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       The Thirties

      An Intimate History




       For Joseph



       Title Page


       10 Accommodating the Octopus

       11 Accommodating the People

       12 Accommodating Other People

       13 Grand Designs

       Coda The Edge of the World

       Part 4 1936

       14 The King is Dead

       15 ‘I am Spain …’

       16 Wanting the Palm not the Dust

       Part 5 Feeling the Texture

       Prologue An Iceberg on Fire

       17 Choosing Between Gas Masks and God’s Tasks

       18 A1 Men and Consuming Women

       19 Holy Deadlock

       20 Regimenting Mass Happiness

       21 Spittoons in Arcadia

       22 Dreamland

       23 Not Cricket

       Coda ‘The Only Thing We Have to Fear is Fear Itself …’

       Part 6 1938 to 1939

       24 A Scenic Ride to Catastrophe





       By the Same Author


       About the Publisher


      There will be time to audit The accounts later, there will be sunlight later And the equation will come out at last.

      Louis MacNeice, ‘Autumn Journal’ (1939)

      The thirties is a statement as well as a decade. And it is one that is frequently heard today, because while those years are gradually slipping from our grasp, what they have come to represent is ever more present: confusion, financial crises, rising unemployment, scepticism about politicians, questions about the proper reach of Britain’s role in the world.


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