
UNCOVERED: A LIST OF NOBLEMEN’S NAMES – EACH ONE GUILTY OF TREASONTo save his family legacy Rafe Densmore must seize a courtesan’s infamous register. No one can ever know how his father betrayed his country! One person stands in Rafe’s way – the beautiful Cornelia, Comtesse de Vane.In the card rooms of Paris, Rafe and Cornelia once made an unbeatable… intimate team. Until, convinced of Rafe’s desertion, desperate Cornelia married an elderly comte. Now, returning to London an impoverished widow, she’ll do anything to possess the register. Even if that means becoming Rafe’s partner once again…


From gentleman to rogueWho had her former fiancé become?Captured by pirates off the Virginia coast, Lady Cassandra Shepherd is shocked to see in the blue eyes of Captain Rose the young man she loved and lost. What has caused him to exchange his honour for a chance at revenge? But now he needs her help. Dare Cas believe the captain can reclaim his life as an upstanding gentleman and with it, her hand in marriage?


Can He Salvage her Reputation?Trapped in the Arctic ice, intrepid explorer Captain Conrad Essington was driven on by thoughts of his fiancée, Katie Vickers. Finally home, he’s ready to take her in his arms and kiss away the nightmare of that devastating winter.Except the last eighteen months haven’t been plain sailing for Katie either. With Conrad believed dead, and her reputation in tatters, Katie has relinquished all hope of her fiancé ever returning to save her. Now he’s back, can the dreams they’ve both put on hold at last come true?


Julia Howard longs for the freedom her inheritance will bring her – but with her controlling brother holding the purse strings she’s going to need a most convenient engagement… And an encounter in the woods with a dashing stranger couldn’t be more timely.Wounded, his life at sea at an end, Captain James Covington isn’t prepared for the dull ache of civilian life. He sees in Julia a fellow adventurous spirit – willing to risk all. Could agreeing to her outrageous proposal help him recapture a reason to live as they face the biggest adventure of all – marriage?


To have and to hold, no matter the cost!A Debt Paid in Marriage by Georgie LeeThe last thing Laura Townsend expects to see is Philip Rathbone on her armed with a very surprising proposal! A marriage of convenience might be Laura's chance to reclaim her future, but she won't settle for anything less than true passion. Can she hope to find it in Philip's arms… ?A Too Convenient Marriage by Georgie LeeLate one night Susanna Lambert bursts uninvited into a Justin Connor’s carriage, turning both their worlds upside down. But as wedding bells begin to chime Susanna discovers she’s carrying a huge secret… One that could turn to dust all promises of happiness as Justin’s wife!


Kad apsaugotų šeimos palikimą, Rafas Densmoras turi gauti liūdnai pagarsėjusį kurtizanės sąrašą. Niekam nevalia sužinoti, kaip jo tėvas išdavė šalį! Tačiau Rafo kelyje stovi vienas žmogus – gražioji Kornelija, grafienė de Vein. Prieš daug metų, slėpdamiesi mažame kambarėlyje Paryžiuje, Rafas ir Kornelija buvo neįveikiami… ir labai artimi. Rafui pabėgus, Kornelija buvo priversta ištekėti už senyvo grafo. Dabar ji, nuskurdusi našlė, grįžta į Londoną ir padarys viską, kad gautų kurtizanės sąrašą. Net jei turės vėl tapti Rafo partnere.