
There are two parts to this book. One is the love story brewing between a wandering soul who lands at the Boulder Dam and the amazing Boulder Dam itself. The love story is entertaining and the protagonist is very likable. The detail of the multiple jobs at Boulder Dam is some good stuff. There are only a few pages about Las Vegas during the building of the dam but they are fun too.


Logan Huett thought he knew the West. Once a scout with the Army, he was familiar with both the hardships and rewards of pioneer life. But not even Logan could foresee the challenges that lay ahead for him and his young wife Lucinda–raising a brood of headstrong children, struggling to achieve financial security in the wilderness, concealing a long-buried family secret, and, finally, surviving the tragedy dealt them by a devastating war.


The code of chivalry, a standard of honor between men and of loyalty and decency between a girl and a man. When Georgiana Stockwell came to the Tonto Basin from the East she had heard neither of chivalry nor of loyalty, she cared only to have the attention of as many men as possible—and to have her own way with them.


Ben Ide is a failure in the horse trade because he loves horses more than money. A few bad deals have turned the world against him. His greatest adversary is his father, who thinks Ben good for nothing. Determined to show what he is made of and what he can do, Ben pursues a herd of wild horses. The herd leads him directly into danger: cattle thieves with connections in high places. Distrusted by the woman he loves, menaced by killers, and hounded by slander, Ben finds his day of reckoning at the edge of Forlorn River. What he does next will make him an outcast or a hero.


When her father dies, sheltered young Holly Ripple gains possession of his vast cattle empire, plagued by rustlers and desperadoes. But she stands firm and soon has earned the reputation of a strong-willed cattle queen.


Hurd Blanding and his men stampeded 3,000 wild horses into a savage trap—to slaughter and sell them for chicken feed. But one young girl loved the strength and beauty of these wild animals. With the help of a wealthy rancher, she fought to free them. And only a bullet could stop her!


Cowboy John Curry had sworn to protect Mary Newton from her shiftless, drunken husband. And when he learned that Wilbur Newton was involved in treacherous activities that would doom the desert Indians, his determination hardened to steel.


When Paul Manning set out in search of adventure, he didn't realise what was in store. He'd never been in a blistering hell-hole like Bitter Seeps – or met a man as crooked as Belmont. Or seen a woman as good as Belmont's wife, Louise.


Three stirring stories of passion and adventure in the American West. As war erupts between two Indian nations, a brave warrior must choose between sacred duty and forbidden desire. A man accused of a crime he did not commit sets out to clear his name. A night spent in a haunted cabin evokes eerie visions of long-ago tragedy, betrayal, and love.


Arizona Ames did not set out to make his mark as a gunfighter—it just happened, the way these things sometimes do. Living up to his reputation, Arizona not only removes the bad guys, but charms the ladies, spoken for … or not!