



Agent: Ethan WilliamsMission: Intercept international jewel thieves with information on the whereabouts of a missing agent.Deepest Secret: He's spent his life searching for his parents' killers, but the answers he seeks are closer than he thinks….Millionaire Ethan Williams risks death daily to save innocent lives. And they don't come more innocent than Kelly Taylor, his longtime friend and new partner. Ethan has doubts about her until he watches Kelly, the sweet girl next door, transform herself into a seductive siren capable of conquering any man she wants–and she wants Ethan.But this mission means more than finding a missing agent. In a dangerous gamble Ethan must choose: Would he rather fulfill his need to know his past, or protect Kelly, the woman who could be his future?


Air force captain Josie Lockworth came from a long line of American patriots and was expected to follow her family's example. But after a good friend's death, the usually savvy Athena Academy graduate wasn't performing at her best.Still, when the project she'd been working on for months crashed and burned, she knew it wasn't due to her negligence. Someone was trying to sabotage her career. With the authorities after her head and an unsettling inspector looking over her shoulder, Josie raced to clear her name before she became the next casualty of war….Athena Force: Chosen for their talents. Trained to be the best. The women of Athena Academy shared an unbreakable bond…until one of them was murdered.


Flying a dangerous rescue into a war-torn country to save his two little orphaned brothers was all in a day's work for air force hero Daniel Baker. But finding Mary Elise McRae stowed away on board–scared, alone and living her life on the run from an ex-husband who wanted her dead–was the last thing he'd ever expected.She'd been his best friend, his lover and nearly his wife. Danny would stop at nothing to keep her safe…even if it meant falling in love with her all over again.


Dashing. Devastating. Dangerous.David Reis exuded power with every move of his custom-suited body. He'd been the fantasy of Starr Cimino's teenage dreams–her first lover, her biggest heartbreak. And now that he was back, she didn't dare fall under his influence again.But David was not about to call a truce. He was determined to have Starr back in his bed and planned a seduction no woman could resist.


Dr. Kathleen O'Connell's years in the air force had taught her a thing or two about handling arrogant top-gun pilots. But there was one hotshot flyboy who'd always gotten past her defenses. And now he was her unwelcome partner–on the most dangerous mission of her career.Captain Tanner «Bronco» Bennett had always known how to break through her cool, professional exterior and touch the passionate, sensuous woman beneath. But they had a deadly mystery to solve–and she had to keep things strictly business.She thought she could keep him in line–maybe–but she wasn't so sure about her own traitorous heart….


FROM WEEKEND AFFAIR TO NINE-MONTH COMMITMENTThree months after a whirlwind affair, Claire McDermott discovered she was carrying Vic Jansen's child. She knew if she told him, he'd offer marriage. But she wanted more than just an honorable response from the man who once – who still – ignited her passion.After he discovered the truth, nothing was keeping Vic from his child…or the woman who continued to haunt his dreams. But Claire's demand for an emotional union wasn't something he could allow. His heart was closed and not even Claire, and her undeniable beauty, would change his mind.


Penkių knygų serija „Alfa brolija“. Pirma knyga. Susieti bendros priesaikos šie milijardieriai gali turėti viską… išskyrus meilę. Kartais blogiausias sprendimas gali būti teisingiausias Hilarė Rait visuomet traukė blogiukus. Palikta vaikino ir siekdama apginti savo gerą vardą, ji sutiko su nepadoriu pasiūlymu – apsimesti Trojaus Donovano palydove. Praeityje visiems gerai žinomas prastos reputacijos programišius dabar – geras berniukas… ir seksualus milijardierius. Trojaus reputacija kaip tik tokia, kokios Hilarė senokai nusprendė vengti savo gyvenime, bet jo paslaptingumas tik dar labiau vilioja. Su kiekvienu nuodėmingu bučiniu jos baimės ir pasipriešinimas tirpsta tarsi ledas saulėje. O būti tokiai pažeidžiamai galingos aistros akivaizdoje – bloga išeitis.