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face. “Muthafucker, you got me twisted!” When she went to slap him again he grabbed her arm.

      “Here’s your bag. I’ll replace the necklace. Come on; let me get you outta here. And slap me again, I’ma slap you back. You got me twisted.”

      “You can’t replace the necklace! That was my mother’s necklace. I want my necklace Briggen.” Shan was so mad she didn’t know what to do with herself. “You are bad news and a fuckin’ trick and a liar!” she yelled at him as she scanned the floor for her necklace.

      “I told you I’ll replace the necklace. Now let me get you outta here.”

      “And I told you, you can’t replace it. My mom gave that to me the night before they went on their trip. She told me to hold it until she got back. But she never came back. They died that next day. I gotta have that necklace.”

      “Bitch!” Sharia screamed as she was running towards Shan with a switchblade. Luke was able to stop her and take it from her.

      “C’mon Shan. I need to get you outta here. I told you that I’ll get your necklace.”

      “No, that crazy bitch didn’t come after me with a blade!” Shan held her chest in disbelief as they walked out the club and headed around to the rear parking lot. She kept looking back, expecting to see Sharia.

      “Where’s your car?” He was pulling her.

      “How could you do this to me? I thought you had your shit together nigga. I’ma get you back for this.” She couldn’t seem to calm herself down.

      “Where’s your car?” They were walking around the parking lot. Shan was so busy cussing she wasn’t even looking for the car. He grabbed her by her shoulders, shaking her. “Where is your car?” he repeated.

      An all-white Beamer pulled up next to them as they were walking around the parking lot. When the window rolled down Mia said, “Baby, what’s going on? And who in the fuck is she?”

      “Who are you?” Shan stopped in her tracks and went over to the Beamer; adrenaline still pumping, full blast, Shan was really confused now because this bitch looked just like Sharia. Briggen picked her up and she kicked the door, scraping it with her heel. “Who am I?” she screamed. “I’m the bitch he took to Las Vegas and fucked three weekends ago. Did you know that?”

      Mia couldn’t even get a sentence formed. Finally she said, “No, this crazy bitch didn’t just scrape my door and tell me she spent a whole weekend fucking my man! Did you hear her Tanya?”

      “Yeah, I heard her. Now watch where the fuck ya going! You almost hit that car!” Tanya yelled while reaching for the steering wheel.

      Mia didn’t even hear her. “Who is she Briggen?” She was driving slow and right up on them.

      “I just told you who I am,” Shan spat.

      “Go home Mia. I’ll be there in a few!” Briggen yelled.

      “I’m not going no-fuckin’-where. Who is this bitch?” Mia was looking at Shan whose nose was bleeding, lip was busted and she was looking like a madwoman.

      “Go home now, Mia! I’m not going to say it again.”

      “Yeah, go home now, Mia, because tonight it’s my turn!” Shan screamed. “He’s coming home with me.”

      “I know you’re not going home with her!” Mia put the car in park and fast as lightning she was out.

      What the fuck? Briggen said to himself. It has to be a full moon. I’ma have to put my foot in this hoes ass.

      “Calvin, Brianna left. You’re gonna have to take me home.” She smirked at Mia and she crossed her arms across her chest, standing close to Briggen.

      Mia ran over to Shan and swung on her. Her fist landed on her left jaw. “That’s for scraping my door!” Before Briggen could stop her she sprayed Shan’s face with mace. “That’s for fucking my man!” She then went to beating Shan’s ass. Dino the bouncer was now outside with them. Mia was small but quick. She was trying to stomp Shan into the ground. Shan was coughing and choking from the mace while trying to cover herself from Mia’s feet. Briggen was too busy coughing and gagging. Dino finally grabbed up Mia while Briggen managed to pick up Shan, breaking the two females apart. He carried her to his clean, black, fully loaded Denali. He practically threw her inside, went over to Mia, grabbing her in a choke hold.

      “Take your ass home Mia! Let me handle my business.” He was still coughing.

      “Who is she Briggen?” She tugged at his shirt. “Why the fuck are you taking her home?” He opened her car door and pushed her inside. She tried to get back out. He grabbed her by the neck and squeezed. “I’m not going to tell you again,” he threatened and pushed her down into the car, then slammed the door. When she opened the door he punched her in the face.

      “Come on. Get out,” he dared her.

      Dino handed him a wet towel and the necklace. “Dino man, make sure she leaves.”

      Dino nodded. “I got her.”

      “I hate you!” Mia was crying and screaming.

      Briggen went and opened the door to his Denali, where Shan was gagging and crying. He gave Shan the cold wet towel for her face, then went around the driver’s side, slid the necklace under the backseat, and jumped in.



      It was 8:20 Saturday morning and Forever was finally dressed in his beige khaki visit uniform. He had spent all morning overseeing the perfect pressing of his uniform, the shining and polishing of his boots and the precise trimming of his goatee. The only thing he forgot was some picture tickets. He was impatiently walking back and forth in his cell waiting to be called to go to the visiting hall. He hadn’t held his woman or daughter in over eight months.

      Nyla, on the other hand, was waiting impatiently in the visitors’ processing area with Tameerah who couldn’t be still. “Mommee, is it our turn to go in yet?” she asked for the fifth time.

      “Not yet, baby. In a minute.”

      Nyla thought to herself, In a minute. In a minute. Everything for the last five years has been hoped to be over in a minute. She would ask Forever, “Baby, when are you coming home?” His answer would be, “In a minute.” “When will we be able to live like a family?” “In a minute.” She was so sick of that phrase. “In a minute!” But being the strong, loyal, and dedicated black queen that she was, she had to show strength and stay positive. For the last five years every weekend she was in line by 7:45 A.M. to see Forever. So she told herself that she needed to go ahead and put on her game face. Not only for herself, but for Tameerah and Forever as well. But today, unfortunately, wearing that game face was kind of hard. She just wasn’t feeling it. And it was most likely because she got her period in the middle of the night. She was pissed, especially since today she was planning on getting some dick. She was just telling her sister Lisha that eight months was a helluva long time to go without. Lisha’s reply was, “Hell, yeah! Ain’t no way I wouldn’t be getting some dick on the side! You crazy, girl!”

      Nyla was feeling crazy hot last night. After she put Tameerah to bed she ran herself a nice hot tub of water filled with oil and bubbles. She missed Forever so much and he sounded so good when she heard his voice earlier that she wished she could have jumped through the phone. Her pussy was on fire and her fingers were not getting the job done. This was one of those times that she wanted Forever so bad that it hurt. She used the back of her hand to wipe the tears away as she prayed for strength. But it seemed like the more she prayed the harder the throbbing got between her legs. Not being able to take it anymore she turned the water on, allowing it to flow at a nice warm temperature before scooting up, leaning back and placing her feet up on the walls. As the warm cascade of liquid ran over her pussy she imagined Forever’s dick making long deep thrusts while constantly rubbing against her clit. “Ssssssss,” Nyla moaned

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