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      Project Spy Kids IV

      Zoo Poo Clues

      Written by Hazel Edwards.

      Illustrated and designed by Jane Connory.

      From his hot air balloon flight over the zoo, sleuth Art sees something suspicious that later helps him solve a mystery.

      As winner of talkback radio’s ‘Going Up’ competition, quiz whiz Art shares the prize of a hot air balloon flight with mates India and Mars Bar. It’s India’s birthday soon and Art hasn’t bought a present. Mars Bar comes regardless.

      The prize must be used at 4.30 am next morning, but 9.am sharp on Wednesday is Mrs.Tasker’s class visit to the Zoo. Luckily the flight path goes over the Zoo. The children are suspicious of passenger Mr. Brand who takes special photos. Luckily the balloon lands in time for the children’s excursion. They meet the Cyclist, Shorty, and the Butterfly Expert and Kip the Zoo teacher. Art suspects all of them.

      Later, in the zoo grounds, Art checks out the mysterious Butterfly House clue. After sleuthing around the Zoo, they solve the mystery. A smelly solution. Zoo Poo Cake.

      Also in the Project Spy Kids Series, by Hazel Edwards.

      Copyright © Hazel Edwards and Jane Connory, 2011.

      Written By Hazel Edwards.


      Illustration and design by Jane Connory.


      ISBN 978-0-9871078-9-3

      All electronic rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

      Teacher resources and activities available -



      Chapter 1 Star Signs

      Chapter 2 Winning The Balloon Flight

      Chapter 3 Bird’s Eye View of a Mystery

      Chapter 4 Landing

      Chapter 5 Blow up Dino

      Chapter 6 Zoo Poo

      Chapter 7 The Butterfly House

      Chapter 8 Zoo School

      Chapter 9 Eco Games

      Chapter 10 Birthday Clues

      Chapter 1

      Star Signs

      You will have good news today. Everything will be up in the air tomorrow.’

      From the newspaper, India read out her stars.

      ‘I don’t believe in that,’ said Art quickly.

      ‘When’s your birthday?’ India cut out the signs. ‘February, the 13th.’

      ‘You’re Aquarius. Like my star sign,’ India flipped through magazines.

      ‘Horror scopes, ‘ interrupted Mars Bar. ‘My Grandad says you can’t tell the future by stars.’

      ‘Right.’ India agreed.’ But I’m doing a scientific experiment.’ She added the last clipping to her pile.

      ‘I’ve got five different horoscopes for my birthday week. They’re from five different astrologers. I’m going to see if any are right.’

      Art noticed something important. ‘India, see this date on the front.’

      But India kept talking.’ My monster party’s tomorrow night, after we get back from the zoo. You’re coming aren’t you?’

      Art nodded. He hadn’t bought India’s present yet. And he hadn’t read the butterfly book Mrs.Tasker had given him. Zoos were the class project.

      Mars Bar checked both papers.

      ‘They say different things.’ India nodded. ‘That’s why I’m doing my scientific experiment.’

      ‘For the Science award?’ asked Mars Bar.

      Last time, India collected dogs’ droppings. Then she’d designed a dog toilet, which won. Mrs.Tasker hadn’t liked the invention’s name ‘Dogs’ It’, but India still won.

      Art asked, ‘Did all this stuff happen to you at this time LAST year?’

      ‘Can’t remember,’ admitted India. ‘Why? Oh no! Last year’s magazine. That’s history. ‘

      ‘Cherry picker!’ said Mars Bar.

      Since Miss Hall banned swearing, that was his new word when things went wrong.

      ‘Use stars for your history project,’ suggested Art. India read so fast, she never bought new magazines. When she needed pictures for school projects she got bundles at op shops.

      ‘Hey, Tiny! Stop licking me! ‘laughed Mars Bar.

      Tiny was India’s very big dog. His name fitted only when he was a puppy.

      India dragged him off Mars Bar, just before Tiny lifted his leg.

      ‘Has Tiny got a dog star sign?’ Mars Bar asked.

      ‘Tiny can’t read,’ said India. ‘

      But he’s a dog who stars...’ ‘...at lifting his leg on people when they’re on the floor!’ said Mars Bar quickly.

      Art thought about today’s stars. Would any good news arrive for him?

      That night, Art won the ‘Hot Air, Going Up’ competition. Mum was still at work. Dad was away, driving his truck.

      While Art ate his pizza slice, he’d been listening to talk back radio. Dr What’s quiz program had ace prizes. The first time Art tried, the number was engaged and he missed winning tickets to the ‘Hot Ice’ concert.

      Art dialled the number again. He hung up and waited, his pizza-sticky finger just above the redial button.

      ‘Our next competition is sponsored by ‘Going Up’, the hot air balloon company. They need a name for their new balloon. Ring in when...’

      Art hit the redial button. Beeps. The phone was answered immediately.

      ‘Hi. M’name’s Art.’ ‘Hullo Art. What is your answer?’ said a voice.

      For a moment, Art went blank. He didn’t know the question. Behind, he could hear his radio talking to itself.

      ‘Could you turn off your radio please Art?’ requested Dr What.

      ‘Okay.’ Art leaned across, and paused. The radio was a few seconds behind. Art could hear his radio- self

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