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      Doc probed deeper

      “The question remains unanswered. Is there any of the poisonous old tech still on the premises, the rancid remnants of a bygone and perhaps best forgotten age? Some relic of that pernicious evil known as the Totality Concept?”

      Doc hadn’t idly brought up the name of the Totality Concept. He had spoken the name in the hopes of eliciting some kind of reaction.

      The baron hadn’t recognized the name at all, and had seemed genuine in his bemusement at the use of the term. But then, Doc hadn’t been watching the baron. His eyes had been kept firmly on Jenna, and he had seen her sharp features harden as the words were spoken. The raven eyes had fixed on him, met his full on and tried to fathom his intent.

      There was old tech here. Old tech related to secret government projects of the past. And maybe there was something that would link this ville to the main body of the Illuminated Ones, and the place in the North they were searching for.

      Other titles in the Deathlands saga:

      Pilgrimage to Hell

      Red Holocaust

      Neutron Solstice

      Crater Lake

      Homeward Bound

      Pony Soldiers

      Dectra Chain

      Ice and Fire

      Red Equinox

      Northstar Rising

      Time Nomads

      Latitude Zero


      Dark Carnival

      Chill Factor

      Moon Fate

      Fury’s Pilgrims


      Deep Empire

      Cold Asylum

      Twilight Children

      Rider, Reaper

      Road Wars

      Trader Redux

      Genesis Echo


      Ground Zero

      Emerald Fire



      Keepers of the Sun

      Circle Thrice

      Eclipse at Noon


      Bitter Fruit


      Demons of Eden

      The Mars Arena


      Nightmare Passage

      Freedom Lost

      Way of the Wolf

      Dark Emblem

      Crucible of Time


      Encounter: Collector’s Edition

      Gemini Rising

      Gaia’s Demise

      Dark Reckoning

      Shadow World

      Pandora’s Redoubt

      Rat King

      Zero City

      Savage Armada

      Judas Strike

      Shadow Fortress



      James Axler

      …there have always been secrets, and there has always been power. It’s just that some of it has been out in the open, and some of it has been in the shadows. That’s the worst—you can never be sure what’s going on in the shadows. That twilight world where there are only half-truths and half-lies, and no such thing as trust.

      —From a report to a Congress Committee on hidden cabals and covert operations,

      August 23, 1954


      This world is their legacy, a world born in the violent nuclear spasm of 2001 that was the bitter outcome of a struggle for global dominance.

      There is no real escape from this shockscape where life always hangs in the balance, vulnerable to newly demonic nature, barbarism, lawlessness.

      But they are the warrior survivalists, and they endure—in the way of the lion, the hawk and the tiger, true to nature’s heart despite its ruination.

      Ryan Cawdor: The privileged son of an East Coast baron. Acquainted with betrayal from a tender age, he is a master of the hard realities.

      Krysty Wroth: Harmony ville’s own Titian-haired beauty, a woman with the strength of tempered steel. Her premonitions and Gaia powers have been fostered by her Mother Sonja.

      J. B. Dix, the Armorer: Weapons master and Ryan’s close ally, he, too, honed his skills traversing the Deathlands with the legendary Trader.

      Doctor Theophilus Tanner: Torn from his family and a gentler life in 1896, Doc has been thrown into a future he couldn’t have imagined.

      Dr. Mildred Wyeth: Her father was killed by the Ku Klux Klan, but her fate is not much lighter. Restored from predark cryogenic suspension, she brings twentieth-century healing skills to a nightmare.

      Jak Lauren: A true child of the wastelands, reared on adversity, loss and danger, the albino teenager is a fierce fighter and loyal friend.

      Dean Cawdor: Ryan’s young son by Sharona accepts the only world he knows, and yet he is the seedling bearing the promise of tomorrow.

      In a world where all was lost, they are humanity’s last hope.…


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

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