
A bride for the holidays…?The only thing Thea's looking for on her vacation on the Greek island of Crete is a little R and R–she certainly doesn't expect to find herself roped in to being Rhys Kingsford's pretend fiancée! It definitely isn't relaxing being around Rhys–in fact being with him is exciting, exhilarating…and everything Thea's ever wanted!Back home, Christmas is coming and reality sinks in. Perhaps it was just a holiday fling? Rhys is a single dad, and Thea's not sure there's room in his life for her. But Rhys has other ideas.


Three steps to the altar!Monday–Buy stylish suit Bubbly Lucy West has always thought she can handle anything. That's before she meets charismatic and utterly irresistible tycoon Guy Dangerfield, who challenges her to find a «real» job for a change! Tuesday–Find proper job So, determined to prove she has what it takes, Lucy secures a top job–working for Guy! Wednesday–Fall in love with the boss!Lucy thrives in her new role…and it's all down to her gorgeous boss. Lucy has a smile on her face, a spring in her step–and maybe, just maybe, Guy will put a ring on her finger!


Single mom Martha Shaw has a gorgeous new boss–Lewis Mansfield. She's nanny to his niece and is about to spend six months on a tropical island with him and the babies! Martha quickly falls deeply in love with her sexy boss. But he seems happy being a carefree bachelor with no plans to settle down…Will Martha risk all by telling Lewis how she really feels?


Perdita James is thrilled with her new job, until a personality quiz reveals she's an attention-seeking peacock!Her boss, Edward Merrick, is a panther–forceful, decisive and more than a little ruthless. Perdita's head tells her to ignore her attraction and work hard for a promotion. But somehow, whenever she's with single-dad Ed, she feels anything but professional. She's becoming crazy about her boss!



Aš tai padariau! Sugebėjau įtikinti Simoną Valentiną – neįkalbamą, bet fantastišką TV žvaigždę – filmuotis dokumentiniame filme apie romantiką! Nebuvo lengva: Simonui, garsiajam finansų guru, populiarumas kelia tik juoką! Jis sako nesidomįs širdies romanais, bet juk turėjo likti bent vienas romantiškas kaulelis šio vyro kūne? Labai norėčiau išsiaiškinti, tačiau po nevykusio pastarojo savo romano prisiekiau daugiau neprasidėti su vyrais. Privalau išlikti profesionali, nors tai ne taip paprasta… juk filmuojame romantiškiausiame pasaulio mieste… Klara