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      Study Guide

       Dan Sullivan

      Copyright © 2020 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana

      Published simultaneously in Canada and in the United Kingdom

      ISBN: 978-1-119-61843-0

      ISBN: 978-1-119-61844-7 (ebk.)

      ISBN: 978-1-119-61845-4 (ebk.)

      Manufactured in the United States of America

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      I have been fortunate to work again with professionals from Waterside Productions, Wiley, and Google to create this Study Guide.

      Carole Jelen, vice president of Waterside Productions, and Jim Minatel, associate publisher at John Wiley & Sons, continue to lead the effort to create Google Cloud certification guides. It was a pleasure to work with Gary Schwartz, project editor, who managed the process that got us from outline to a finished manuscript. Thanks to Christine O’Connor, senior production editor, for making the last stages of book development go as smoothly as they did.

      I was also fortunate to work with Valerie Parham-Thompson again. Valerie’s technical review improved the clarity and accuracy of this book tremendously.

      Thank you to the Google Cloud subject-matter experts who reviewed and contributed to the material in this book:

Name Title
Damon A. Runion Technical Curriculum Developer, Data Engineering
Julianne Cuneo Data Analytics Specialist, Google Cloud
Geoff McGill Customer Engineer, Data Analytics
Susan Pierce Solutions Manager, Smart Analytics and AI
Rachel Levy Cloud Data Specialist Lead
Dustin Williams Data Analytics Specialist, Google Cloud
Gbenga Awodokun Customer Engineer, Data and Marketing Analytics
Dilraj Kaur Big Data Specialist
Rebecca Ballough Data Analytics Manager, Google Cloud
Robert Saxby Staff Solutions Architect
Niel Markwick Cloud Solutions Architect
Sharon Dashet Big Data Product Specialist
Barry Searle Solution Specialist - Cloud Data Management
Jignesh Mehta Customer Engineer, Cloud Data Platform and Advanced Analytics

      My sons James and Nicholas were my first readers, and they helped me to get the manuscript across the finish line.

      This book is dedicated to Katherine, my wife and partner in so many adventures.


Dan Sullivan is a principal engineer and software architect. He specializes in data science, machine learning, and cloud computing. Dan is the author of the Official Google Cloud Certified Professional Architect Study Guide (Sybex, 2019), Official Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Study Guide (Sybex, 2019), NoSQL for Mere Mortals (Addison-Wesley Professional, 2015), and several LinkedIn Learning courses on databases, data science, and machine learning. Dan has certifications from Google and AWS, along with a Ph.D. in genetics and computational biology from Virginia Tech.


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