
Hired: one wife!Annabelle Forrester has only ever loved one man–Rand Dumbarton. The gorgeous tycoon had swept her off her feet and proposed marriage. But their whirlwind courtship had ended bitterly. Annabelle had been unable to forgive him for trying to make her choose between him and her job.The pint-size private eye is, however, shocked when her latest client turns out to be none other than Rand Dumbarton. It seems to Annabelle a cruel twist of fate that the man who couldn't accept her occupation now needs her help. But does Rand want her for business–or as his bride?Love UndercoverTheir mission was marriage!


Lessons in love?Whitney Lawrence is determined to find the man who seduced her eighteen-year-old sister and left her pregnant. So, going undercover on the same school trip her sister took, she sets a seduction trap! Her immediate suspect is Hank Smith, the gorgeous French teacher….But «Mr. Smith» is not what he seems. He's not her sister's seducer, nor is he a teacher. He's Gerard Roch, private investigator. And he's very alarmed to find himself attracted to «teenage temptress» Whitney. An honorable man, he decides to give up the case he's working on, and get out fast. Until he discovers that she's no eighteen-year-old girl, but a twenty-six-year-old all-too-attractive woman….Love UndercoverTheir mission was marriage!


The baby surprise…Diana Rawlins has turned up at the hospital with amnesia and a baby in her arms! She doesn't remember how either of them happened. Her husband, Cal, is determined to get to the bottom of the mystery–especially since one of the things his wife doesn't remember is being married to him!Diana only seems to care about one thing–the baby Cal knows can't possibly be hers. But he isn' t going to give Diana up without a fight. If the baby if the key to her heart, he'll move heaven and earth to ensure that his new family can stay together.Love UndercoverTheir mission was marriage!


Manhattan millionaire Payne Sterling is used to being in the public eye, but his notoriety goes too far when he sees his picture on a succession of new romance novels! Payne has never posed for any portrait, so he's determined to track down the artist who's embarrassed him…. Beautiful, talented Rainey Bennet had seen Payne's photo in her brother's holiday snaps and, having no idea he was a famous entrepreneur, she thought he made perfect «hero» material!In the flesh, he's just as gorgeous – but now he's taking her to court! Until the powerful tycoon proposes a way for Rainey to pay him back!


Can she melt his frozen heart?Since taking over the luxurious Ferriers perfume brand, new CEO Jasmine Martin has been fighting an uphill battle to prove she deserves her high-powered position! Especially to brooding tycoon Luc Charriere, the most distractingly handsome man she’s ever met…Luc doesn’t trust easily, but Jasmine needs his help, and something in her beautiful blue eyes tempts him to offer his support. And when Luc realises how much he cares for her, he’ll risk everything to keep the woman who stole his heart by his side…


His only chance to be a father…Navy SEAL captain Nikos Vassalos is a shell of the man he once was. Tortured by PTSD, he isolates himself on his luxury yacht. But his bitter solitude is interrupted–by a heavily pregnant woman who tells him he's about to be a dad!Putting her own deep-rooted fears of rejection aside, Stephanie Marsh is determined that her baby will know its father. Only this cold, suspicious Nikos is not the man she once fell for. Will the tiny miracle growing inside her help them find the happy ending they both deserve–together?


A bride for the billionaire…Dea Caraccilo spent her whole life feeling inferior to her twin sister – never more so than when she first met billionaire Guido Rossano… Since then, Dea’s worked hard to put her old self behind her, and to see life from a glass-half-full perspective!For Guido, enchanting Dea is the one that got away. So when a fate throws them together again, Guido seizes his chance like the ruthless billionaire businessman he is! But can he win the only prize worth having: feisty, secretly vulnerable Dea as his wife?


The hours that Sami Argyle spent in the arms of Italian stranger Count Ric Degenoli were the most amazing of her life.In Ric she found a man she could love for ever – but then tragedy ripped him from her embrace, leaving her expecting his child… Ric has never forgotten Sami, and when they find each other again he’s thrilled to discover he’s a father. Now all he wants for Christmas is his miracle family – together at last…


The Italian’s baby bombshell!Two months ago, Irena and Vincenzo spent a heady week together. Their connection was instant, deep, strong. Yet it could never last – she was destined to marry another. But now Irena is pregnant and alone… Vincenzo has never forgotten Irena. When he hears of her plight he takes control the only way he knows how: by offering marriage!Living in Vincenzo’s Mediterranean palazzo seems idyllic – but Vincenzo’s about to discover that the tiny baby inside Irena actually does belong to him!


The soldier’s homecoming Plucked from obscurity to model in an exciting campaign on the Amalfi coast, Annabelle Marsh can’t wait for her month away! Surely when she’s surrounded by so much natural beauty her emotional bruises can’t help but recover?However, she’s planned to heal her wounds in private – sharing accommodation with a darkly brooding, battle-scarred army pilot is not on the agenda! Ex-nurse Annabelle is compelled to help Lucca, even though he’s got ‘keep out’ written all over him. But once the spark between them ignites, it’s impossible to put out…