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Шарон Сала
Список книг автора Шарон СалаАннотация
A soldier's homecoming. Mariah Conrad has come home. Badly wounded on active duty in Afghanistan and finally released Stateside, she has no family to call on and nowhere to go—until Quinn Walker arrives at her bedside. Quinn…her brother-in-arms, ex-lover and now maybe her future. Quinn brings Mariah to his log cabin in the Appalachian Mountains of Kentucky to rest and recuperate both physically and emotionally.While she's incredibly grateful, Mariah is also confused and frustrated. She's always stood on her own two feet, but now even that can literally be torture. She's having flashbacks and blackouts, hearing helicopter noises in the night. She wants to push Quinn away—and hold him closer than ever. But will she get the chance?Those helicopters are more than just post-traumatic stress; they're real—and dangerous. Bad things are happening on the mountain. Suddenly there's a battle to be fought on the home front, and no guarantee of survival.
THE AGENT: SPEAR's top gun, a man deeply shrouded in mystery…THE MISSION: To find his heart again – before he fights his last battle…THE SOUL-WRENCHING REUNION:Once he holds Cara Justice in his arms, will he ever let her go?He was the only man she had ever loved. The father of her child. The soldier Cara Justice believed dead. Now he was back, older, yet just as ruggedly handsome as he'd been years ago, when they'd said goodbye.Passion drove them together again, though duty tore them apart. For he had one final battle, and he would either fight to the death – or return home a hero, ready to claim his woman once and for all….
He killed her once… Throat slashed and left for dead next to her murdered father, a thirteen-year-old girl vows to hunt down the man who did this to them–Solomon Tutuola. Now grown, bounty hunter Cat Dupree lets nothing–or no one–stand in the way of that deadly promise. Not even her lover, Wilson McKay.Their sexually charged encounters leave McKay wanting more, but Cat is determined to keep her distance. She doesn't need a man making emotional demands, not now, when revenge is near. Suspecting that Tutuola is still alive, despite witnessing the horrific explosion that should have killed him, Cat follows a dangerous money trail to Mexico, swearing not to return until she's certain Tutuola is dead–even if it means destroying her very soul…
36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….For Her Eyes Only Part 3Jessica's visions have continued unbidden since she blacked out at the lodge the night of the storm. She doesn't know if the vision of Stone Richardson dead is real or fantasy.For a cop like Stone, being in the line of fire is part of the job. That doesn't stop just because the woman he loves has a vision. He needs to keep investigating the mayor's murder, whatever the risk.So much is at stake now that they've found each other again. And neither can see the future with certainty, or predict when danger will strike.Don't miss the continuing drama in Grand Springs with Cinderella Story by Elizabeth August.
36 Hours SerialAs a devastating summer storm hits Grand Springs, Colorado, the next thirty-six hours will change the town and its residents forever….For Her Eyes Only Part 2Ever since she blacked out at Squaw Creek Lodge the night of the storm, Jessica's been having visions. What does it mean? If only she could have a vision about where things are going between her and Stone–but that's still a mystery. And since her last vision of Stone in danger, she has even more to worry about.Stone's glad to have Jessica back in his life. And since he found out the truth about the mayor's death, he's taking her visions seriously. But if Olivia's death wasn't an accident, there's a killer out there, and Jessica might be in danger….The story concludes in For Her Eyes Only Part 3.
On ainult üks viis saladusi varjata…
Kui vaid Lissa Sherman ja Mack Jackson oleksid pärast nii paljusid aastaid kohtunud teistsugusel põhjusel. Oleks vaid neid kokku toonud midagi muud kui Macki isa mõrv. Mis veelgi hullem – mõrv, mis sooritati Lissa autoga.
Kolmkümmend viis aastat tagasi läksid neli sõpra lõbusõidule ja sattusid hirmsasse õnnetusse, kus üks neist hukkus ja mille tagajärjel ülejäänud ei mäletanud tollest jubedast õhtust midagi. Nüüd on veel kaks neist mõrvatud, ka Macki isa, ja kui ainuke ellujäänud naine isegi teab, miks neid jahitakse, hoiab ta suu lukus.
Lissa ja Mack tunnevad keset seda tragöödiat vastastikust tõmmet, kuid müsteerium muutub veelgi keerulisemaks, kui ka Lissa satub kellegi sihtmärgiks. Kas teda varitsev oht on seotud teiste surmajuhtumitega või tegutseb linnas kaks mõrvarit? Nüüd peab Mack pidama võitlust nii tundmatu ründaja kui ka enda tunnetega Lissa vastu, kuid võib juhtuda, et ta jääb kaotajaks mõlemas võitluses.
ineviku pattudel on pikad varjud Dallas Phillips keeldub uskumast, et ta isa tegi enesetapu, ehkki isal oli olnud talu ülalpidamisega raskusi ja ta oli võlgades. Kui Dallas saab teada, et isa oli naabrile rääkinud peagi sülle langevast suuremast rahasummast, hakkab ta midagi kahtlustama ja kahtlused süvenevad veelgi, kui ta taipab, et pimeduse saabudes luurab keegi lähedalasuvates mägedes.