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       Title Page


       Is it time for a cool career?

       Part Two

       2. Past, present and future

       I like to live in the past

       I want to do something this century

       I want to have retro cool

       3. Outside the mainstream

       I don’t want to war a suit and tie

       I want every day to be a little different

       4. Adrenalin charged

       I am driven and ambitious

       I want a life on the edge

       5. People love

       I like to understand people and know what makes them tick

       I want to help people change their lives

       I love children

       I want to make people look or feel better

       6. Saving the world

       I love the planet

       I want to save the people of the world

       Animals are my friends

       I love exotic animals most of all

       7. Sense-able

       Sound strikes a chord with me

       Taste and smell make me feel good

       I want to create something beautiful

       8. Living off your wits

       I want to look at the big picture

       I am fascinated by words and language

       9. Down and dirty

       I like to get my hands dirty

       I like things as much as (or more than) people

       I want to make money from my body

       10. Striking it Rich

       I don’t care what I do, just show me the money

       I deserve a six (or seven) figure salary

       What I really want is the champagne lifestyle

       I want the celebrity life by proxy

       11. Up front and out there

       I want to schmooze for a living

       I love to show off

       12. Different from the rest

       The unconventional cool 100


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       About the Publisher

      Have you ever wanted a different career? Something

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