
As December turns Lake Eden into the North Pole, the heat is on in Hannah Swensen’s kitchen to honor two Christmas promises: baking irresistible holiday cupcakes and preventing a person who attempted murder from succeeding the second time around!   While Hannah speeds through a lengthy holiday checklist, drama in town grows like Santa’s waistline on Christmas Eve. Her sister Andrea wants to stave off the blues by helping out at The Cookie Jar, Michele’s love life is becoming complicated, Lisa needs Hannah’s advice, and Delores has a Christmas secret she’s not willing to share. But nothing dampens the holiday mood more than the chilling mystery surrounding the man found near death in an abandoned storefront two doors down from Hannah’s bakery . . .   The befuddled John Doe can’t recall a thing about himself—except for his unusual knowledge of restoring antique furniture. With a smattering of clues and barely enough time to frost Christmas cookies, Hannah must solve a deadly puzzle that could leave her dashing through the snow for her life!  Features Over a Dozen Cookie and Dessert Recipes from The Cookie Jar!    


Joanne Fluke’i lood sellest, kuidas koogikuninganna Hannah Swensen küpsetamise kõrval mõrvu lahendab, on tuntud heade retseptide, mõnusa huumori ja nutikate lõppude poolest. Sel korral leiab Hannah koolihoovi prügikastist linnakese võimuka šerifi Granti laiba. Hannah ei saa asja niisama jätta mitte üksnes seetõttu, et tal on detektiivitööks nii huvi kui annet, vaid ka sellepärast, et peamine kahtlusalune on Bill – tema õemees. Milliseid saladusi peidab see pealtnäha leebe linnake ja tema siivsad kodanikud? Hannah ei tea, aga ta uurib välja.


Kujundanud Liis Karu
Kirjastus Tänapäev, 2020

Jõulupidustuste traditsioonid on Minnesotas kahtlemata suure au sees ja Lake Edeni väikelinna elanikud on asunud Hannah Swenseni juhtimisel isukalt pühadeks ettevalmistusi tegema. Linna iga-aastane jõulupidu on viimaseks võimaluseks testida retsepte, mille Hannah on kokaraamatu „Lake Edeni jõulutoidud“ tarbeks kokku kogunud. Hiljaaegu abielu lahutanud Martin Dubinski saabub linnarahva ühisele jõuluõhtusöögile oma uue sädeleva abikaasa, Las Vegase endise tantsutüdrukuga, kel üll kallis karusnahast kasukas. Martini esimene naine paistab sellesse suhtuvat täieliku ükskõiksusega, ta on täpselt sama külm ja kange kui peolistele pakutav munaliköör. Kui aga magustoidulaualt kaob Hannah’ ema vanaaegne tordinuga ning see leitakse uue – ja selleks ajaks juba siitilmast lahkunud – proua Dubinski rinnust, kipub pidu rööbastelt maha jooksma. Lumetormi tõttu on peolised seltsimajas lõksus ja Hannah on sunnitud tapja leidmiseks proovile panema kõik oma uurimisoskused ning kasutama kõiki käepäraseid vahendeid – ehk pooli Lake Edeni elanikke. Lumehangede kasvades tuleb tal välja kaevata kõik juhtlõngad ja veenduda, et valged jõulud ei tooks rohkem halbu uudiseid …






Bakery owner Hannah Swensen is back–and the cookies are crumbling–as acclaimed author Joanne Fluke serves readers another helping of murder, mayhem, and mouthwatering mystery. . . Blueberry Muffin Murder Preparations are underway for Lake Eden, Minnesota's annual Winter Carnival–and Hannah Swensen is set to bake up a storm at her popular shop, The Cookie Jar. Too bad the honor of creating the official Winter Carnival cake went to famous lifestyle maven Connie Mac–a half-baked idea, in Hannah's opinion. She suspects Connie Mac is a lot like the confections she whips up on her cable TV cooking show–sweet, light, and scrumptious-looking, but likely to leave a bitter taste in your mouth. Hannah's suspicions are confirmed when Connie Mac's limo rolls into town. Turns out America's «Cooking Sweetheart» is bossy, bad-tempered, and downright domineering. Things finally boil over when Hannah arrives at The Cookie Jar to find the Winter Carnival cake burnt to a crisp—and Connie Mac lying dead in her pantry, struck down while eating one of Hannah's famous blueberry muffins. Next thing Hannah knows, the police have declared The Cookie Jar's kitchen crime scene off-limits. She's a baker without an oven–and the Carnival is right around the corner. Hannah's only alternative is to cook up a plan to save her business–by finding the killer herself. . . [/b][b]Includes seven original cookie and dessert recipes for you to try! "Delicious food descriptions and recipes, warm and familiar characters who grow into real people. . .a vivid picture of the small lake town and a well-crafted mystery provide the ingredients for yet another tempting feast that should satisfy all fans, old and new."– Publishers Weekly

