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      Praise Letter to Reader About the Author Title Page Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Copyright

      Praise for the first book in Dixie Browning’s

      THE LAWLESS HEIRS miniseries, The Passionate G-Man...


      “Dixie Browning wonderfully deepens an attraction of opposites into a strong and beautiful love in this freshly appealing romance.”

      —Romantic Times Magazine


      And praise for Dixie Browning...

      “There is no one writing romance today who touches the heart and tickles the ribs like Dixie Browning. The people in her books are as warm and real as a sunbeam and just as lovely.”

      —New York Times bestselling author Nora Roberts



      “Dixie Browning has given the romance industry years of love and laughter in her wonderful books.”

      —New York Times bestselling author Linda Howard



      “Each of Dixie’s books is a keeper guaranteed to warm the heart and delight the senses.”

      —New York Times bestselling author Jayne Ann Krentz



      “A true pioneer in romantic fiction, the delightful Dixie Browning is a reader’s most precious treasure, a constant source of outstanding entertainment.”

      —Romantic Times Magazine



      “Dixie’s books never disappoint—they always lift your spirit!”

      —USA Today bestselling author Mary Lynn Baxter

      Dear Reader,


      Happy Valentine’s Day! And what better way to celebrate Cupid’s reign than by reading six brand-new Desire novels...?


      Putting us in the mood for sensuous love is this February’s MAN OF THE MONTH, with wonderful Dixie Browning offering us the final title in her THE LAWLESS HEIRS miniseries in A Knight in Rusty Armor. This alpha-male hero knows just what to do when faced with a sultry damsel in distress!


      Continue to follow the popular Fortune family’s romances in the Desire series FORTUNE’S CHILDREN: THE BRIDES The newest installment, Society Bride by Elizabeth Bevarly, features a spirited debutante who runs away from a business-deal marriage into the arms of the rugged rancher of her dreams.


      Ever-talented Anne Marie Winston delivers the second story in her BUTLER COUNTY BRIDES, with a single mom opening her home and heart to a seductive acquaintance, in Dedicated to Deirdre. Then a modern-day cowboy renounces his footloose ways for love in The Outlaw Jesse James, the final title m Cindy Gerard’s OUTLAW HEARTS miniseries; while a child’s heartwarming wish for a father is granted in Raye Morgan’s Secret Dad. And with Little Miss Innocent? Lori Foster proves that opposites do attract.


      This Valentine’s Day, Silhouette Desire’s little red books sizzle with compelling romance and make the perfect gift for the contemporary woman—you! So treat yourself to all six!




      Joan Marlow Golan

      Senior Editor, Silhouette Desire

      Please address questions and book requests to

      Silhouette Reader Service US · 3010 Walden Ave., P.O. Box 1325, Buffalo, NY 14269 Canadian. PO. Box 609, Fort Ene, Ont. L2A 5X3

      About the Author

      DIXIE BROWNING celebrated her sixtieth book for Silhouette with the publication of Stryker’s Wife in 1996. She has also written a number of historical romances with her sister under the name Bronwyn Williams. A charter member of Romance Writers of America, and a member of Novelists, Inc., Browning has won numerous awards for her work. She divides her time between Winston-Salem and the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

      A Knight In Rusty Armor

      Dixie Browning





      Travis Holiday eased off the accelerator as he hit another patch of sand, this one even deeper than the last. He’d hoped to get home before dark. Not that it mattered. He could have stayed away a year and it wouldn’t have mattered. There was a lot to be said for living alone, where a man could go and come with a minimum of hassle.

      Waylon and Willie launched into the one about being on the road again, and Trav hummed along, his pleasant baritone only slightly off-key. With his fist, he cleared a circle on the steamy inside of his windshield. It didn’t help much. The outside was clouded with salt and pitted from years of beach driving.

      “On the ro-oad again...” Off-key or not, he kept perfect time with the wipers. Waylon and Willie lagged about half a beat behind.

      In spite of the worsening weather, the day had gone a lot better than he’d expected. Not that he’d been expecting much, but the cousin he’d never even heard of until a few months ago had turned out to be a pretty decent guy.

      Considering the difference in their backgrounds, they’d hit it off surprisingly well. Hell, they even looked alike. Same build. Same general coloring. Same plain, angular features.

      Lately, he’d thought a lot about family. About roots. He’d never wasted much time thinking about that sort of thing before. The little he knew about his parents had been more than enough.

      But things were different now that he had a son. Once he’d gotten past the shock, he’d started thinking in terms of a heritage. Of what it meant to be a living link between past and future. If his son had children, and those children had children—

      “What the bloody—!” He slammed on the brakes, swearing as the pickup slid dangerously close to the edge of the narrow highway and came to a stop. Rolling down the window, he leaned his head out to peer through the mixture of rain, blowing sand and

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