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Understanding Anatomy & Physiology in Nursing

      Understanding Anatomy & Physiology in Nursing

      Transforming Nursing Practice

       John Knight

       Yamni Nigam

       Jayne Cutter

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      © John Knight, Yamni Nigam and Jayne Cutter 2020

      Additional contributors: © 2020 Chapter 4: Nikki Williams; Chapter 6: Zubeyde Bayram-Weston; Chapter 11: Maria Andrade

      First published 2020

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       Library of Congress Control Number: 2020933766

       British Library Cataloguing in Publication data

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      ISBN 978-1-5264-7455-1

      ISBN 978-1-5264-7454-4 (pbk)

      Editor: Laura Walmsley

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      1  About the authors

      2  Introduction

      3  1 Cellular physiology and histology

      4  2 Homeostasis

      5  3 The cardiovascular system

      6  4 The respiratory system

      7  5 The endocrine system

      8  6 The nervous system

      9  7 The skin

      10  8 The musculoskeletal system

      11  9 Blood, immunity and the lymphatic system

      12  10 The digestive system

      13  11 The urinary system

      14  12 The reproductive systems

      15  13 Genetics and inheritance

      16  Glossary

      17  References

      18  Index

      About the authors

      Dr John Knight is Associate Professor in Biomedical Science within the College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea University. For the last 20 years he has taught anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology on a wide variety of professional degree and diploma programmes including: health and social care, paramedic science, nursing and midwifery. John’s first degree is in microbiology; additionally he holds a PhD in immunology and has over 50 published articles in peer-reviewed journals. His teaching at Swansea University has recently been recognised by the presentation of a Distinguished Teaching Award. John has a variety of research interests including the evolution of immune responses, the physiological effects of ageing and immobility and the use of virtual reality simulations in the teaching of anatomy and physiology.Professor Yamni Nigam is a Professor in Biomedical Science (anatomy, physiology and pathophysiology) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, teaching a wide range of health professionals including nurses and paramedics. Her specialist subjects include digestion, blood, immunology, microbiology, parasitology, wounds (infection and healing) and maggot therapy. Yamni graduated from King’s College London and undertook a Master’s degree in Applied Parasitology and Medical Entomology at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. After successful completion of her doctorate, Yamni was offered a lectureship teaching anatomy and physiology at Swansea University. In 2001, she set up the Swansea University Maggot Research Group, focusing on scientific investigations of the medicinal maggot and its role in wound healing. Her love of human A&P has persisted and she continues to write articles to support the learning of these subjects for all health professionals. Yamni is the author of over 75 peer-reviewed articles, book chapters and papers.After qualifying as a nurse, Professor Jayne Cutter worked in surgery and intensive care before becoming a Clinical Nurse Specialist in Infection Control. She spent 15 years in this post before leaving the

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