
FIT is a bold and groundbreaking new play for young people written and directed by acclaimed writer/director Rikki Beadle-Blair. The play was developed to address the growing problem of homophobic bullying in Britain's schools and was especially created for Key Stage 3 (KS3) students (Year 7-9), specifically complementing various learning objectives from the National Curriculum, particularly PHSE and Citizenship. FIT is about attempting to FIT in and trying to stand out in a culture where everything from not liking sport to wearing the wrong trainers is 'gay'. Snappy dialogue and pacy writing combine with energetic hip-hop dance, original music and sparky comedy to make FIT an unforgettable piece of theatre. FIT enjoyed a hugely successful run during 2007 and 2008, where 20,000 young people in over 75 schools across the UK saw the play, accompanied by a workshop. FIT has also been made into a short film which has toured UK Schools and will continue to tour nationwide throughout 2010 as part of the London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. The production of FIT was supported by UK Gay rights organisation Stonewall.


In 1930s Berlin – an intriguing city of Jazz and overground cabaret overpowered by the rise of Hitler and World War II – the daughter of a Jewish family falls in love with their black shabbes goy (a term used for those who assist Jews on the Sabbath with tasks forbidden to Jews within Jewish law). Fast-forward to the tale of a mixed-race couple in seemingly unprejudiced modern-day Brooklyn, where the same family is coping with a number of calamities. Shalom Baby is a touching and very funny exploration of love, family and friendship.


GUTTED is a fast-paced, powerful new play by Rikki Beadle-Blair. Set in South East London, this is a story about love, family and sordid secrets told through the eyes of four brothers. When the eldest brother comes out of rehab he embarks on a truth-telling mission and triggers an unstoppable family meltdown. In an explosive 24 hours, years of denial are uncovered and life will never be the same again.