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      He’s Just Not That Into You

      The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys

      Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo



      This book is dedicated to all the lovely ladies out there whose stories inspired us to write this book. May we never need to write another one.

       Note to the reader

      The stories you will read in this book are illustrative examples, not based on specific events or people. No matter what anyone might think, they are not transparent attempts to publicly mock our friends, enemies, or exes.

      (However, we’re not going to say the thought didn’t cross our minds.)

      —Greg and Liz

      Table of Contents


       Title Page


       4 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Not Having Sex With You

       5 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Having Sex With Someone Else

       6 He’s Just Not That Into You If He Only Wants to See You When He’s Drunk

       7 He’s Just Not That Into You If He Doesn’s Want to Marry You

       8 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Breaking Up With You

       9 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Disappeared On You

       10 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s Married (And Other Insane Variations of Being Unavailable)

       11 He’s Just Not That Into You If He’s a Selfish Jerk, a Bully, or a Really Big Freak

       12 Don’t Listen to These Stories

       13 Now What Do You Do?

       14 Q&A With Greg

       15 Closing Remarks From Greg

       16 Closing Remarks From Liz

       17 Life After He’s Just Not That Into You

       18 Frequently Asked Questions

       What next?


       About the Authors

       Praise for He’s Just Not That Into You


       About the Publisher


      The publishers of He’s Just Not That Into You asked us if we wanted to write another chapter or add anything to the book for future editions. My response was, “Are you kidding me? It’s perfect.” But then I reconsidered my position. Do I have more to say on the subject? Not really. I feel we pretty much covered it. But the point of view I hadn’t considered was what it’s like to be a woman living in the post–He’s Just Not That Into You world.

      Hmmm…I pondered who could possibly have thoughts on this subject. I couldn’t think of anyone, so I took a nap. Then Liz called. Surprisingly, as a single woman living in New York City, she felt she had some information she wanted to share. Thus was born the first of the two bonus chapters at the end of this edition.

      Also, since the publication of He’s Just Not That Into You I’ve been asked a million questions. Everything from “Did you think the book would be such a success?” to “Who the fuck do you think you are?” (The latter from a fairly upset marine who maybe wasn’t as into his lady as he should have been. Sorry, man.)

      As to the first question, the answer is a resounding no! It’s not that I didn’t think it was a good idea; it’s that I didn’t have any idea there would be such a need. My goal was just to write a book so that I could tell my friends, “Hey, I wrote that pink-and-green relationship book at Urban Outfitters.” Just kidding! You have to understand that both Liz and my wife, Amiira, had to convince me that such a book should be written. It’s not like I woke up one day and said, “I need to wake women up to what’s going on in their relationships, and then I’m going to the gym.” I really had no idea that women were spending so much time obsessing over men. And I don’t mean that in a negative way—I just didn’t know. And I was sort of dumbstruck that a book like this hadn’t been written before. That’s why Amiira and Liz were so emphatic that I do it, because they knew a book like this did not exist.

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