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      Praise for USA TODAY bestselling author


      “[A] hilarious spoof of society wedding rituals wrapped around a sensual romance filled with crackling dialogue reminiscent of The Philadelphia Story.”

      —Booklist on Everything’s Coming Up Rosie

      “A cheerful, lighthearted read.”

      —Publishers Weekly on Everything’s Coming Up Rosie

      “Michaels continues to entertain readers with the verve of her appealing characters and their exciting predicaments.”

      —Booklist on Beware of Virtuous Women

      “Lively dialogue and characters make the plot’s suspense and pathos resonate.”

      —Publishers Weekly on Beware of Virtuous Women

      “A must-read for fans of historical romance and all who appreciate Michaels’ witty and sensuous style.”

      —Booklist on The Dangerous Debutante

      “Michaels is in her element in her latest historical romance, a tale filled with mystery, sexual tension, and steamy encounters, making this a gem from a true master of the genre.”

      —Booklist on A Gentleman by Any Other Name

      “Michaels can write everything from a lighthearted romp to a far more serious-themed romance. [Kasey] Michaels has outdone herself.”

      —Romantic Times BOOKreviews, Top Pick, on A Gentleman by Any Other Name

      “Nonstop action from start to finish! It seems that author Kasey Michaels does nothing halfway.”

      —Huntress Reviews on A Gentleman by Any Other Name

      “Michaels has done it again…. Witty dialogue peppers a plot full of delectable details exposing the foibles and follies of the age.”

      —Publishers Weekly, starred review, on The Butler Did It

      “Michaels demonstrates her flair for creating likable protagonists who possess chemistry, charm and a penchant for getting into trouble. In addition, her dialogue and descriptions are full of humor.”

      —Publishers Weekly on This Must Be Love

      “Kasey Michaels aims for the heart and never misses.”

      —New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts—New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts

      Kasey Michaels

      The Passion of an Angel

The Passion of an Angel


































      There was a sound of revelry by night,

      And Belgium’s capital had gather’d then

      Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright

      The lamps shone o’er fair women and brave men.

      A thousand hearts beat happily; and when

      Music arose with its voluptuous swell,

      Soft eyes look’d love to eyes which spake again,

      And all went merry as a marriage bell.

      But hush! hark! a deep sound strikes

      like a rising knell!

      George Noel Gordon,

       Lord Byron

      Never promise more than you can perform.

      Publilius Syrus

      “LOOK AT THAT ONE, WOULD YOU, Daventry? Think she’s ripe for the plucking? Ready to lie down in the soft grass outside and give comfort and solace to a soldier about to face the French horde? Or am I totally bosky, and seeing willing beauty in anything in skirts?”

      Banning Talbot, Marquess of Daventry, who was more than two parts drunk himself, leaned forward to look in the direction of Colonel Henry MacAfee’s rudely pointing finger. “Harriet Mercer? God’s teeth, man, make your move. Steal a kiss, or more, with my blessings.” Even as he spoke, Miss Mercer could be seen deserting the dance with her red-coated escort, the two of them making for the doorway, and the darkened garden beyond. “Whoops! Yoicks, and away! Pick another one, old man. Lord knows this great barn of a place is packed to the rafters with willing females.”

      MacAfee settled his shoulder against the pillar the two men were sharing, having strategically propped themselves alongside the dance floor more than an hour earlier, within good ogling distance of the young ladies going down the dance, and directly in the path the servants had to traverse between the pouring of drinks and the serving of those same libations to Lady Richmond’s thirsty guests. The choice had been a sterling one, as there had been no dearth of either shapely ankles or chilled wine glasses orbiting their small outpost in the midst of what appeared to be a grand celebration of idiots.

      Daventry drained his glass, deftly depositing it on a passing tray and scooping up a full one all in one fluid motion. “You know something, MacAfee,” he commented to his friend—if their casual acquaintance of the past three days, combined with their bond of doing their best to drink themselves under the table together, could be considered a basis for friendship, “I’ve been thinking.”

      “Never a good thing, thinking,” MacAfee said, sighing in a sorrowful way. “Try not to do it myself. Not with Boney running riot just outside our doors.”

      The Marquess smiled, running a hand through the thick, startling silver-on-black mane of hair that looked so out of place above his sparkling green eyes and youthful, unlined face. “But that’s who I’ve been thinking of, MacAfee. Boney. I believe I’ve just now stumbled upon a way to defeat him. We’ll just gather up this lot of sots here, our beloved Iron Duke included, and collectively breathe on the man. Brandy. Port. Wine. Canary. Why, the fumes will be enough to evaporate the man and his entire Old Guard!”

      Colonel MacAfee giggled into his wineglass, an action that caused him to inhale a bit of its contents, then snort them out his nose, a trick Daventry considered top-drawer, which only proved he

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