
In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham details revolver maintenance and modifications. Learn how to smooth your revolver's action, improve its accuracy and customize it for a personal touch.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver, Grant Cunningham shows how to reload your revolver with one hand. This emergency technique is critical to master if you carry a concealed revolver for self-defense.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham teaches his secrets for dealing with misfires, jammed triggers and cqase-under-extractor malfunctions in revolvers.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham teaches you the defensive reload, tactical reload, competition reload and other techniques to keep your sixgun running. Also covered are speed loaders and moon clips.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham covers point of aim, sights and the fundamentals unique to revolver shooting.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham shows the proper grasp, finger position and trigger control for fast, accurate double action revolver shooting.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham teaches his secrets for mastering the double action trigger, shooting accurately with a pistol, one-handed shooting and clearing malfunctions.


Get to Know Your Revolver—Inside and Out! Gun Digest Book of the Revolver covers all aspects of living with the double-action revolver: shooting, handling, carrying, maintaining and accessorizing—everything you need to know to operate the quintessential American handgun. Topics in this comprehensive volume include: Self-Defense—Revolvers are still a good choice! Sighting options—including tips for aging eyes Getting the right hand fit Grips that work—and those that don't Spare ammo carrying options Maintenance and cleaning how-to's The right holster for the job Wheel-gun ammo choices for work, play and self-defense And much, much more!! Whether you use your revolver for sport, hunting, competition or self-defense, you'll learn something from this book!