
His faith was being tested for the first time: Chad Reece's promising pro football career was cut short by a devastating accident, and then a kidney transplant revealed his biological parents were a couple he'd considered family friends. Shaken, Chad was determined to recover on his own, when he met Vicky Lanham, a pretty hospital volunteer. Vicky's passion for mission work impressed Chad, who felt a call of his own to assist others. Perhaps it was the start of God's new plan – a life together helping others.


To Linc Carey, Maddie Horton had always been a gangly kid with braces.So when a gorgeous woman walked off the plane, Linc was stunned at the changes in his late commanding offi cer's daughter. The Hawaiian holiday was his belated graduation present to Maddie, who'd been thrilled when her former crush invited her for a Christmas visit.Neither expected romance to blossom in such a short time. But Maddie's dream trip soon turned ugly when the people responsible for her father's murder set their sights on her. Can Linc protect Maddie from her yuletide stalker?


A NOTE FROM NERISSA BLANCHARD Now that my twin has found love, she wants me to be as happy as she is. She doesn't know how blue coming home to this empty house makes me. And our poor mother–I found her in the library, murdered. I'm thankful that Drew Lancaster was one of the first officers on the scene. He's encouraging and supportive (and he's handsome, too!).Lately, I've been hearing strange things around the house, and I worry that Mother's killer–or maybe someone else–is trying to push me over the edge of madness.


When Janice Reid and her younger sister, Brooke, moved into their ancestral home, threatening letters and ominous phone calls made it obvious they were not welcome in Stanton, West Virginia. But Janice had always dreamed of providing a stable, safe home for Brooke, and she was determined to stay, no matter who wanted them out.For the first time, Lance Gordon, Brooke's principal, was worried about someone outside his small world–a beautiful woman and her little sister. He was afraid the «pranks» would escalate–and Janice would get hurt. Lance was determined to discover the source of the trouble, no matter what the cost.


As a teenager, Norah Williamson believed she had a calling from God, but she had put everything on hold for the sake of her family. Now her obligations were over, and she was finally ready to pursue her own dreams.Widower Mason King had lost all hope of ever seeing his dreams come true– dreams of a Christian wife, and of children growing up to inherit his family' s ranch. The emotions his new cook, Norah, stirred in him were the last thing he' d ever expected to feel again.But whatever Norah and Mason had planned, it looked as though both their futures were in the capable hands of a higher power.


NO ONE CAN CHANGE THE PAST…But after an eight-year absence, Autumn Weaver was finally home for a brief stay, and hoping to find forgiveness and heal family wounds. She never thought she'd run into the man who'd captured her heart as a young girl, and who'd permeated every dream since.Nathan Holland had awakened Autumn's eighteen-year-old love. Despite the strife that had plagued her family, with him, she'd been able to forget. But at a pivotal moment she'd made the wrong choice. And now–even with time passed–she wasn't sure if Nathan would forgive her.But with God's help everything was possible….


LOVE FOUNDHe had been her first and only love. Yet when Lorene Harvey met Perry Saunders again after twenty years, she was amazed by the emotions sweeping through her. She wanted desperately for them to have a second chance, but Lorene had a secret…one she feared Perry would never forgive.She was the love of his life. Or so Perry had thought in college. And when Lorene had suddenly disappeared, he had vowed to never love again. Now he knew his feelings had never died. But would he ever convince her that his forgiveness and love were hers for the asking?


TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASONRural North Carolina was the last place military man David Brown ever expected to call home. Brought here by tragedy, he now shared guardianship of his niece and nephew with a woman he' d never dreamed would share his home–or his attraction….Wall Street banker Summer Weaver had never asked God for anything. Now she prayed for strength to care for her sister' s orphaned children–and found herself leaning on their uncle for support. Summer never imagined that footloose David could ever become so steadfast–or that she' d be willing to give up everything that had seemed important for something that mattered far more….


MOTHERLY MIRACLESChildless, widowed and at loose ends, Alice Larkin prayed only to be of service. And if ever a family needed her help, it was handsome, tormented ex-minister Mark Tanner and his two motherless children….Alice agreed to be their live-in nanny for a time, hoping to perform some motherly miracles, then move on. She'd turn their untidy house into a home. Make two lonely kids healthy and happier. Alice never expected to lose her heart to the blue-eyed pastor and his little flock. Yet soon this temporary «mom» longed for a miracle of her own: to restore Mark's troubled soul to the Lord…and to love.


College sweethearts Amelia Stone and Chase Ramsey had married right after graduation, but infidelity destroyed their young marriage. Now, more than a decade later, severe flooding in West Virginia had brought them together again in their mellow years. They were older, wiser…and both had become Christians. Their working side by side for disaster relief rekindled the flame that had never been extinguished, and they learned what makes a marriage truly last–patience and forgiveness. Was God giving this special couple a second chance at love?