychology and classification. Do you know that maniacs are completely different? For example, local (their victims in certain areas), wandering (hunting in travel), power lovers (superiority over the victim), sweethearts (hedonists), visionaries (schizophrenics), missionaries («judges» or «cleaners»). Want to learn more about «organized» (calculated), disorganized (impulsive), mass, or «chain» serial killers?


Female killers: the most ruthless and dangerous. Among them there are loners, and there are those who killed along with their husbands and lovers. They killed children, men and women. Female serial killers are rare. Exit the comfort zone! Feel the horror and thrill after reading all these terrible stories that happened in reality not so long ago. Irina Viktorovna Gaydamachuk, Jane Toppan, Carla Homolka, Vera Rentsi, Mary Nou, Marquise de Branneville, Velma Barfield and many others!


“Godfathers” and “Godfathers” of crime died differently. Someone was shot by competing bandits, someone died of heart problems, and some shot themselves. These are the stories of the life, success and death of drug lords and heads of criminal syndicates from around the world! Gangsters: Sam Giancana, Maria Lichciardi, Pablo Escobar, Frank Nitti, Eriberto Lazcano and many others!