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wasn’t a first date – there wasn’t an order to adhere to. There was no need to round first base and kiss her like that before she sucked my cock. She is mine to do with what I please. I could have fucked her in the ass on the kitchen table if I’d wanted. And believe me, the thought crossed my mind. When I’d watched her bend over my bike and set the helmet on the seat, I wanted to bite into her ass like an apple. Then take her plump cheeks into my hands and drive forward into the center of them, maybe smack her ass too for making me have such depraved thoughts. Instead I’d acted like a concerned boyfriend, kissing her lips and making sure she was in the right frame of mind before using her for my pleasure. And fuck, her mouth had been perfect. Warm and soft and eager to please. I guess knowing someone had just paid a small fortune for your company ensured good service.

      Coming on her tongue wasn’t enough. After, I’d wanted to strip her naked and fuck her hard, ending by jerking off on her tits to mark her and show her she was mine. But there’ll be time for that later.

      I want to know her story. She seems like a nice, normal girl – too nice for the sick shit I’m pulling her into. But her reasons for being here aren’t my concern. Just like my reasons for obtaining her aren’t any of hers. She doesn’t need to know my past, the only things she needs to know are that I like my cock sucked regularly, I have a healthy appetite for sex and not to disturb me when I’m working. And I need to remember she’s here for one purpose. If so, this arrangement will work out fine, and leave us both satisfied.

      ‘Let’s go to bed, tomorrow will be a long day and you’ll need your rest.’

      Her skittish blue eyes dart to mine again and she nods tentatively. She wants to know when I’m going to fuck her. I guess she’ll have to wait and see.

       Chapter Three


      Once upstairs we pass by several doors and continue on down the long hall. When we reach the master bedroom, I grow quiet, taking it all in. The room is huge, with a king sized bed and an upholstered headboard, tables with lamps, and a chaise lounge chair in front of a gas fireplace. The décor is contemporary and simple in tones of light gray and cream with splashes of blue as accents. Everything looks brand new.

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