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       Article 42 - Occupants of aircraft

       Section II. Combatants and Prisoners of War

       Art 43. Armed forces

       Art 44. Combatants and prisoners of war

       Art 45. Protection of persons who have taken part in hostilities

       Art 46. Spies

       Art 47. Mercenaries

       Part IV. Civilian Population

       Section I. General Protection Against Effects of Hostilities

       Chapter I. Basic rule and field of application

       Chapter II. Civilians and civilian population

       Chapter III. Civilian objects

       Chapter IV. Precautionary measures

       Chapter V. Localities and zones under special protection

       Chapter VI. Civil defence

       Section II. Relief in Favour of the Civilian Population

       Art 68. Field of application

       Art 69. Basic needs in occupied territories

       Art 70. Relief actions

       Art 71. Personnel participating in relief actions

       Section III. Treatment of Persons in the Power of a Party to the Conflict

       Chapter I. Field of application and protection of persons and objects

       Chapter II. Measures in favour of women and children

       Chapter III. Journalists

       Part V. Execution of the Conventions and of its Protocols

       Section I. General Provisions

       Art 80. Measures for execution

       Art 82. Legal advisers in armed forces

       Art 83. Dissemination

       Art 84. Rules of application

       Section II. Repression of Breaches of the Conventions and of this Protocol

       Article 85 - Repression of breaches of this Protocol

       Art 86. Failure to act

       Art 87. Duty of commanders

       Art 88. Mutual assistance in criminal matters

       Art 89. Co-operation

       Art 90. International Fact-Finding Commission

       Art 91. Responsibility

       Part IV. Final Resolutions

       Art 92. Signature

       Art 93. Ratification

       Art 94. Accession

       Art 95.- Entry into force

       Art 96. Treaty relations upon entry into force or this Protocol

       Art 97. Amendment

       Art 98. Revision of Annex I

       Article 99 - Denunciation

       Article 100 - Notifications

       Art 101. Registration

       Art 102. Authentic texts


       [Former] Annex I. Regulations Concerning Identification (for explanations, see the introduction:)

       Annex II. Identity Card for Journalists on Dangerous Professional Missions

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