
Get up to date on tax-exempt healthcare law and relevant issues The Law of Tax-Exempt Healthcare Organizations, Fouth Edition provides complete and comprehensive information and analysis in a single volume – this is the e-book version. Tackling complex legal issues with plain-English explanations and the appropriate citations, this guide is a must-have resource for organizations and their advisors. Healthcare law is a complex field, and keeping up with the frequent changes to federal law is itself a full time job. This book eliminates the need for extended research time by collecting the relevant guidelines into one place.


Raising funds to fulfill a nonprofit organization's goals is critical to its success, but fundraising regulations are an increasingly complex maze. The Law of Fundraising, Fifth Edition is the definitive guide to demystifying federal and state fundraising regulations. With new discussion on Internet fundraising, political fundraising laws, and international fundraising, this book details federal and state laws, with an emphasis on administrative, tax, and constitutional laws. This guide is supplemented annually to keep nonprofit professionals on top of the latest fundraising legal developments.









The New Form 990 covers the law, policy, and preparation of the new IRS Form 990. It includes summaries of the law underlying each of the parts and questions in the return, so that the preparer can understand the background law in formulating answers on the return. The subject matter is particularly timely and relevant given the release of the draft Form 990 last summer, the expected release of the final Form 990 in early 2008, and the commencement of the first tax year to which the form applies on January 1, 2008.