
„Możesz mi zaufać”
Te właśnie słowa usłyszał Dylan O’Connor, siedząc związany w ciemnym pokoju motelowym, od człowieka, który ogromną strzykawką aplikował mu niezidentyfikowaną substancję.
„Możesz mi zaufać”
Sytuacja nieco absurdalna, ale mocny początek zwiastuje tylko większe kłopoty. Na koniec nocnego spotkania Doktor da Dylanowi jedną radę: „Ratuj się”. Bo w ciągu pół godziny w motelu zjawią się ludzie gotowi odebrać mu życie.
Dylan rozpoczyna walkę z czasem, nieznanym wrogiem i własnym ciałem.

Dean Koontz doskonale łączy poczucie humoru i historie rodem z horroru People Magazine


Ukochany Susan Thornton stracił życie w Pieczarze Gromów, w trakcie brutalnej ceremonii otrzęsin. W ciągu kolejnych czterech pozostali uczestnicy tego krwawego obrzędu braterstwa zmarli gwałtowną śmiercią. Ale czy pozostają martwi? Dwanaście lat później Susan budzi się w szpitalnym łóżku. Najwyraźniej brała udział w wypadku, nie pamięta jednak kim jest i co się wydarzyło. Wie za to, że jej rekonwalescencja przeradza się w koszmar – twarze które pochylają się nad nią z troską należą bezsprzecznie do zabójców jej chłopaka. Czyżby martwi powrócili do Życia? A może to umysł Susan stopniowo pogrąża się w szaleństwie?


Kiedy na świat przychodzi Bartholomew Lampion, chłopiec o przepięknych oczach, tysiące mil dalej Junior Cain dowiaduje się, że ma śmiertelnego wroga o tym właśnie imieniu. Rozpoczyna fanatyczną krucjatę przeciwko chłopcu, którego nawet nie poznał. Barty w wieku trzech lat traci wzrok. Jego życie będzie teraz wielką serią zdumiewających wydarzeń, które zmuszą każdego czytelnika do zmiany sposobu postrzegania świata… Niesamowita opowieść pokazująca, że każdym chaosem rządzi jakiś dziwny, niezrozumiały porządek.

Dean Koontz dokonał literackiego cudu Fort Worth Star-Telegram






The seventh and final Odd Thomas thriller from the master storyteller.The future is haunting Odd Thomas.The carnival has returned to Pico Mundo, the same one that came to town when Odd was just sixteen. Odd is drawn to an arcade tent where he discovers Gypsy Mummy, the fortune-telling machine that told him that he and Stormy Llewellyn were destined to be together forever.But Stormy is dead and Pico Mundo is under threat once more. History seems to be repeating itself as Odd grapples with a satanic cult intent on bringing destruction to his town. An unseasonal storm is brewing, and as the sky darkens and the sun turns blood-red, it seems that all of nature is complicit in their plans.Meanwhile Odd is having dreams of a drowned Pico Mundo, where the submerged streetlamps eerily light the streets. But there’s no way Pico Mundo could wind up underwater . . . could it?


Odd Thomas’s singular journey is approaching its unforgettable conclusion in SAINT ODD. But before Odd’s destiny is revealed, this exclusive eBook short story looks back to where it all began for Odd Thomas and Stormy Llewellyn, two souls who are destined to be together forever.Odd Thomas, a 16 year old fry-cook with a gift for seeing the recently deceased, and his girlfriend Stormy Llewellyn (and in the backseat, the spirit of Elvis Presley) are on their way to the annual carnival when a man with a machete embedded in his neck hurls himself into their borrowed car, with all the nimble grace of the lingering dead.Someone, somewhere close by is in imminent danger. Odd and Stormy must postpone their visit to the fair and its fortune-telling machine in order to avert a brutal crime…


In the dazzling new thriller from the master of dark suspense, the hand of fate reaches out to touch an ordinary man with greatness. So long as he is ready. So long as he is, above all, afraid.Jimmy Tock comes into the world on the very night his grandfather leaves it. As a violent storm rages outside the hospital, Rudy Tock spends long hours walking the corridors between the expectant fathers' waiting room and his dying father's bedside. It's a strange vigil made all the stranger when, at the very height of the storm's fury, Josef Tock suddenly sits up in bed and speaks coherently for the first and last time since his stroke.What he says before he dies is that there will be five dark days in the life of his grandson – five dates whose terrible events Jimmy will have to prepare himself to face. The first is to occur in his 20th year; the second in his 23rd year; the third in his 28th; the fourth in his 29th; the fifth in his 30th.Rudy is all too ready to discount his father's last words as a dying man's delusional rambling. But then he discovers that Josef also predicted the moment of his grandson's birth to the minute, as well as his exact height, weight, and the fact that Jimmy would be born with syndactyly – the unexplained anomaly of fused digits on his left foot. Suddenly, the old man's predictions take on a chilling significance.What terrifying events await Jimmy on these five dark days? What nightmares will he face? What challenges must he survive? As the novel unfolds, picking up Jimmy's story at each of these crisis points, the path he must follow will defy every expectation. And with each crisis he faces, he will move closer to a fate he could never have imagined. For who Jimmy Tock is and what he must accomplish on the five days his world turns is a mystery as dangerous as it is wondrous – a struggle against an evil so dark and pervasive only the most extraordinary of human spirits can shine through.