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p>Viktor Ogui

      I dedicate the merit accumulated through development of this seminar and exchanging of my experience and knowledge to liberation of those who practice this useful method of healing by sound and their patients from suffering.

      © Viktor Ogui, 2015

      © Tsybulina Christine, translation, 2015

      © Anna Tarasenko, cover design, 2015

      © Viktor Ogui, photo, 2015

      Created with Ridero


      About the book

      Everything connected with Tibetan singing bowls, with Tibet and all Asia now embraced in an aura of mystics and all sorts of myths, among which there are pure fairytales, however there are real-world phenomenon. Some of them can be explained today, from a scientific point of view, and some exist, but there are no explanations. Some practices, in favor of commercial interest, are delivered as mystical revelation of the ancient and secret knowledge, and some practices a strictly kept in silence because of their secrecy. This secrecy is based on the fact that the Tibetan singing bowls are very powerful and helpful in the capable hands of the Master. However unskilled, inexperienced or incompetent hands could easily harm the patient and the therapist.

      Tibetan singing bowl in Tibet tradition

      To get informed answers and comments on many issues related to Tibetan singing bowls, their appearance on Earth, especially their use and production – you can by reading this book, which author is a recognized expert and master in this sphere.

      Viktor Ogui – Master of the Sound and the singing bowls, a student of Lama Pema Rangdrol, a doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, the organizer of expeditions to Tibet, Ladakh, Himalayas, Khakassia, Japan. Masseur, Healer, Master of traditional Reiki, the Teacher of the Festival “The Call of the 13 shamans” in Tuva, an honorary member of the Russian league of masseurs, the member of the Associations: Russian Association of Sport Medicine and Rehabilitation of sick and disabled people, Russian Association of traditional medicine, the author of textbooks about the Massage.

      From the author

      My book “Tibetan singing bowls: a method of natural healing” opens the series “the Magic Cup”, which will include books and training materials about different practices with Tibetan singing bowls. In addition, I plan to publish materials which have been collected during expeditions and journeys for the last 5 years.

      I appreciate FREE distribution of the books only if they won’t be changed! You can give it as a present, put it on your site or forum, on social networks and on any other open sources, provided that the book is put “like it was in the beginning”, that means: the text, the structure, design, layout, etc. should be kept the same!!!

      The outer Kora of Kailash, September 2014, Tibet

      India-Tibet-Ladakh-Annapurna-Tuva-Khakassia-Tibet-Siberia-Altai-Rostov-on-Don-Nizhny Novgorod-Aylas

      About the author

      Master of the Sound and Tibetan singing bowls, a personal student of Lama Pema Rangdrol, a doctor of Tibetan medicine Nida Changtsang, organiser and researcher of practical expeditions to Tibet (Kailash-Mansarovar-Guge), Ladakh (Small Tibet), the Himalayas (Nepal: Annapurna, Cave of Milarepa), Japan, the place of the power of Khakassia (natural complex “Sunducki”, “Trail of the Anciens”, Lake Bele and Tus, Caves: Kushkulakskaya, Pandora), Master of the Massage, Healer, Master of Traditional Reiki, Master and Teacher at the International Festival “The Call of the 13 shamans” in Tuva, an honorary member of the Russian league of masseurs, member of the Associations: “Russian Association of Sport medicine and Rehabilitation of sick and disabled people”(RASMIRBI), National Society of the Aesthetic Medicine, Russian Professional Medical Association of Specialists of traditional and natural medicine (Ranma), author of numerous books and textbooks about the massage – Tcering Ngodrub / Doktor: Viktor Ogui.







      [email protected]

      [email protected]

      Skype: DoktorNN

      +7 92029 46677

      Viktor Ogui (Tsering Ngodrub)

      My mission in life

      Sincerely and fully convey give the experience and knowledge that I possess, making people who are close to me happier.

      My professional mission

      Make the knowledge of massage techniques available, and skills – safe, qualitative and efficient to use. And while the massage treatments – to follow the principles of compassion, efficiency and safety for the patient!

      My life motto:

      “I’m responsible for what I said; I am not responsible for what you have understood. " (Namkhai Norbu)

      Blessing of the Tibetan singing bowl. Viktor Ogui and Lama Pema Rangdrol


      The contents of this publication is intended for general information and can not replace the practical consultation of the expert. The publication should not be used as a textbook for medicine or for the diagnosis or treatment of any diseases and their complications. In the case of emergence of those, immediate consultation with a doctor is recommended. Publisher and authors are not responsible for the damage caused to health as a result of actions such as treatment, self-treatment or refusing of the treatment taken on the basis of the information contained in this publication.

      There is more information here. Scan the code and find out more!

      There is more information here. Scan the code and find out more!


      Tibetan singing bowls (TSB) have been used in one or another form in human activities since ancient times.

      Tibetan singing bowls massage allegedly appeared about 3,900 years ago in the ancient state of Shang Shung (modern China) and continuously have been developing over the centuries along with Tibetan medicine.

      Traditional Tibetan singing bowls massage is a procedure of the massage performed by contact or non-contact method of using Tibetan singing bowls.

      Tibetan singing bowls have certain physical properties that allow bowls to work on the physical body, the CNS and PNS, tissues and organs, organ systems. In addition, Tibetan singing bowls have certain properties that exist but haven’t been recorded by modern scientific measuring devices yet. That means that they have certain esoteric features.

      In the tradition of Tcering Ngodrub, two basic techniques of Tibetan

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