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ection id="u949003c3-9d51-5a24-bc57-cb281404e399">


      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  List of Contributors

      6  Preface

      7  Section 1: Overview of Sleep Medicine 1 Impact of Sleep Disorders on Society Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 2 Human Sleep Conceptual Overview Normal Sleep Conclusion References 3 Pathophysiology of Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders Conceptual Overview Normal Respiration Conclusion References 4 The Classification of Sleep Disorders Conceptual Overview Classification Systems General Categories Conclusion References 5 The Relationship Between Sleep Disorders, Medical Conditions, and Your Health Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 6 Medications and Sleep Conceptual Overview Conclusion References

      8  Section 2: Dentistry and Sleep Medicine 7 Dental and Orofacial Consequences of Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 8 Pediatrics and Adolescent Sleep and Sleep Disorders Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 9 Role of the Dentist in Sleep Medicine Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 10 Other Sleep Disorders of Importance Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 11 Practicing Dental Sleep Medicine Conceptual Overview Conclusion References

      9  Section 3: Assessment for Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders 12 Screening for Sleep Disorders Conceptual Overview Basic Questions Questionnaires for Screening Other Types of Screening Pediatric and Adolescent Questionnaires Conclusion References 13 The Clinical Evaluation by the Dentist Conceptual Overview What the Dentist Sees That May Indicate the Risk for an SBD The Clinical Evaluation for the SRBD Conclusion References 14 Imaging for Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 15 The Polysomnogram Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 16 Ambulatory Sleep Testing Conceptual Overview Conclusion References

      10  Section 4: Oral Appliance Therapy for Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders 17 Oral Appliance Therapy for the Management of Sleep‐Related Breathing Disorders Conceptual Overview Conclusion References 18

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