

Año 2020: ni siquiera el confinamiento debido a la pandemia del COVID 19 conseguirá parar el trabajo de la estudiosa Lucia Balleani y del arqueólogo Andrea Franciolini, una vez más ocupados en descubrir misteriosos arcanos en el corazón del centro histórico de Jesi. Un antiguo conducto subterráneo y una enigmática esfera de piedra constituirán, esta vez, dos rompecabezas realmente difíciles de resolver para la joven pareja de investigadores. Año 2020: ni siquiera el confinamiento debido a la pandemia del COVID 19 conseguirá parar el trabajo de la estudiosa Lucia Balleani y del arqueólogo Andrea Franciolini, una vez más ocupados en descubrir misteriosos arcanos en el corazón del centro histórico de Jesi. Un antiguo conducto subterráneo y una enigmática esfera de piedra constituirán, esta vez, dos rompecabezas realmente difíciles de resolver para la joven pareja de investigadores. El descubrimiento de antiguos documentos y restos arqueológicos por parte de Andrea y Lucia, nos arrastrarán, como es habitual, a que sigamos las vicisitudes de los personajes jesinos del siglo XVI, sus antepasados. El impresor Bernardino ha dictado sus últimas voluntades a un notario antes de morir, pero parece ser que esto no interesa a los herederos del Marchese Franciolini y de la Contessa Baldeschi. El Marchese Alessandro Colocci, esposo de la Contessa Laura Baldeschi se revelará como un sombrío y vil personaje al servicio del Papa Paolo III, pero tendrá que enfrentarse al joven heredero de la familia Franciolini, Francesco, muy determinado en intentar recuperar el título de Capitano del Popolo, del que se ha apropiado el Marchese Colocci sólo debido al hecho de haberse casado con su hermana mayor Laura. Translator: María Acosta PUBLISHER: TEKTIME


Una violenta esplosione durante la festa di inaugurazione di villa Brandi, una villa settecentesca restaurata grazie al contributo in denaro di un noto mister del calcio internazionale, provoca l'uccisione di quattro persone e il grave ferimento di una quinta. Caterina Ruggeri, capo della locale Sezione Omicidi, presente alla festa insieme al suo compagno e uscita illesa dall'attentato, prenderà in mano fin da subito le redini delle indagini, che vengono però depistate da oscuri personaggi legati da un lato alla massoneria locale e da un altro ai Servizi Segreti. La nostra detective dovrà superare non pochi ostacoli per giungere alla verità, che affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi. Il Commissario di Polizia Caterina Ruggeri è una donna arguta, brillante e coraggiosa. È madre di una splendida bambina di nome Aurora e adora trascorrere le serate in compagnia di Stefano, suo immancabile compagno. Ma sotto questa facciata da donna qualunque si nasconde un’eroina intraprendente e avventurosa, sempre pronta a caricarsi di nuove indagini. Come quella che la vede coinvolta in un attacco dinamitardo durante la festa di inaugurazione di Villa Brandi, una residenza settecentesca delle Marche acquistata da un famoso Mister del calcio internazionale. Sembra che l'attentato sia stato magistralmente portato a termine da un nemico senza nome e senza volto. È l’inizio di una nuova avventura, che trascinerà l’irrefrenabile commissario in un enigma senza fine, che affonda le proprie radici addirittura nella antiche Logge Massoniche. Non mancheranno i depistaggi dovuti a loschi individui legati ai Servizi Segreti governativi. Translator: Stefano Vignaroli


Una violenta esplosione durante la festa di inaugurazione di villa Brandi, una villa settecentesca restaurata grazie al contributo in denaro di un noto mister del calcio internazionale, provoca l'uccisione di quattro persone e il grave ferimento di una quinta. Caterina Ruggeri, capo della locale Sezione Omicidi, presente alla festa insieme al suo compagno e uscita illesa dall'attentato, prenderà in mano fin da subito le redini delle indagini, che vengono però depistate da oscuri personaggi legati da un lato alla massoneria locale e da un altro ai Servizi Segreti. La nostra detective dovrà superare non pochi ostacoli per giungere alla verità, che affonda le sue radici nella notte dei tempi. Il Commissario di Polizia Caterina Ruggeri è una donna arguta, brillante e coraggiosa. È madre di una splendida bambina di nome Aurora e adora trascorrere le serate in compagnia di Stefano, suo immancabile compagno. Ma sotto questa facciata da donna qualunque si nasconde un’eroina intraprendente e avventurosa, sempre pronta a caricarsi di nuove indagini. Come quella che la vede coinvolta in un attacco dinamitardo durante la festa di inaugurazione di Villa Brandi, una residenza settecentesca delle Marche acquistata da un famoso Mister del calcio internazionale. Sembra che l'attentato sia stato magistralmente portato a termine da un nemico senza nome e senza volto. È l’inizio di una nuova avventura, che trascinerà l’irrefrenabile commissario in un enigma senza fine, che affonda le proprie radici addirittura nella antiche Logge Massoniche. Non mancheranno i depistaggi dovuti a loschi individui legati ai Servizi Segreti governativi.


Unas desapariciones imprevistas inquietan a los habitantes de Triora, un pueblo del interior de Liguria. Caterina Ruggeri, comisaria de policía, deberá esclarecer los misteriosos delitos remontándose a 400 años atrás: el asesinato de una bruja parece esconder las causas de una esotérica venganza. Después de haber desarrollado durante unos años la función de Responsable de la Unidad Canina de la Polizia di Stato, Caterina Ruggeri, licenciada en Jurisprudencia, es nombrada comisaria y asignada al Distrito de Policía de Imperia. La nueva comisaria se encontrará involucrada, nada más llegar a su nuevo puesto de trabajo, en una escabrosa investigación, en el curso de la cual deberá ajustar las cuentas a personajes ligados a una secta esotérica, en un pueblo que es un lugar de brujas por excelencia: Triora. A partir del descubrimiento del cadáver carbonizado de una mujer, al término de la operación de la extinción de un incendio en el bosque, la Comisaria Ruggeri, ayudada por su inspector jefe Giampieri, un ex militar experto en tecnología informática y conductor de autos deportivos, deberá extender su investigación a hechos ocurridos en esos lugares incluso en periodos lejanos en el tiempo. Un importante protagonista de la aventura es también el perro de la Comisaria Ruggeri, Furia, su fiel Springer Spaniel, incomparable rastreador, que en más de una ocasión le prestará una valiosa ayuda. Translator: María Acosta


Year 2019: once again, the scholar Lucia Balleani and the archaeologist Andrea Franciolini will take us by the hand and guide us through the arcane mysteries of the Renaissance Jesi, among streets, alleys and palaces of a historical centre that, at the gates of the 1920s, begins to regurgitate from the underground ancient and important objects from past eras. The archaeological excavations of Piazza Colocci will in fact reserve unexpected surprises in the eyes of the entire population of Jesi. We begin to follow the events of the characters of the sixteenth century through the discovery of ancient documents and archaeological finds by the young couple of researchers of our time. New winds of war will in fact lead the Captain of Arms of the Royal City of Jesi to the battlefields. After the first two episodes of the series ”The Printer”, here we are at the end, the last episode of the saga dedicated to the Renaissance Jesi. We left Andrea almost at the point of death, helped by his beloved, hidden in disguise. The plot has moved to Urbino, but certainly our two heroes, Andrea Franciolini and Lucia Baldeschi, will have to return to Jesi to fulfill their dream of love. The wedding will have to be a festive and opulent event, and will have to be celebrated by the Bishop of the City of Jesi, Monsignor Piersimone Ghislieri. But are we sure that obscure plots, of destiny and of men, will not be able to hinder for the umpteenth time the union between Andrea and Lucia? The two lovers have found each other again, and for nothing in the world would they want to leave each other again. Andrea finally wants to be a father to his little girl, Laura and, why not, to Lucia's adopted daughter, Anna. The girls are fantastic, they are growing up healthy and lively in the country residence of the Counts Baldeschi, and Andrea is enjoying their closeness. But winds of war will once again lead the Captain of Arms of the Royal City of Jesi to the battlefields. And soon to leave the peace and quiet regained. The Lansquenets press the gates of northern Italy and the Duke of Oak, in a strange alliance with Giovanni De' Medici, better known as Giovanni Dalle Bande Nere, will do his best to prevent German soldiers from reaching Florence and even Rome. Avoiding the sacking of the Eternal City in 1527 will not be an easy task, neither for the Duke Della Rovere, nor for Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, nor for Captain Franciolino de' Franciolini. Let us once again follow the events of the characters of the sixteenth century through the discoveries of ancient documents and archaeological finds of the young couple of researchers of our time. Once again, the scholar Lucia Balleani and the archaeologist Andrea Franciolini will take us by the hand and guide us through the arcane mysteries of the Renaissance Jesi, among streets, alleys and palaces of an old town centre that, at the gates of the 1920s, begins to regurgitate from the underground ancient and important objects from past eras.


Añor 2019: De nuevo, la estudiosa Lucia Balleani y el arqueólogo Andrea Franciolini nos llevarán de la mano y nos guiarán a través de los arcanos misterios de la Jesi del Renacimiento, entre calles, callejones y palacios de un centro histórico que, a las puertas del los años 20 del siglo XXI, comienza a expulsar del subsuelo antiguos e importantes objetos relacionados con épocas pasadas. Las excavaciones arqueológicas de la Piazza Colocci nos reservarán sorpresas insospechadas a los ojos de toda la ciudadanía de Jesi. Sigamos, una vez más, las aventuras de los personajes del siglo XVI a través del descubrimiento de antiguos documentos y hallazgos arqueológicos de la joven pareja de investigadores de nuestro tiempo. Nuevos vientos de guerra conducirán de nuevo al Comandante de la Regia Ciudad de Jesi a los campos de batalla. Después de los dos primeros episodios de la serie El Impresor, henos aquí ya al final, en el último episodio de la saga dedicada a la Jesi del Renacimiento. Habíamos dejado a Andrea casi moribundo, auxiliado por su amada, disfrazada. La trama se desplaza a Urbino, pero por supuesto nuestros dos héroes, Andrea Franciolini y Lucia Baldeschi, deberán volver a Jesi para culminar su sueño de amor. La ceremonia de la boda deberá ser un acontecimiento festivo y espléndido y deberá ser celebrado por el obispo de la ciudad de Jesi, Monseñor Piersimone Ghislieri. Pero ¿estamos convencidos de que oscuras tramas, del destino y de los hombres, no conseguirán obstaculizar por enésima vez la unión entre Andrea y Lucia? Los dos amantes se han vuelto a encontrar y por nada del mundo querrían separarse otra vez. Andrea, por fin, hará de padre de su hija, Laura, y, porqué no, también de la hija adoptiva de Lucia, Anna. Las niñas son fantásticas, están creciendo sanas y vivarachas en la residencia de campo de los condes Baldeschi, y Andrea goza con su presencia. Pero vientos de guerra conducirán de nuevo al comandante de la Regia Ciudad de Jesi a los campos de batalla. Y a dejar muy pronto la tranquilidad y la paz recién conquistada. Los lansquenetes están a las puertas de la Italia septentrional y el Duca della Rovere, en una extraña alianza con Giovanni de’ Medici, más conocido como Giovanni Dalle Bande Nere, se hará todo lo posible para impedir que la soldadesca germana llegue a Firenze e incluso hasta Roma. Evitar el saqueo de la ciudad eterna en el 1527 no será una tarea fácil, ni para el Duca della Rovere, ni para Giovanni dalle Bande Nere, ni tampoco para el Capitán Franciolino de’ Franciolini. Sigamos, una vez más, las aventuras de los personajes del siglo XVI a través del descubrimiento de antiguos documentos y hallazgos arqueológicos de la joven pareja de investigadores de nuestro tiempo. De nuevo, la estudiosa Lucia Balleani y el arqueólogo Andrea Franciolini nos llevarán de la mano y nos guiarán a través de los arcanos misterios de la Jesi del Renacimiento, entre calles, callejones y palacios de un centro histórico que, a las puertas del los años 20 del siglo XXI, comienza a expulsar del subsuelo antiguos e importantes objetos relacionados con épocas pasadas.


Year 2018: from the icon of the Palace of the Lordship of Jesi the bronze crown to symbolize the royalty of the city, always above the rampant lion, disappears . A new enigma to be solved for the scholar Lucia Balleani who, having finally met the love in the young archaeologist Andrea Franciolini, she has to rediscover with him some unknown aspects of the life of her ancestor Lucia Baldeschi. So let's return, together with our two heroes, back in time to half a millennium, to discover how people lived among the alleys, squares and palaces of a beautiful city in the Marche region, famous in the world, then as now, for being the birthplace of Emperor Frederick the II. ”But neither one of them, looking up over the portal and dwelling on the rampant lion's shrine, could escape a detail, which brought an exclamation to their mouths, almost in unison, as if they were one person: ”The crown!”. Bernardino, the printer, is lying in desperate conditions in a room at Santa Lucia hospital. Cardinal Baldeschi died suddenly and left the city government vacant. Will young Lucia Baldeschi finally take the reins of government and prevent Jesi from falling into the hands of enemies who have always been pressing at his doors? Certainly, one cannot leave the government in the hands of four corrupt nobles or, worse, entrust it to the papal legate sent by the Pope. But Lucia is a woman, and it's not easy to take on roles of power, traditionally handed down to men. And Andrea, her love, what happened to her, after escaping the scaffold and disappearing in the wake of the Mancino? Will he return to the scene to help his beloved? Or will controversial events lead him to other shores? And we also remember the parallel story, that of the scholar Lucia Balleani, our contemporary, who perhaps has finally met the love of hes life, the one who will take her by hand to discover with the reader new arcane secrets. Love and death, esotericism and logic, good and evil. These are just some of the ingredients that give rhythm to this new investigation, focused on the mysterious disappearance of the bronze crown, once placed above the rampant lion of the main palace of Jesi, that of the Signoria. Once again, the past is intertwined with the present, through the parallel vicissitudes of the protagonists of the present day and their namesake ancestors. A comely lady and haughty regent of the Aesina Republic, Lucia Baldeschi is divided between the obligations of the reason of state and love for the fugitive knight, the brave leader Andrea Franciolini. Between history and legend, the action ranges from the severe buildings and dark secret passages of an underground Jesi, to the open countryside of its Contado, populated by shepherds and monks during the day and animated by magical rites during moonlight. Then there are the intrigues of the palace, the feuds between the lords and the battles; those between the armies and against the pirates, from Urbino to Senigallia, up to some of the most suggestive gorges of the Apennines. The sixteenth century, characterized by light and shadow, is divided between the cult of reason and the practice of esotericism, of which the characters of the novel are the faithful mirror. In their demeanour, as well as in their merits and defects. In their footsteps, among sensational discoveries and brilliant intuitions, the quarrelsome lovers, Lucia and Andrea, from the Jesi of the twenty-first century will come to the truth in the sign of a timeless love.


Année 2017: la jeune universitaire Lucia Balleani, organisant et classant les textes de la bibliothèque de la fondation Hoenstaufen, se retrouve à travailler dans l'ancien palais qui avait été la résidence de la noble famille Baldeschi-Balleani, dont elle est une descendante directe. Une série de visions liées à ce qui est arrivé à son homonyme Lucia Baldeschi, amènera le lecteur à découvrir avec elle une histoire sombre qui s'est déroulée au même endroit 500 ans plus tôt. Dans une Jesi de la Renaissance, riche en art et en culture, où de nouveaux palais somptueux se dressent sur les vestiges de l'ancienne cité romaine, une jeune comtesse, Lucia Baldeschi, vit. La fille est le neveu d'un mauvais cardinal, un tisserand de complots sombres visant à centraliser le pouvoir temporel et ecclésiastique entre ses propres mains. Lucia, une personne dotée d'une forte intelligence, se lie d'amitié avec un typographe, Bernardino, avec qui elle partagera la passion pour la renaissance des arts, des sciences et de la culture, qui caractérisent la période dans toute l'Italie. Elle se retrouvera prise entre le devoir d'obéir à son oncle, qui l'a fait grandir et l'éduquer au palais en l'absence de ses parents, et l'amour passionné pour Andrea Franciolini, fils du capitaine du peuple et victime désignée de la tyrannie du cardinal. L'histoire nous est également racontée à travers les yeux de Lucia Balleani, une jeune universitaire issue de la famille noble. En 2017, exactement 500 ans après les événements, ce dernier découvre des documents anciens dans le palais familial, et reconstitue toute l'histoire complexe dont des traces avaient été perdues.


Year 2017: the young scholar Lucia Balleani, arranging and classifying the texts of the library of the Hoenstaufen Foundation, starts working in the old palace that had been the residence of the noble Baldeschi-Balleani family, of which she is a direct descendant. A series of visions linked to what happened to Lucia Baldeschi, of the same name, will lead the reader to discover with her an interesting story that took place in the same place 500 years before. During the Renaissance Jesi is rich in art and culture and where new and sumptuous palaces are built on the ruins of the ancient Roman city, lives a young countess, Lucia Baldeschi. The girl is the granddaughter of an evil Cardinal, weaver of obscure plots aimed at centralizing both temporal and ecclesiastical power in his own hands. Lucia, a person with a strong intelligence, becomes friend with a printer, Bernardino, with whom she share the passion for the rebirth of the arts, sciences and culture, which are characterizing the period throughout Italy. She will find herself caught between the duty to obey her uncle, who made her grow up and educate her in the palace in the absence of her parents, and the passionate love for Andrea Franciolini, son of the People's Capitan and designated victim of the Cardinal's tyranny. The story is also told through the eyes of Lucia Balleani, a young scholar descendent of the noble family. In 2017, exactly 500 years after the events, she discovered ancient documents in the family palace, and reconstructed the complex history of which traces had been lost.