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Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum earns its important place in the literature by detailing our current understanding of the course, diagnosis, and treatment of psychiatric illness during pregnancy and postpartum, including breast-feeding – a top priority today because we now know that active maternal psychiatric illness during pregnancy and postpartum can exert long-term negative effects on child development and cause significant morbidity for the mother.In just five concise richly informative chapters, the nine distinguished contributors to Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum dispel prevailing beliefs and offer invaluable guidance in treating women during pregnancy and postpartum: Course of Psychiatric Illness During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period – Despite the enduring belief that pregnancy is a time of emotional well-being for women, emerging data show that pregnancy is instead a time of increased vulnerability to psychiatric illness. Diagnosis and Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy – Though the use of psychotropic medications during pregnancy and postpartum raises concerns, the accumulating data support the use of certain SSRIs/tricyclic antidepressants, especially when balanced against the risk to both mother and child of depression during pregnancy. Management of Bipolar Disorder During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period: Weighing the Risks and Benefits – Although the onset of bipolar disorder (BP) tends to occur during women's reproductive years, surprisingly little is known about the impact of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, postpartum, breast-feeding, and menopause on the course and treatment of bipolar disorder. Postpartum Mood Disorders – Women experience a dramatic increase in their risk of developing severe psychiatric illness during postpartum for a full year after delivery. Often overlooked, postpartum disorders must be identified and treated as early as possible to reduce the mother's risk for recurrent and treatment-refractory illness and the child's risk for long-term development problems due to the detrimental effect of maternal depression. Use of Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers in Breast-feeding Women – This expanded clinical appraisal of the literature on antidepressant and mood stabilizer use in breast-feeding women shows that additional detailed pharmacokinetic investigations are urgently needed to enhance our understanding of nursing infant exposure and the role(s) of pharmacogenomics in determining infant exposure. Meticulously referenced and remarkably succinct, Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum provides critical information about the course of illness during pregnancy and postpartum to help guide effective individualized treatment decisions-decisions that are ultimately based on the patient's wishes.
Compiled from presentations given at the 2004 American Psychopathological Association (APPA) annual meeting, Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life reviews the comorbidity of mental and chronic physical syndromes in an epidemiological and life course context, offering fresh insights and identifying crucial clues – gleaned from the overlapping areas or areas of mutual pathogenesis linking disparate realms of knowledge – to the etiology and nosological distinctiveness of both physical and mental disorders.Once relatively ignored, the study of lifetime comorbidity has the potential to suggest etiological clues and to advance our ability to prevent secondary disorders by increasing our knowledge about the course and pathology of the primary disease. The etiologically relevant period, beginning with the earliest causal action and ending with diagnosis, helps us understand this potential and thus is vital to the study of comorbidity. Divided into five main sections (epidemiology, risk factors, mood disorders, emotions and health, and schizophrenia), Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life discusses critical aspects of the life course characteristics of the etiologically relevant period: It can be long, e.g., temperament, a relatively enduring emotional predisposition, may situate an individual more or less permanently at high risk, culminating in irreversibility only after decades of induction. The action of identical genes produces different disorders that may occur at different stages of life, such as the comorbidity of panic disorder and cystitis. It may involve critical stages, i.e., relatively narrow periods during development, such as fetal growth and puberty, to which the action of a given cause is limited. Critical periods of varying durations may exist throughout the course of life. It may have a cumulative quality to it, in which years or even decades of accumulation are required to reach the point of irreversibility, e.g., the years-long burden of lower class life, or of increased allostatic burden, for the causal nexus to reach sufficiency. It may involve multiple causes, representing different disciplines and different spheres of action spread throughout the life course. Medical and Psychiatric Comorbidity Over the Course of Life will prove invaluable for practitioners in general and consultation-liaison psychiatry, family practice and internal medicine, and psychosomatics, behavioral medicine, and health psychology.
This refreshing new work is a practical overview of religious and spiritual issues in psychiatric assessment and treatment. Eleven distinguished contributors assert that everyone has a worldview and that these religious and spiritual variables can be collaborative partners of science, bringing critical insight to assessment and healing to treatment. Unlike other works in this field, which focus primarily on spiritual experience, this clearly written volume focuses on the cognitive aspects of belief – and how personal worldview affects the behavior of both patient and clinician. Informative case vignettes and discussions illustrate how assessment, formulation, and treatment principles can be incorporated within different worldviews, including practical clinical information on major faith traditions and on atheist and agnostic worldviews.The book's four main sections give concise yet comprehensive coverage of varying aspects of worldview: Conceptual Foundation – The Introduction explains the significance of worldview and its context in the development of psychiatry; reviews misunderstandings about spirituality and worldview and how they can be resolved in contemporary practice; and discusses Freud's significant influence on psychiatry's approach to religion and spirituality. Clinical Foundations – Three chapters review how clinicians can integrate spiritual and religious perspectives in the basic clinical processes of assessment (gathering a religious or spiritual history); diagnosis and case formulation (including religious and spiritual factors); and treatment (including a review of ethical issues). Patients and Their Traditions – Six chapters discuss Catholic and Protestant Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, and secularists (atheists and agnostics), including a brief history, clinical implications of core beliefs, and variations of therapeutic encounters (both where patient and clinician share the same faith and where they do not) for each faith tradition. Worldview and Culture – A concluding chapter reviews issues of a global culture where faiths once rarely encountered in North America are increasingly seen in clinical practice. This well-organized text sheds much-needed light on an area too often obscure to many clinicians, fostering a balanced integration of religion and spirituality in mental health training and practice. Bridging several disciplines in a novel way, this thought-provoking volume will find a diverse audience among mental health care students, educators, and professionals everywhere who seek to better integrate the religious and spiritual aspects of their patients' lives into assessment and treatment.
The past five years have witnessed dramatic advances in research on pathological gambling – a diagnosis often overlooked by clinicians who are unaware not only of the personal and social consequences of pathological gambling, but also of the possible treatment options. Today, clinicians can choose from an array of treatment options to substantially improve the lives of patients with this disabling illness.Eloquently attesting to this extraordinary progress, this remarkable clinician's guide comprises the most extensive coverage on public health, clinical characteristics and treatment, psychotherapy and psychopharmacology, and interventions for adolescents, adults, and older adults. Written by the world's leading researchers on psychiatric aspects of gambling, this truly comprehensive volume discusses how to diagnose pathological gambling and provides the tools to do so. Here, 32 experts detail the clinical phenomenology, etiology, and treatment of pathological gambling, highlighting the current clinical approaches most likely to lead to early identification, symptom remission, and improvement maintenance.Useful appendixes provide specific tests, scales, and diagnostic criteria following four major sections of the book: Public Health and Epidemiology discusses prevalence and definitions of recreational, problem, and pathological gambling; the relationship between the different levels of gambling severity; and gambling's effects on societal, familial, and individual health and well-being. Clinical Characteristics covers the symptoms and sequelae of pathological gambling and the differences among adolescents, older adults, and men and women, and shows that pathological gambling – rather than being categorized as a single disorder – shares important features with many disorders, among them obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders, affective spectrum disorders, addiction, and impulse-control disorder. Etiology details the realms of both psychology (behavioral, cognitive, and dispositional theories) and neurobiology (noradrenergic, serotonergic, dopaminergic, and opioidergic systems as well as familial and inherited factors) to explain the behavior of pathological gambling – knowledge that may prove useful in understanding a range of addictive and impulsive disorders. Prevention and Treatment emphasizes the vital role of the clinician in prevention efforts, including a prevention strategy tailored specifically for adolescents and young adults; discusses a variety of behavioral and pharmacological interventions for patients including self-help and professional-based interventions for family members; and concludes with assessments useful in diagnosing pathological gambling and monitoring symptom change. Psychiatrists, psychiatric researchers, and other mental health care professionals will welcome this book as their most up-to-date source for invaluable knowledge about and research from the world's recognized experts on pathological gambling.
Animals, like people, experience fear and avoidance, which can be reliably observed, quantified, and manipulated in almost all species. Remarkably, as this volume demonstrates, the neural circuits responsible for the acquisition and expression of fear are conserved throughout phylogeny from rodents through nonhuman primates to humans. Thus, what is discovered about the neuroanatomy and physiology of fear in a mouse can be usefully «translated» to a human with an anxiety disorder.This breakthrough in both neuroscience and mental health research is detailed in 14 fascinating chapters that cover Conditioned fear – Many scientists have convincingly documented that the amygdala is the essential brain structure in an animal's exhibition of conditioned fear, with the hippocampus required for contextual memory of conditioned fear. Though debate continues, other studies show that the anatomic and physiological findings about conditioned fear are robustly applicable to other forms of fear. The brain structures involved in fear – The data clearly show that the amygdala is the one area most consistently energized in fear responses of nonhuman and human primates. Patients with anxiety disorders have a lower threshold for amygdala activation than do control subjects; thus, fear cues that do not register an amygdala response in most individuals will do so in anxious patients. Stress effects on brain structure – It is possible that, based on both animal studies and clinical studies of children and adults, chronic exposure to fear may have deleterious effects on the structural integrity of the brain. The hippocampus appears to be particularly vulnerable, though stress damage may also occur in regions of the prefrontal cortex, such as the anterior cingulate. The results of translational research can raise concerns that observed negative changes in animal brains might apply to humans, but they can also suggest advantageous interventions, with both psychosocial and psychopharmacology approaches proving effective in reversing not only anxiety disorders but even some changes in the brain.Best of all, using these scientific models of brain function, we can now see psychotherapy and medication as complementary rather than antagonistic, with each addressing different parts of the same fear circuitry.The synthesis of knowledge in this groundbreaking work will appeal to practitioners and students alike, and justifies the optimism of its distinguished contributors that psychiatric research is at last in an era in which unprecedented insights will be gained and progress made toward better treatments.
Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders provides sound therapeutic advice based on current research and clinical practice. It includes detailed discussions of various aspects of assessment and treatment, featuring up-to-date evidence- and consensus-based information. Ranging from the determination of initial treatment approaches to problems posed by unique groups of patients, it marks the first APPI volume specifically directed toward the clinical management of patients with eating disorders – and the first book to focus squarely on what psychiatrists need to know about the clinical assessment and management of patients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorders, and obesity.In these pages, preeminent psychiatric authorities on eating disorders offer practical advice, research results, and the fruits of clinical experience. In addition to thorough extended discussion and coverage of all assessment and treatment topics encompassed by the third edition of the American Psychiatric Association's «Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders,» the book includes topics such as: night eating and related syndromes, obesity and weight management in relation to psychiatric medications, psychiatric aspects of bariatric surgery, and management of patients with chronic, intractable eating disorders. Clinical vignettes discuss specific techniques and strategies to help anchor the discussions in the decision-making situations faced by practitioners every day. Among the book's features: coverage of a wide range of diagnoses, from new onset to very chronic conditions consideration of comorbid psychiatric, substance abuse, and medical conditions applications to outpatient, ambulatory, and inpatient settings a range of treatment strategies, including biological, cognitive-behavioral, psychodynamic, and family treatments discussion of special concerns involving college athletes and patients from different ethnic or cultural backgrounds inclusion of APA Practice Guideline tables as well as the most recent version of the Eating Disorders Questionnaire The insights garnered from this book will enable clinicians to: better make nuanced assessments of patients with eating disorders present the best available evidence about treatment options to patients and their families initiate and conduct treatment interventions with the majority of patients they encounter Clinical Manual of Eating Disorders is an invaluable tool for psychiatrists that complements other resources for all professionals who see patients with these challenging conditions, whether mental health clinicians, primary care physicians, dieticians, psychologists, or social workers.
Written to help identify major gaps in our knowledge of how gender and age affect psychiatric diagnoses and to stimulate much-needed research to fill these gaps, Age and Gender Considerations in Psychiatric Diagnosis serves as both a valuable short-term source for the DSM-V Task Force and its disorder-specific workgroups, and a long-term guide for future studies that will contribute to revised psychiatric classifications in these three areas.Here, 47 experts present findings in three areas of psychiatric research that historically have been neglected but rightfully have received increasing attention in recent years and thus are worthy of investigation into their clinical features, etiology, and course:1. Significant gender differences in prevalence, symptom profiles, and risk factors for mental disorders, including neurodevelopmental, neurophysiological, and environmental factors for men and women that cut across diagnostic categories-for example, the critical importance of gender in how psychiatric illness develops and presents; DSM's approach to gender to date; and relevant research findings and gaps in the epidemiology, etiology, and pathophysiology of disorders and the gender-related expression of psychopathology, including the controversial and complex question of whether DSM should have different diagnostic criteria for men and women.2. Mental disorders in infancy and early childhood, including diagnosis and measurement of psychopathology; PTSD and social and cognitive factors related to the experience of stress; reactive attachment disorder (unique in part because of its specificity to early childhood); mood and anxiety disorders and difficulties in diagnosis; sleep disorders, including two new disorders, Night-Waking Dysomnia and Sleep-Onset Dysomnia; feeding disorders, including the need to address overeating and overfeeding (especially given the alleged U.S. epidemic of obesity); early childhood manifestations of behavior disorders; and early symptoms and diagnosis of autism.3. Mental disorders in the elderly, such as dementia and depression, once considered normal consequences of aging but now understood to represent mental disorders, including the need to identify specific brain structure abnormalities, biomarkers, and the many contributing biological, psychosocial, and environmental factors of mental illness in late life and to understand their roles in the elderly to better diagnose and monitor disease progression.Written for clinicians and researchers alike, this thought-provoking compendium contributes critical information that helps enhance our understanding of the causes of mental disorders, develop effective preventive and treatment interventions, and inform future editions of DSM and ICD.
Packed with practical advice from experts, and based on the editor's many years of organizing career seminars for psychiatric residents, Entering Private Practice: A Handbook for Psychiatrists offers a comprehensive curricular approach – highlighted throughout by user-friendly forms, samples, and checklists – to setting out on a career in private practice.Entering Private Practice: A Handbook for Psychiatrists details the advantages and disadvantages of private practice and emphasizes that practitioners must love their work and balance it with a successful personal life. Following a systematic, no-nonsense approach to private practice, these distinguished contributors discuss the nuts and bolts of how to, Find and set up a private practice, including the use of technology and the web to minimize administrative overhead and enhance clinical services – A self-administered form to get started; advice on finance, Internet searches, networking, and interviewing; pros and cons of solo practice, small and large psychiatric groups, and multidisciplinary and multispecialty groups; and step-by step instructions on everything from choosing a location and handling finances and billing to hiring staff and selecting décor Market a practice – Top 10 tips for both internal marketing (advice for communicating with patients and sample patient and physician surveys), and external marketing (effective outlets, including directory listings, brochures and sample content, direct mail, and the media; includes sample press release and media pitch) Navigate the ins and outs of insurance billing and relationships – Basic principles and procedures to help practitioners do good work for reasonable pay and help patients get what they most need despite limited resources (including Medicare forms and checklists for understanding insurance benefits and notifying patients about the costs of ancillary services) Relate to primary care physicians – Integration of care (referral, consultation, and collaboration) to achieve better patient outcomes, including basic principles and skills for effective communication Steer clear of legal pitfalls – The top 10 legal and risk management areas of concern for psychiatrists, including practice rules, confidentiality, record-keeping, compliance, managed care, and malpractice insurance, among others Avoid or deal with common ethical problems – Confidentiality, informed consent, boundaries, dealing with industry, continuing education responsibilities, general health care ethics, collaboration, and money issues illustrated by case vignettes Joining the ranks of essential guides, Entering Private Practice: A Handbook for Psychiatrists is a must-read for any psychiatrist planning a career in or a career change to private practice.
DSM-IV and ICD-10 both diagnose personality disorders categorically, yet studies indicate that many patients meet criteria for an excessive number of diagnoses, raising the question of whether personality disorders are discrete conditions or rather distinctions along dimensions of general personality functioning. This collection of papers renews long-standing proposals for a dimensional model of personality disorder, describing alternative models, addressing questions about their clinical application and utility, and suggesting that future research seek to integrate such models within a common hierarchical structure.With contributions by preeminent researchers in the field, Dimensional Models of Personality Disorders is drawn from a conference series convened by APA, WHO, and NIH in order to plan for the fifth edition of the DSM. The Nomenclature Work Group concluded that consideration should be given to basing part or all of DSM-V on dimensions rather than categories, and recommended that a dimensional model for personality disorders should serve as a basis for exploring dimensional approaches in other areas. Accordingly, the volume opens with a presentation of 18 proposals for dimensional models and proceeds with provocative contributions on a number of related issues ranging from hard science to clinical practice. Among the topics addressed are Behavioral and molecular genetic research supporting an etiologically informed dimensional classification of personality disorders The as-yet tenuous associations between dimensional trait measures of personality as contained in the models of Cloninger, Depue, and Siever-Davis, and specific neurobiological measures, as examined in neurotransmitter research Potential links between childhood and adolescent temperament and personality dimensions and adult personality psychopathology Studies examining the covariation of personality dimensions across cultures The continuity of Axis I and Axis II disorders and a proposed hierarchical structure of mental disorders that integrates the psychopathology of Axis I disorders with specific personality traits The dual challenges of coverage and cutoffs that must be addressed if dimensional models are to be considered viable alternatives to the existing categorical diagnostic system Although the editors acknowledge that concerns are certain to be raised regarding conversion to a dimensional classification – such as the disruption to clinical practice by a radical shift in diagnosing personality disorder – these papers make a strong case for opening the field to alternative ways of enhancing clinical utility and improving the validity of basic classification concepts. Together, they offer stimulating insight into how we approach personality disorders, with the hope of encouraging a new model of diagnosis for DSM-V.
Depression and Personality: Conceptual and Clinical Challenges offers an intriguing new look at where we are in understanding the relationship between personality dimensions, disorders, and mood disorder. It is both a cogent update of conceptual models and a clearly written, practical guide to the challenges faced every day by clinicians as they treat patients with depression and bipolar disorder.Laying the groundwork for subsequent chapters, the editors emphasize the value of not only robust pharmacotherapy augmented by psychosocial interventions (with a focus on the assets rather than the liabilities of a patient's temperament), but also of a detailed review of where we are today. An introductory overview provides valuable historical perspective on the evolution of personality from «humors» to body constitution and temperament. In 10 informative chapters, 22 contributors discuss The neurobiological dimensions of personality, focusing on affect-related traits as they review the evidence for serotonin and norepinephrine disturbance based on challenge paradigms, and the range of models to understand the interrelationship between personality and depression. The justification for depressive personality in both categorical terms, i.e., adding to the diagnostic armamentarium of DSM-V, and dimensional terms, focusing on the Five Factor Model to provide a link between several facets of neuroticism and depressive personality disorder. The impact of personality on various aspects of treatment, filling in a gap in the pharmacotherapy literature by asserting that personality pathology can affect the patient's capacity to seek, be engaged in, or be compliant with treatment. Key assessment and treatment issues, recommending a multimodal phased treatment approach that involves targeted pharmacotherapy and integrated individual psychotherapy. The role of personality disorder in the assessment and treatment of chronic depression, with a concise, practical overview of medication and psychotherapy issues regarding the role of Axis II disorders, and the complex relationship between bipolar disorder and personality factors. The complexity involved in adolescent depression with personality disorder, providing a conceptual framework for understanding what factors of personality contribute to vulnerability for depression in adolescents, and depression in later life, including particularly relevant issues such as the role of physical illness and organic factors on the clinical presentation of personality and affective disorder Invaluable reading for clinicians and researchers alike, Depression and Personality: Conceptual and Clinical Challenges offers fascinating perspectives on the historical antecedents, neurobiological dimensions, and conceptual models regarding the relationship between personality and depression.