
WHO WANTS MADELINE WESTFIELD DEAD? AND WHY?Forensic Instincts' first order of business is to find out who's targeting their client. Under the leadership of Casey Woods, the investigative team has the resources to do just that, working inside the law–and outside it. FI's strength is its members, among them Casey's associate Marc Devereaux, former navy SEAL and a man who's equal to any situation.Except maybe this one…Madeline's case hits too close to home for Marc. She's the only woman he ever loved, and she's his only weakness. Now a nurse at Manhattan Memorial, she's terrified because someone is trying to kill her. So she turns, reluctantly, to Marc and FI for help and protection.Meanwhile, Manhattan Memorial is in turmoil. With a merger in the works, the staff is still haunted by their hospital administrator's sudden death–during heart surgery performed by Madeline's ex-husband, Conrad. A surgery at which Madeline was present. The killer seems to blame both Madeline and Conrad…With a growing list of suspects–including the grieving widow and a string of scorned lovers–Forensic Instincts will have to figure out who has the greatest incentive to get rid of Madeline. And FI has to work fast to save her…before she's permanently silenced.




College-age girls with long red hair are being brutally murdered, posed like victims in a film noir. Each crime scene is eerily similar to the twisted fantasy of a serial offender now serving thirty years to life – a criminal brought to justice with the help of Casey Woods and her investigative team, Forensic Instincts.Call.Kill.Repeat.But the similarities are more than one psychopath’s desire to outdo another.As more red-haired victims are added to the body count, it becomes clear that each one has been chosen because of a unique connection to Casey… Now the Forensic Instincts team must uncover the identity of a serial killer before his ever-tightening circle of death closes in on Casey, the ultimate target.As the stalker methodically moves in on his prey, his actions make two things clear: He knows everything about Casey. And he won't stop until she’s dead.


WHO WANTS MADELINE WESTFIELD DEAD? AND WHY?Forensic Instincts' first order of business is to find out who's targeting their client. Under the leadership of Casey Woods, the investigative team has the resources to do just that, working inside the law–and outside it. FI's strength is its members, among them Casey's associate Marc Devereaux, former navy SEAL and a man who's equal to any situation.Except maybe this one…Madeline's case hits too close to home for Marc. She's the only woman he ever loved, and she's his only weakness. Now a nurse at Manhattan Memorial, she's terrified because someone is trying to kill her. So she turns, reluctantly, to Marc and FI for help and protection.Meanwhile, Manhattan Memorial is in turmoil. With a merger in the works, the staff is still haunted by their hospital administrator's sudden death–during heart surgery performed by Madeline's ex-husband, Conrad. A surgery at which Madeline was present. The killer seems to blame both Madeline and Conrad…With a growing list of suspects–including the grieving widow and a string of scorned lovers–Forensic Instincts will have to figure out who has the greatest incentive to get rid of Madeline. And FI has to work fast to save her…before she's permanently silenced.


The man she loved is gone forever. The child she lives for could be next. Each day is a struggle for Amanda Gleason’s newborn son as he battles a rare immune deficiency. Justin’s best chance for a cure lies with his father, who was brutally murdered before Amanda even realised she carried his child. Or was he?One e-mailed photo changes everything, planting a seed of doubt that Amanda latches on to for dear life: a recent photo of a man who looks exactly like Paul. Could Justin’s father be alive? Or worse, could Amanda be about to uncover a shocking truth that transcends her own family’s darkest secrets? A truth that could change lives forever…


YOUR LITTLE GIRL HAS BEEN STOLEN. HOW FAR WOULD YOU GO TO GET HER BACK? One hour ago Hope Willis’s daughter got into a car identical to her mother’s. A stranger’s car. It took less than 10 seconds for the locks to close. A team on the outside of the law is the only hope. But they demand absolute truth and dark secrets are lurking.A twin sister snatched 32 years ago, a safe packed full of dirty money, a sordid affair one parent will do anything to keep secret.I'm scared. I don't know where I am. I keep calling your name, but you don't come. Where are you Mummy? Please come. ‘Andrea Kane sets new standards for suspense.’ – Lisa Gardner