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Sam Bennett
Список книг автора Sam BennettАннотация
“Organized” and “artist” don't usually go together. Creative types are more often seen as sensitive, melodramatic, eccentric, misunderstood, and the like. To those who have been labeled in this way, Sam Bennett says, “Congratulations! You're an artist.” And through the Organized Artist Company, she has coached hundreds of artists to overcome procrastination, lack of focus, and time-sucking habits so that they can get their art done and out into the world. Bennett explains why “procrastination is genius in disguise” and then prescribes dozens of wonderfully revelatory exercises – such as making a “My Heroes” list and “could-do” lists (because Bennett finds to-do lists too dictatorial) – each of which requires only a fifteen-minute commitment. She gives readers practical, real-world tips, such as how to recognize who they should not talk to about their projects and when research has created Analysis Paralysis. Each of the tools she offers shifts the reader's thinking and prompts the kind of insights that have the power to turn underperforming geniuses into accomplished artists.
What Are You Waiting For?
An overwhelmed procrastinator, frustrated overachiever, and recovering perfectionist herself, Sam Bennett knows all the ways we avoid pursuing our dreams and reaching our goals. She also knows how to “get it done.” <i>Start Right Where You Are</i> is an easy-to-read, easy-to-do guidebook for anyone who wants to change their life but doesn’t know where or how to begin. Of course, the process of getting out of your own way, raising your self-esteem, improving your relationships, and making better choices can be a bumpy road. But Bennett’s fun, original voice lets you know that you’ve got a friend along the way, a friend who offers a comforting cup of tea – or a bracing shot of whiskey, depending. Her gentle-kiss-on-the-cheek and loving-thwack-upside-the-head attitude gives us what we all need: inspiration, shortcuts, and breathing room.
An overwhelmed procrastinator, frustrated overachiever, and recovering perfectionist herself, Sam Bennett knows all the ways we avoid pursuing our dreams and reaching our goals. She also knows how to “get it done.” <i>Start Right Where You Are</i> is an easy-to-read, easy-to-do guidebook for anyone who wants to change their life but doesn’t know where or how to begin. Of course, the process of getting out of your own way, raising your self-esteem, improving your relationships, and making better choices can be a bumpy road. But Bennett’s fun, original voice lets you know that you’ve got a friend along the way, a friend who offers a comforting cup of tea – or a bracing shot of whiskey, depending. Her gentle-kiss-on-the-cheek and loving-thwack-upside-the-head attitude gives us what we all need: inspiration, shortcuts, and breathing room.