
It's true what they say–all the good guys are married……or have Mob connections!And Natalie Dorset should know. The guy who moved in downstairs may be gorgeous, but the things he says–who uses «whacked» anymore?–and the way he dresses… Well, let's just say that Jack Miller isn't the type you bring home to Mom. Good enough reason for Natalie to stay clear.Too bad their landlady is cracking matchmaking schemes that make covert ops look like child's play. But before this little–okay, it's a pretty big–attraction can get out of hand, Natalie is determined to get to the bottom of Jack's story.Because maybe…just maybe…this time the good guy wears black.


There has been a mistake!When best friends Becca Mercer and Turner McCloud go to a hypnotherapist, they expect to be cured of their smoking habit. Clearly the treatment hasn't worked, because they're both still smoking. Oh, and now they're having sex. Lots and lots of sex. And it's definitely changing things between them.Lovers come and go, but friends? Is she ready to sacrifice her best bud for the sake of a little–okay, a lot–of seductive satisfaction? And yet, how can she possibly resist such an indecently sensual suggestion?Can men and women have sex and still be friends?


THE LOVE BET?The bettor: Sexy Sean Monahan. At stake: dating beautiful– if slightly flaky– Autumn Pulaski, the new girl in town, for more than her prescribed four weeks. If he could only get her to go out with him for eight weeks, then she' d be in danger of breaking her rule. Or was he the one in danger?While her no-man-for-more-than-four-weeks policy might sound a bit bizarre, twice-jilted Autumn was not about to risk her heart again. Not even for the bluest eyes this side of paradise. But when the four weeks were over, the sound of her rule had been replaced by… funny thing, they sounded like… wedding bells?


Can you really find the perfect man online?Avery Nesbitt thought she might have struck online-dating gold–Adrian was perfect onscreen. But as the adage goes, if something seems too good to be true…. Before Avery knows it, a flesh-and-blood man calling himself Dixon breaks in to her home. Apparently she's been under surveillance by his agency for some time, and now she's in deep, deep trouble.Dixon has worked for OPUS for years, and he's wanted to get his hands on Adrian Padgett for most of them. He assumes that Avery is part of Adrian's criminal pursuits. But could she possibly be as innocent as she's claiming?One thing's for sure–if Avery agrees to go undercover for OPUS, she and Dixon will be working in very close quarters….


His fantasies never involved having a family–until Seth met nurse Prudence Holloway and her baby. So when Pru needed a one-night groom, he gallantly offered his husbandly services.Pru might have done some irresponsible things in her life, but falling for Seth–aka Dr. Insufferable–would not be one of them. Unless, of course, Dr. Dangerous was serious about becoming a Dr. Daddy…


A billionaire, a baby—and a family secret that changes everything!Renny Twigg's job is simple: locate a mobster's long-lost grandson—not end up in witness protection with him! But after informing self-made billionaire Tate Hawthorne of his unknown family ties, that's exactly what happens. It's clear the sable-haired heartthrob doesn't want to be the next Iron Don. Still, he's more than game to be her temporary lover. But when baby makes three… He's having enough trouble keeping famiglia out of his life. What's he supposed to do with a family?


Sylvie's Wish Life would be perfect for Sylvie Venner if she had a baby.Not marriage, not a husband – just a baby. Of course, she would need a teensy favor from a willing male acquaintance – someone who had no desire for a family. Fortunately, she had the perfect candidate… .Chase's Child Confirmed bachelor Chase Buchanan would do almost anything for a friend. But what Sylvie wanted went above and beyond the call of duty! How could he agree to father her child, and still stay «just friends» when he wanted so much more?



BLAME IT ON BOB BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR…Too bad sexy Rosemary March didn't heed this advice – because as an adolescent, she'd harbored a secret wish to get even with nerdy, brainy Willis Random. She'd also has other secret wishes involving him – ones she hoped to realize if she ever got the chance.And suddenly, thirteen years later, there was a chance – all six feet two inches of him – knocking at her door. And as Rosemary stared at the magnificent speciment that Willis had turned into, she swore she was going to have one more crack at him.Prove to the science whiz that hers was a body as worthy of study as any comet's. If it was the last thing she did…BLAME IT ON BOB:The comet passes through only once every fifteen years… but it leaves behind a lifetime of love!


BLAME IT ON BOB AFTER YEARS OF WAITING FOR MR. RIGHT…Hometown girl Kirby Connaught was saving herself – if not for marriage, then at least for the perfect man. Someone who was husband and father material. Someone who was clearly… not the arrogant and sexy, no-strings-attached playboy at her door. So why was she having such a hard time resisting him?WAS IT OKAY TO SAMPLE A LITTLE OF MR. WRONG? Globe-trotting bachelor James Nash was the «most desirable man in America,» yet suddenly a small corner of it was looking mighty appealing to him. He knew that Kirby really wanted happily-ever-after with a local boy – but what was the harm in getting her to expand her territory a little?BLAME IT ON BOB: The comet passes through only once every fifteen years… but it leaves behind a lifetime of love!