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Michael Reist
Список книг автора Michael ReistАннотация
Wie leiht man in Peking kostenlos Fahrräder? Was passiert, wenn ein Westler versucht, sich den lokalen Gepflogenheiten anzupassen? Und wie bekommt man in China, was man möchte – zum Beispiel einen kleinen Melonensmoothie?
Hundert Tage lang erkundet Mike das Reich der Mitte und lernt dort Mandarin, QiGong, hartnäckiges Verhandeln und einiges über die chinesischen Sitten. Er schreibt jeden Tag einen Tagebucheintrag von exakt hundert Wörtern. Darin berichtet er von skurrilen und herzerwärmenden Begegnungen, Naturspektakeln, Überwachungskameras und Essen auf drehenden Tischen. Seine Erlebnisse übertreffen seine kühnsten Erwartungen – denn China ist völlig anders als vermutet.
Ein einzigartiger Kultureinblick in ein Land auf der Überholspur in die Zukunft
Mit Eindrücken aus Taiwan und Hongkong
Hundert Tage lang erkundet Mike das Reich der Mitte und lernt dort Mandarin, QiGong, hartnäckiges Verhandeln und einiges über die chinesischen Sitten. Er schreibt jeden Tag einen Tagebucheintrag von exakt hundert Wörtern. Darin berichtet er von skurrilen und herzerwärmenden Begegnungen, Naturspektakeln, Überwachungskameras und Essen auf drehenden Tischen. Seine Erlebnisse übertreffen seine kühnsten Erwartungen – denn China ist völlig anders als vermutet.
Ein einzigartiger Kultureinblick in ein Land auf der Überholspur in die Zukunft
Mit Eindrücken aus Taiwan und Hongkong
Raising emotionally healthy children is not just about what we need to do , but what we need to avoid doing. We all know that repressing our feelings can be damaging, and that emotional repression is an especially prevalent issue among males. From a very young age, boys are socialized to hide their emotions. Girls, on the other hand, are encouraged to learn a much broader range of emotional expression. The long-term repercussions of this imbalance are profound. Many of the problems we face, both as a society and as a species, are directly affected by how we raise our boys. We are all products of nature and nurture combined. The conscious and unconscious lessons we give our children often enhance and improve their human natures, but can sometimes degrade them, too. As we come to the end of thousands of years of patriarchy, we are being challenged to redefine masculinity. Our boys are lucky to be living in such a time, and luckier when they have adults in their lives who are aware of how their minds function and what they need. If we want to raise men who are strong, confident, and whole in the best sense of these words, then parents around the world urgently need a conversation about what we teach – and don’t teach – our boys.
An inside look at what our schools are like today and practical advice for navigating the educational system. School is our children’s second home. They will spend more time there than anywhere else in their formative years. We all need to talk honestly about the nature of this environment, how it works, and how it doesn’t work. Our kids are depending on us to create a school system where they can learn as well as feel happy. The more we know about how school works, the better we will be able to navigate our way through «the system» and help our children do the same. What Every Parent Should Know About School is an honest, positive, thought-provoking look at what schools are today and what they could be in the future.
This special three-book bundle collects sage advice and guidance for today’s parent struggling to keep up in a rapidly-changing world. Two titles by Michael Reist discuss education; school is our children’s second home. They will spend more time there than anywhere else in their formative years. We all need to talk honestly about the nature of this environment. <i>What Every Parent Should Know About School</i> is an honest, positive, thought-provoking look at what schools are today and what they could be in the future. <i>Raising Boys in a New Kind of World</i> is a passionate call for greater empathy. The more we know about boys, the more realistic our expectations of them will be.<p> Combining the expertise of its author – a celebrated expert in parent-infant mental health and mother of two – with the latest findings in gene-by-environment interactions, epigenetics, behavioural science, and attachment theory, <i>Scientific Parenting</i> describes how children’s genes determine their sensitivity to good or bad parenting, how environmental cues can switch critical genes on or off, and how addictive tendencies and mental health problems can become hardwired into the human brain.</p> <p><b>Includes</b> </p> <ul> <li><i>Raising Boys in a New Kind of World</i></li> <li><i>Scientific Parenting</i></li> <li><i>What Every Parent Should Know About School</i></li> </ul>