
Is it really possible to be both rich and happy at the same time? A person who wants to be rich will answer that it’s good to be rich. A person whose sense of life isn’t about money, but about happiness most likely will also respond in the standard way, that “perhaps” happiness isn’t about money. But a person who strives to be both rich and happy will choose the only correct version – “I want to be both rich and happy! I want to be a millionaire and I want to be very rich and lucky in my life”.


There is an effective, but simple rule here in the book. The golden rule is YOU GIVE FIRST – and only then you GET. First YOU give a PROFIT to your PARTNER – and only then you get a profit for YOURSELF. Use the RULE – always, with everyone and everywhere. The more you give, the more you get. A good example is a credit bank – act as a credit bank for yourself! Give your money to people at a small percent. Improve the quality of life of your partners! Do what everyone needs. Worldwide Bestseller!


This book is the sequel of the world bestseller “Love and Grow Rich”. This book gives you the ALL-NEW secrets of getting BIG MONEY. The secrets that allow MILLIONS of people ALL AROUND THE WORLD create their own business in the way of getting and increasing profits by the business itself, without your direct interference. Perhaps, this book even tops its mastermind – The Great Napoleon Hill. There is everything you need to know about money – for you to have it! For the worldwide audience.


The only thing that is worth attention is the thing you have in your pocket. It is Love. It is Love for every minute of your life on this beautiful planet. Hurry up, because you, like everyone else, haven’t much time left! Do not waste your time on boredom and aggression. Spend your time on love and happiness. Just be happy while you grow rich! Love and do not bother yourself in order to be rich and happy!