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       Holly looked at his grimly set mouth and the dark shadow of sexy stubble that surrounded it. The clench of his jaw suggested he was only just holding on to his temper.

      Her heart began to thump—but not out of fear. It wasn’t Julius she was afraid of but her reaction to him. She had never felt her body react in this way. His touch triggered something raw and primal in her. She had never felt her body ache. Pulse and contract with a longing she couldn’t describe because she had never felt it quite like this before. She wasn’t a virgin, but none of her few sexual encounters had made her flesh sing like this. He hadn’t even kissed her and yet she felt as if she was on a knife-edge. Every nerve in her body was standing up and waiting. Anticipating. Wanting. Hungering.

      And then he suddenly dropped his hands from her arms. The movement was so unexpected she nearly toppled backwards into the pool, but somehow managed to regain her balance. She maintained her composure—just—with a cool look cast his way.

      ‘One thing you should note,’ she said. ‘I don’t take orders. Not from you or from anyone.’

       The Ravensdale Scandals

       Scandal is this family’s middle name!

      With notoriously famous parents, the Ravensdale children grew up in the limelight. But nothing could have prepared them for this latest scandal … the revelation of a Ravensdale love-child!

      London’s most eligible siblings find themselves in the eye of their own paparazzi storm.

      They’re determined to fight back— they just never factored in falling in love too …!

      Find out what happens in

      Julius Ravensdale’s story

      Ravensdale’s Defiant Captive December 2015

      Miranda Ravensdale’s story

      Awakening the Ravensdale Heiress January 2016

      And watch for Jake and Katherine’s

      Ravensdale Scandals … coming soon!


      Defiant Captive

      Melanie Milburne


      An avid romance reader, MELANIE MILBURNE loves writing the kind of books that gave her so much joy as she was busy getting married to her own hero and raising a family. Now a USA TODAY bestselling author, she has won several awards—including The Australian Readers’ Association most popular category/series romance in 2008 and the prestigious Romance Writers of Australia R*BY award in 2011.

      She loves to hear from readers!

      MelanieMilburne.com.au Facebook.com/Melanie.Milburne Twitter @MelanieMilburn1

      To Ella Carey,

      a talented writer, a dear friend and a wonderful person.

      I love our writing chats! xxx




       The Ravensdale Scandals

       Title Page

       About the Author














      JULIUS RAVENSDALE KNEW his housekeeper was up to something as soon as she brought in his favourite dessert. ‘Queen’s pudding?’ He raised one of his brows. ‘I never have dessert at lunch unless it’s a special occasion.’

      ‘It is a special occasion,’ Sophia said as she put the meringue-topped dessert in front of him.

      He narrowed his gaze. ‘Okay, tell me. What’s going on?’

      Sophia’s expression was sheepish. ‘I’m bringing in a girl to help me run the house. It’s only for a month until this wretched tendonitis settles. The extra pair of hands will be so helpful and I’ll be doing my bit for society. It’s a win-win.’

      Julius glanced at the wrist brace Sophia had been wearing for the past couple of weeks. He knew she worked far too hard and could do with the extra help but he liked to keep the staff numbers down in the villa. Not because he was mean about paying them. He would pay them triple to stay away and let him get on with his work. ‘Who is it?’

      ‘Just a girl who’s in need of a bit of direction.’

      Julius mentally rolled his eyes. Of all the housekeepers he could have chosen, he had employed the Argentinian reincarnation of Mother Teresa. ‘I thought we agreed your lame ducks were restricted to the stables or the gardens?’

      ‘I know, but this girl will go to prison if—’

      ‘Prison?’ he said. ‘You’re bringing a convicted criminal here?’

      ‘She’s only been in trouble a couple of times,’ Sophia said. ‘Anyway, maybe the guy deserved it.’


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