
From Bachelor to FatherFirefighter Liam McGregory is used to staring down five-alarm fires—but becoming a father to his two little nieces has him sending out a call for help. When the girls return a lost pup to its beautiful owner, Liam thinks widow Sarah Blackburn is just the person he needs—or who the children need. He’s promised to never marry again. Sarah takes his deal: she'll watch his kids and he'll watch her menagerie of pets—but the new father is off-limits. But two determined little matchmakers can be hard to resist when they need a mom to make one big happy family…


DEADLY EXPLOSIONLydia McKenzie is the only living witness to a serial bomber's latest threat. Surviving the explosion at the café, Lydia is rescued by police sergeant Jesse Hunt and his K-9 partner, a Rottweiler named Brutus. She's struggling to remember details of the incident. But one thing she'll never forget is how she once felt about Jesse–the high school sweetheart she left to marry another. In charge of her protection, the guarded cop believes the bomber's after her, and he promises to keep her safe. But as more of Lydia's memories return, the more the vicious killer wants her dead.Alaskan Search and Rescue: Risking their lives to save the day


A PERILOUS SECOND CHANCE When district attorney Tory Carson returns home after a long day in court prosecuting a gang leader, she finds her house trashed. Concerned that the vandalism is connected to the trial, the local police chief calls the Texas Rangers…and her former love Cade Morgan responds. Tory's history with Cade—and the secret they share—makes her reluctant to let him back into her life. But Tory doesn't want to choose between bringing down a gang leader and protecting her teenage daughter. With the threat escalating the longer she tries the case, the safest place for Tory and her daughter is at Cade's ranch. But can Cade protect them long enough for Tory to bring the criminal to justice?


MISTLETOE AND MURDERWhen Dr. Bree Mathison's plane plummets into the Alaskan wilderness at Christmastime, she is torn between grief and panic. With the pilot–her dear friend–dead and wolves circling, she struggles to survive. Search and Rescue leader David Stone fights his way through the elements to save her. David suspects the plane crash might not have been an accident, spurring Bree's sense that she's being watched. But why is someone after her? Suddenly Bree finds herself caught in the middle of a whirlwind of secrets during the holiday season. With everyone she cares about most in peril, Bree and her promised protector must battle the Alaskan tundra and vengeful criminals to make it to the New Year.Alaskan Search and Rescue: Risking their lives to save the day


To: Rachel, Pilar, MegFrom: AnneRe: Fall carnival update!I couldn't believe it when the girls from the teen center transformed me into a lovely Cinderella for the fund-raising photos…but then to have youth minister Caleb Williams as my Prince Charming? You know I have a huge crush on him! Every time I see him–at the hospital or Tiny Blessings–I can barely manage to string two words together, and he's always sweet to me. I think the makeover made him see me differently, but I don't think he'd ever date someone as plain–and lacking in faith–as me. Even so, a woman can dream, can't she?


On a tragic night, photographer Emma St. James lost not only her vision, but her memory. The police believed she'd witnessed her beloved brother's murder, but her mind refused to remember. She was lost and alone, until a stranger reached out with a touch she couldn't see. Rev. Colin Fitzpatrick would never forget the moment he saw Emma's lovely face just seconds before she ran out in front of his car.She'd been fleeing something–or someone–but she was his responsibility now. But with the killers desperate to find Emma, it would take divine intervention to keep them both alive.


RUNNING OUT OF TIME…After two months of protective custody, bodyguard Arianna Jackson is days away from testifying at a murder trial when the unthinkable happens. Her Alaska safe house is attacked, and Arianna is forced to go on the run with U.S. Marshal Brody Callahan.Arianna is used to issuing orders, not taking them, but now, out in the wild, with a bounty on her head and a killer on her heels, she has only one hope of making it to testify—the handsome protector at her side. Guardians, Inc.: Born to protect, bound to fall in love


When Hurricane Naomi tears through a small Mississippi town, a daring rescue unites two heroes.Nurse Kathleen Hart is a single mom racked by guilt over her husband's death. Firefighter Gideon O'Brien—orphaned as a young boy—has lost too many people he cared for. To rise above the storm's devastation, Gideon helps Kathleen and her sons rebuild their home.As Christmas approaches, they discover that even the strongest of storms can't destroy a romance built on the foundation of faith.


Hidden treasure? Fresh from her grandfather's funeral, Maggie Somers was shocked to find his home–all she had left of him–ransacked. What wasn't so shocking was that a Collier stood among the wreckage. Maggie had grown up hearing all about the Collier clan–liars and thieves who couldn't be trusted. Yet Zach Collier asked Maggie to have faith in him, to put their feud and their families' to rest.His grandfather had also recently passed away. Zach was sure the man–like Maggie's grandfather–had been murdered for something hidden among his possessions. Something Zach and Maggie had to uncover before they became targets.
