
«Жил-был Иванушка-дурачок, собою красавец, а что ни сделает, всё у него смешно выходит, не так, как у людей. Нанял его в работники один мужик, а сам с женой собрался в город; жена и говорит Иванушке: – Останешься ты с детьми, гляди за ними, накорми их! – А чем? – спрашивает Иванушка. – Возьми воды, муки, картошки, покроши да свари – будет похлёбка!..»


Alexei Maximovich Peshkov (1868–1936), primarily known as Maxim (or Maksim) Gorky, was a Russian and Soviet writer, a founder of the socialist realism literary method and a political activist. Around fifteen years before success as a writer, he frequently changed jobs and roamed across the Russian Empire; these experiences would later influence his writing. Gorky’s most famous works were The Lower Depths (1902), Twenty-six Men and a Girl, The Song of the Stormy Petrel, The Mother, Summerfolk and Children of the Sun. He had an association with fellow Russian writers Leo Tolstoy and Anton Chekhov; Gorky would later write his memoirs on both of them.<P> Gorky was active with the emerging Marxist social-democratic movement. He publicly opposed the Tsarist regime, and for a time closely associated himself with Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov’s Bolshevik wing of the party. For a significant part of his life, he was exiled from Russia and later the Soviet Union. In 1932, he returned to Russia on Joseph Stalin’s personal invitation and died in June 1936.<P> This volume includes 61 classic novels and stories:<P> MAXIME GORKY, by Ivan Strannik<BR> INTRODUCTION, by G.K. Chesterton<BR> CREATURES THAT ONCE WERE MEN<BR> TWENTY-SIX MEN AND A GIRL<BR> CHELKASH<BR> MY FELLOW-TRAVELLER<BR> ON A RAFT<BR> TWENTY-SIX AND ONE<BR> TCHELKACHE<BR> MALVA<BR> THROUGH RUSSIA<BR> THE BIRTH OF A MAN<BR> THE ICEBREAKER<BR> GUBIN<BR> NILUSHKA<BR> THE CEMETERY<BR> ON A RIVER STEAMER<BR> A WOMAN<BR> IN A MOUNTAIN DEFILE<BR> KALININ<BR> THE DEAD MAN<BR> RUSSIA AND THE JEWS<BR> ANTON CHEKHOV: FRAGMENTS OF RECOLLECTIONS<BR> THE MAN WHO WAS AFRAID<BR> MOTHER (Part I)<BR> MOTHER (Part II)<BR> ONE AUTUMN NIGHT<BR> HER LOVER<BR> THE SPY, by Maxim Gorky<BR> THE OUTCASTS<BR> THE AFFAIR OF THE CLASPS<BR> THE CONFESSION<BR> ORLÓFF AND HIS WIFE<BR> KONOVÁLOFF<BR> THE KHAN AND HIS SON<BR> THE EXORCISM<BR> MEN WITH PASTS<BR> THE INSOLENT MAN<BR> VÁRENKA ÓLESOFF<BR> COMRADES<BR> MAN AND THE SIMPLON<BR> AN UNWRITTEN SONATA<BR> SUN AND SEA<BR> LOVE OF LOVERS<BR> HEARTS AND CREEDS<BR> THE TRAITOR’S MOTHER<BR> THE FREAK<BR> THE MIGHT OF MOTHERHOOD<BR> A MESSAGE FROM THE SEA<BR> THE HONOUR OF THE VILLAGE<BR> THE SOCIALIST<BR> THE HUNCHBACK<BR> ON THE STEAMER<BR> THE PROFESSOR<BR> THE POET<BR> THE WRITER<BR> THE MAN WITH A NATIONAL FACE<BR> THE LIBERAL<BR> THE JEWS AND THEIR FRIENDS<BR> HARD TO PLEASE<BR> PASSIVE RESISTANCE<BR> MAKING A SUPERMAN<BR> IN THE WORLD<P>


Set amongst the whores, alcoholics, cynics and doss house dreamers of a Russia on the brink of revolution, The Lower Depths is a harrowing, violent and uncompromising portrayal of the human spirit at its lowest ebb, with destitution and death an ever present spectre.


«В саду, вокруг берёз, гудя, летали жуки, бондарь работал на соседнем дворе, где-то близко точили ножи; за садом, в овраге, шумно возились ребятишки, путаясь среди густых кустов. Очень манило на волю, вечерняя грусть вливалась в сердце…»


Поэма впервые напечатана в 1917 году, хотя написана, по свидетельству самого Горького, еще в 1892-м. 11 октября 1931 года А.М.Горький читал «Девушку и Смерть» посетившим его И.В.Сталину и К.Е.Ворошилову. На последней странице текста Сталин тогда же написал: «Эта штука сильнее, чем „Фауст“ Гёте (любовь побеждает смерть)».


«У воробьев совсем так же, как у людей: взрослые воробьи и воробьихи – пичужки скучные и обо всем говорят, как в книжках написано, а молодежь – живет своим умом. Жил-был желторотый воробей, звали его Пудик, а жил он над окошком бани, за верхним наличником, в теплом гнезде из пакли, моховинок и других мягких материалов. Летать он еще не пробовал, но уже крыльями махал и всё выглядывал из гнезда: хотелось поскорее узнать – что такое божий мир и годится ли он для него?..»


«Жил-был Иванушка-дурачок, собою красавец, а что ни сделает, всё у него смешно выходит, не так, как у людей. Нанял его в работники один мужик, а сам с женой собрался в город; жена и говорит Иванушке: – Останешься ты с детьми, гляди за ними, накорми их! – А чем? – спрашивает Иванушка. – Возьми воды, муки, картошки, покроши да свари – будет похлёбка!..»


Поэма впервые напечатана в 1917 году, хотя написана, по свидетельству самого Горького, еще в 1892-м. 11 октября 1931 года А.М.Горький читал «Девушку и Смерть» посетившим его И.В.Сталину и К.Е.Ворошилову. На последней странице текста Сталин тогда же написал: «Эта штука сильнее, чем „Фауст“ Гёте (любовь побеждает смерть)».


One Autumn Night by Maxim Gorky, April 1902. It’s a touching tale of a young man who finds himself without shelter or food on a cold “Autumn Night” in Moscow. The strong opening lines of the narrator set the stage nicely: “Once in the autumn I happened to be in a very unpleasant and inconvenient position. In the town where I had just arrived and where I knew not a soul, I found myself without a farthing in my pocket and without a night’s lodging.” Scavenging for something to eat around the “steamship wharves,” he encounters another poor wretch, the young woman, Natasha, in similar circumstance if for different reasons. Together they scrounge a loaf of bread and take refuge from the elements (a bitterly cold, freezing rain) under an upside down skiff. Here he learns a little of her circumstances, including how her face came to be marked up, although he could probably already guess that. Her abusive husband has thrown her out, leaving her with a somewhat low opinion of the male of the species: “What wretches all you men are! I’d burn you all in an oven; I’d cut you in pieces. If any one of you was dying I’d spit in his mouth, and not pity him a bit. Mean skunks! You wheedle and wheedle, you wag your tails like cringing dogs, and we fools give ourselves up to you, and it’s all up with us! Immediately you trample us underfoot… Miserable loafers.” Famous Novels of the author Maxim Gorky: Goremyka Pavel, Published in English as Orphan Paul, Foma Gordeyev, Three of Them, Also translated as Three Men, The Mother, The Life of a Useless Man, A Confession, Okurov City, The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin, The Artamonov Business, Life of Klim Samgin.


Her Lover is a short story by Russian writer Maxim Gorky. Debates three views. The first one is human loneliness, lack of communication, fragmented and lost identity in modern industrialized Russian society, which was actually a general view in the early decades of the twentieth century. Secondly, Gorky endows his fictional character Teresa with the Romantic energy which enables her to survive her misery and loneliness by inventing an imaginary lover. Finally, the paper examines the views of prejudice and “self-sufficiency” which put serious hurdles before real communication and thus cause the spiritual and moral decay in social life and relationships. Famous Novels of the author Maxim Gorky: Goremyka Pavel, Published in English as Orphan Paul, Foma Gordeyev, Three of Them, Also translated as Three Men, The Mother, The Life of a Useless Man, A Confession, Okurov City, The Life of Matvei Kozhemyakin, The Artamonov Business, Life of Klim Samgin.