
THE BRIDE HAS A SERIOUS CASE OF… PREGNANCY!The stick was blue – and positive! Any way she looked at it, Denise Torrance's well-ordered life was about to turn upside down… and all because of an unexpected night with the man of her dreams! But when that very man insisted they marry for their child's sake, Denise could only hope Mike Ryan would be the groom of her dreams, too… .There was no denying the passion that burned between them – her handsome new husband's desire for her hadn't cooled a bit. But dare Denise hope to win his heart?


Everything about Lily Cunningham, the newly arrived public relations maven of Merlyn County, put widower Ron Bingham on edge, from his nerves to his heart. But no amount of breath-stealing attraction would change the facts: Ron had married–and lost–the love of his life long ago.He knew that when it came to true love, there was no such thing as a second chance. But now, this city girl's feisty flirtations and blond beauty have gotten under his skin–and into his soul–and he's begun to think maybe he could have forever…again.


Upon seeing Sadie Price with twin girls, Rick Pruitt realises he has some proposing to do. never would have left if he’d known Sadie was carrying his babies. Yet the feisty single mum has no intention of agreeing to a loveless marriage.e believes vows should last a lifetime, not be declared out of obligation. Making it Rick’s mission to change her mind…


LILAH, A MILITARY WIFE? NO WAY!For years, Lilah Forrest had dodged her matchmaking colonel father's 'bachelor bullets.' But that didn't stop him from steamrolling Sergeant Kevin Rogan into playing Lilah's personal escort. She'd never marry military–not even sexy soldier Rogan. But at the drill instructor's touch, her icy emotions did a swift about-face…and the virgin found herself unable to resist his masterful seduction. Still, Lilah knew what she wanted in a man–and gruff and solitary wasn't it. So why, after just one more night of loving, did she want to give this marine his marching orders…to meet her at the altar?


WILL YOU MARRY ME… TEMPORARILY?If Jenny Blake didn't marry in four days, horrors upon horrors would befall her, according to a legendary family curse. Yet standing in her polka-dot dress in the middle of the Love Me Tender Wedding Chapel with hired husband «Jimmy the Lip» wasn't her idea of the perfect wedding. Luckily, a very handsome stranger came to her rescue!Bounty hunter Nick Tarantelli just couldn't let innocent Jenny be taken advantage of – especially by her crooked groom-to-be. He had to stop this marriage. But what he didn't expect was to step in as her temporary husband to save the desperate woman – or wishing for a lifetime of wedding nights with his beautiful blushing bride… .


The prodigal ex-husband returns—as the boss—in this novel by USA TODAY bestselling author Maureen ChildAfter two long years, Sam Wyatt is home. He has big plans for his family’s ski resort. But first he must face those he left behind—including the ex-wife he has never forgotten.Lacy Sills-Wyatt has barely recovered from Sam’s desertion. Now he's her boss! How can she work with him every day? And how can she keep from falling for him all over again? The answer is: she can’t. But when Lacy learns Sam has ulterior motives for rekindling their romance, she’s not sure she can forgive him…not even with an unexpected pregnancy to consider!


Janine Shakerit oli raske üllatada, kuid siis teeb multimiljonär Max Striver talle ettepaneku astuda näilisse abiellu. Maxil on vaja ajutist abikaasat ja ihaldusväärne Janine tundub selleks hästi sobivat. Ta teab, et Janine’il on võimatu keelduda nii rahast kui ka voodist. Kuid nende võltsabielu osutub oodatust kirglikumaks. Kas see kõik on ainult teesklus?


Šešių knygų serija „Beverli Hilso Hadsonai“. Šešta knyga. Gundymai Holivudo stiliumi Devlino Hadsono dar niekas nebuvo atstūmęs. Hadsonų studijos vadovas būtų galėjęs turėti bet kurią moterį, bet jam norėjosi tokios, kuri nekeltų reikalavimų. Manė, kad jo žmona Valeri kaip tik tokia ir yra. Tačiau ji, rimta ir prideramai visur besielgianti, ėmė ir pareiškė norinti skirtis. Devlinui beliko visomis išgalėmis mėginti ją išsaugoti. Jis kovos ir susigrąžins žaviąją Valeri senamadišku būdu…


Dėl meilės nebuvo tartasi Džordžija Peidž sutinka tekėti už Šono Konelio, nors žino, kad tai tikra beprotybė. Vis dėlto suvaidinti milijardieriaus sužadėtinę neturėtų būti labai sudėtinga. Bent iki tol, kol jo motinos sveikata pasitaisys. Ji tikrai atsilaikys prieš šio vyro kerus… tai kas, kad jis nuodėmingai patrauklus ir nustabiai vaidina atsidavusį mylimąjį. Viskas atrodo taip paprasta, kol suvaidinti bučiniai ir apsimestinai švelnūs prisilietimai nuveda per toli. Ten, kur jie neketino atsidurti.


Atėjau pasiimti to, kas mano. Kai arogantiškas airių milijardierius Ronanas Konolis sutinka Lorą Peidž, oras aplink juos įsielektrina. Jis – pavojingas. Ji – saugus prieglobstis. Aistra tampa nevaldoma. Viskas vyksta per greitai. Reikia nutraukti romaną, kol tai netapo pernelyg rimta. Bet išlaikyti atstumą, pasirodo, ne taip paprasta. Ronanas grįžta tikėdamasis susigrąžinti Lorą. Tačiau moteris tam nenusiteikusi. Ji įskaudinta, pikta… ir kažką slepia.