
LED ASTRAY And once he had kissed her, felt the responding warmth of her body beneath his hands, there had been no turning back. What he had done had been unforgivable. But what he was going to do was almost as bad. Cage and Hal Hendren are as unalike as two brothers can be. Preacher’s kids, Hal has taken the righteous path, while Cage is the unrepentant black sheep of the family. The only thing they have in common is their love for the same woman – Jenny Fletcher. Jenny loves Hal for his commitment to his calling, but deep in her heart of hearts she wishes his desire for her burned as hotly. Only on the eve of his departure for a dangerous mission trip to Central America, when he comes to her bed in darkness and secret, does he take her with unexpected passion. When tragedy strikes and Hal is lost to her, it’s that night that Jenny cherishes, that Hal she misses. She yearns for that lover whose unbridled sensuality more resembled. . . Cage. For Jenny, Cage is willing to give up his wild ways. But to get on the straight and narrow, he must sin again.


I met a man, a wonderful man. He kissed me, touched me like no other man ever has. I think I’ve fallen in love. What am I going to do about it? That’s the dilemma confronting Keely Preston upon meeting dashing Congressman Dax Devereaux. The attraction between them was like a lightning strike – hot and unexpected. But also terribly inconvenient. Keely is in Washington D.C. to appeal to a congressional committee on behalf of families of soldiers Missing In Action. Serving on that committee is Dax. Both are under close scrutiny. What has sparked between them is difficult to keep secret. After twelve years of living in limbo, married but alone, Keely is reawakened to desire by Dax’s passion. But he also touches her heart, where she has preserved the sweet memory of her husband. One love represents her past; another her future. Will clinging to one mean having to sacrifice the other?


Give up while you’re ahead, ol’ boy. She doesn’t want you. Then he remembered the passion of her kiss, the taste of her mouth, the scent of her hair, the feel of her skin beneath his hands, and he knew he wasn’t about to give up. While serving his country, Trevor Rule experienced the wrenching heartache of losing his best friend in a brutal attack. His grief is coupled with guilt when he falls in love with that friend’s wife by reading letters she’d written to her husband. Kyla gave birth the same day she learned that her husband had been killed in a terrorist assault on Marine barracks. That was almost two years ago. Now, Kyla is struggling to rear her son alone…and wrestling with the longing generated by the handsome stranger who fortuitously enters their lives. Except Trevor’s entrance into Kyla’s life isn’t accidental. He has sought her out not only because he feels he owes her and her child a debt he can never repay, but also because he remembers the impassioned words she wrote to her husband. Which Trevor took to heart. Will her growing love be strong enough to forgive his deception?






