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      A Frequent Flyer Twins mystery

      Written by Hazel Edwards.

      Illustrated and designed by Jane Connory.

      When their Tokyo plane is grounded in Sydney, due to cabin mist, the Frequent Flyer Twins become involved in an oriental antique mystery. What is being artnapped? Why are security guards watching the Rembrandt? And why is the dealer so interested in Amy’s phone card collection? There’s a mix up with photos. What has happened to photographs of the newly married Japanese wedding tourist group? What about Tess, the art student who is working her way around the world? She can draw very well.

      Is she what she seems or is she a fake?

      Why is there a silver container in her luggage? Where is the missing Ming dynasty vase from the ancestral shrine? What is the courier carrying in the briefcase chained to his arm and where do the R.P.G. group fit in?

      En route for Tokyo, the Frequent Flyer Twins solve a mystery.

      Airport security changes fast. If our Frequent Flyers travelled tomorrow, there would be new regulations and electronic devices.

      Some of their past mysteries were solved without the technology we have now.

      Also in the Frequent Flyers Series, by Hazel Edwards.

      Copyright © Hazel Edwards and Jane Connory, 2011.

      Written By Hazel Edwards.


      Illustration and design by Jane Connory.


      ISBN 978-0-9871078-3-1

      All electronic rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.

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      Chapter 1 Priceless

      Chapter 2 Chained

      Chapter 3 Wrong Shots

      Chapter 4 Misty Emergency

      Chapter 5 R.P.G’s

      Chapter 6 Grounded

      Chapter 7 Missing Ming Vase

      Chapter 8 The Mysterious Mr Ng

      Chapter 9 Undercover Gloria

      Chapter 10 Return of the Samurai Sword

      Chapter 11 On Board

      Chapter 12 Fake

      Chapter 13 Tokyo Airport

      Chapter 14 Finale

      Chapter 1


      ‘Artnappers might steal it. So they’re guarding the Rembrandt,’ said the cabin attendant. He bent down to peer out through the plane window. ‘That painting from the Museum.’

      Kneeling at the window seat, the twins stared down. On the tarmac, two security guards watched a very large, thin box being loaded into the hold of the plane. A fork- lift driver raised the box to the level of the plane’s hold. The guards moved closer. The fork-lift driver backed a little and just missed the first guard’s foot.

      ‘Watch it!’ called the driver.

      ‘I am!’ said the guard. ‘But you’re not! That’s worth millions. And don’t run over my foot!

      ‘Your foot’s not worth millions!’ said the driver.

      From inside the plane, Amy looked across the silver-grey wing marked with the airline’s sign. Up close, she could see where bits joined, like a jigsaw. Looking down at the trailers piled with baggage parked alongside, Amy wondered where you’d hide the painting if you stole it. Men were busy loading the passengers’ bags and cases. The fork lift driver was reversing after placing the box in the hold.

      ‘Must be very valuable to have two guards looking after it,’ said Amy. ‘Rembrandt was a famous painter wasn’t he?’ Christopher was keen on drawing people, places and clues to mysteries.

      ‘VERY famous,’ agreed the attendant whose WILLIAM name tag was brightly polished .’And his paintings are very valuable now.’ William stowed their bags in the overhead lockers. ‘D’you need anything from these?’ As the twins shook their heads, he stretched up, his perfectly pressed shirt sleeves looking sharp as knife edges. Everything about William was perfectly polished, pressed or smelled of after-shave. His white teeth were like TV toothpaste commercials. Not a hair was out of place. Even his eyebrows looked combed. Apart from his smile, which was real, he could have been a robot, thought Christopher. William the robot cabin attendant, programmed to fly to Tokyo.

      ‘How valuable?’ asked Amy. Money interested her. Especially when she didn’t have much herself.

      ‘Priceless. That’s why the Museum employs those security guards. They go everywhere with that Rembrandt. Every transit stop, they’re last on and first off the plane,’ said William.

      ‘Does the painting need a ticket? ‘Amy and Christopher travelled half price because they were under twelve. They were also U.M.s which is why

      William had escorted them on board first. Unaccompanied minors were looked after by the airlines.

      William smiled. ‘Not exactly. Although there are documents that have to be checked. Museums loan art works to each other. There’s a special display in a Tokyo gallery soon. The guards have to make sure the artworks aren’t stolen in between.’

      Christopher noticed that he said artworks, with an ‘s’. Perhaps there were others on board besides the Rembrandt.

      ‘A bit stupid to pinch a painting when you’re in the air. Nowhere to hide it.’

      Amy giggled. ‘Unless you dropped it with its own parachute. Then it might hit a bird or snag on a tree.’

      Christopher had been thinking about the money. The guard had said millions.

      ‘If there’s only one of something, like that Rembrandt and it’s priceless, how much do insurance companies pay if it gets stolen or damaged? ‘

      ‘A good question,’ said William.

      Christopher worked out that William wasn’t programmed for that answer. A malfunction by the cabin attendant robot!

      ‘Now, move into your aisle seat Amy. You’re not in that window seat Christopher. We need to be able to get you out quickly,

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