
Religion has played a major role in history, affecting the course of events and influencing individuals. Today one frequently hears the expression «the return of religion» but opinions differ as to how this «return» is to be understood. It is clear that modernity and postmodernity have not meant that religion is dead or relegated to society's backyards. Religion is still of vital importance for many people. It has, to some extent, changed shape but has not lost its legitimacy and attractiveness to broad groups. Religion is public, visible, and has a sought-for voice; but it is also wrestling with extremism, ignorance, and preconceptions. Just like ideologies, religions are capable of activating diametrically opposite traits in humans. It is this dual tension that is implicit in the question mark in this book's title: Mending the World?
This book's aim is to help explore whether, how, and in what ways religion, church, and theology can contribute constructively to the future of a global society. In thirty-one chapters, researchers from around the world address the relation between religion and society.


In January 2017 Mikhail Gorbachev, former president of the Soviet Union, said that it looks as if the world is preparing for war. And Pope Francis noted that war is already being fought piecemeal around the world. In this book we argue that since violence begets violence, we must privilege soft power over military might, if we are to have peace on earth. Gandhi used soft power in India overcame British military might, and King used it to bring about integration in the 1960s. Soft power brought about the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, the Kyoto climate agreement, and Iran's agreement to refrain from making nuclear weapons. Soft power involves both dialogue between world leaders and conflict resolution, and privileges diplomacy over war. As General James Mattis said in 2013, «If you don't fund the State Department fully, then I need to buy more ammunition.»


How should Christians respond to terrorism and terrorists in their midst? Terrorism is a global problem, and no society on earth faces it alone. The mainly Christian society of Kenya has suffered more than most as it attempts to counter the threat of al-Shabaab. Some pastors have asked for permission to carry guns. Many Christians support government military action, while others recommend pacifist stances, and strive for dialogue and reconciliation with the Muslim community. In this book, ten Kenyan Christian thinkers and practitioners share their experiences and insights. A response section from seven others, including a Kenyan Muslim scholar, enrich the discussion.


This volume is a collection of essays written by former students and colleagues of the late John H. Sailhamer. It includes scholarly treatments of compositional and canonical issues across the Tanakh. These essays are presented in honor of the memory and the legacy of Dr. Sailhamer.


Karl Barth was one of the most important Christian theologians of the twentieth century, but his political views have often not been taken sufficiently into account. Beginning with a representative early essay by Karl Barth, this volume proceeds with essays by Friedrich-Wilhelm Marquardt, Helmut Gollwitzer, Hermann Diem, Dieter Schellong, Joseph Bettis, and George Hunsinger. These contributions engage both the relationship of Barth's theology to his socialist politics as well as Marquardt's analysis. This new edition expands upon the earlier one by adding three new essays by Hunsinger on Barth's theology and its relevance for human rights, liberation theology, and the theories of Rene Girard on violence and scapegoating. Hunsinger has extended the discussion as well as deepened our insight into how theology can speak meaningfully about fundamental issues of human need.


Five hundred years ago Martin Luther wrote his Ninety-Five Theses, inaugurating the Protestant Reformation, and with it exemplified an unflinching devotion to return to the Word of God as the ultimate authority. Today, the church is also in desperate need for reformation–a new reformation to correct her shortcomings and meet the challenges of the day. Some might see everything as fine, some might see everything as hopeless, and others might simply dismiss the church as irrelevant, too impotent to reform herself, much less to strengthen the disintegrating family or address the downward-spiraling culture with a prophetic voice.
95 Theses for a New Reformation confronts the necessity for reformation today head-on. Over thirty of today's pastors, theologians, and church leaders analyze ninety-five current problems, search the Scriptures for solutions, and make sound biblical appropriations to implement into the life of the church, family, and culture. On this 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, let us pray that the Lord will again revive his church for his own glory and for the purification of Christ's beloved bride, the church. And let us prepare ourselves to respond with urgency to God's call to action by reforming the church, family, and culture.
Contributors include: John Frame, John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Peter J. Leithart, and James White


The nature miracle stories of Jesus–walking on the water or feeding thousands with a small amount of food, for example–are so spectacular that many find them a problem, whether historical, philosophical, or even theological. This is the first book to tackle this problem head on. Do the stories reflect events in the life of the historical Jesus, or are they myths or legends? Or, perhaps they grew out of parables or from more ordinary events into the incredible stories we now have. Or, again, perhaps this the wrong approach! A group of high-ranking biblical historians, philosophers, and theologians with very diverse views set out to provide possible answers. Contributors include: – James Crossley – Eric Eve – Craig S. Keener – Michael Levine – Timothy J. McGrew – Scot McKnight – Graham H. Twelftree – Ruben Zimmermann


The papers in this volume are less a commemoration of the Reformation than a discussion of its meaning in the era after 2017. What is celebrated in 2017 is not the Reformation as such, but the beginning of the Reformation. It was the dynamics of the «new» theology of Luther and Calvin that caused a radical change with global effects. Reformation is not just an historical event but an ongoing movement of renewal and change. The message of the Reformation constantly challenges us to think through positions, actions, attitudes, and programs. This book presents contributions from eleven experts from all over Europe, who deal with their various topics on the conviction that the essence of Luther's theology does not need to be adapted to make it relevant. The papers originated at the 2016 conference of the Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians, which was held in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.


This book is a different kind of commentary. Rather than being the work of one or two individual scholars, it is the result of the collaboration of twenty-one contributors, and others who assisted at all stages of production. The first letter of Peter itself appears to be the product of collaboration of early Christian leaders who sought to encourage those who were suffering for the name of Christ. Christians in today's world are faced with the same challenge, and we trust that this collaborative commentary will encourage them as they seek to follow in the steps of Christ.


This volume takes its title from the first-century Christian catechism called the Didache: «Even as this broken bread was scattered over the hills . . . gathered together and became one, so let Your Church be gathered together from the ends of the earth.» For Christians today, these words remain relevant in an era of massive human movements (voluntary and coerced), hybrid identities, and wide-ranging cultural interactions. How do modern Christians live as both a «scattered» and «gathered» people? How do they live out the tension between ecclesial universality (catholicity) and particularity (distinctive ways of being church in a given culture and context)? Do Christians today constitute a «diaspora,» a people dispersed across borders and cultures that nonetheless maintains a sense of commonality and mission? Scattered and Gathered: Catholics in Diaspora explores these questions through the work of fourteen scholars in different fields and from different corners of the world. Whether through reflections on Zimbabweans in Britain, Levantines in North America, or the remote island people of Chiloe now living in other parts of Chile, they guide readers along the winding road of insights and challenges facing many of today's Christians.