
From Blake Pierce, #1 bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE LONGS, book #10 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series. BEFORE HE LONGS is book #10 in the #1 bestselling Mackenzie White mystery series, which begins with BEFORE HE KILLS (Book #1), a #1 bestseller with over 500 reviews! FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White is summoned when another body is found dead in a self storage unit. There at first appears to be no connection between the cases; yet as Mackenzie digs deeper, she realizes it is the work of a serial killer—and that he will soon strike again. Mackenzie will be forced to enter the mind of a madman as she tries to understand a psyche obsessed with clutter, storage, and claustrophobic places. It is a dark place from which she fears she may not return—and yet one which she must probe if she has any chance of winning the game of cat and mouse that can save new victims. Even then, it may be too late. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE LONGS is book #10 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Also available by Blake Pierce is ONCE GONE (A Riley Paige mystery—Book #1), a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews—and a free download!


From Blake Pierce, #1 bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE LAPSES, book #11 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series. BEFORE HE LAPSES is book #11 in the bestselling Mackenzie White mystery series, which begins with BEFORE HE KILLS (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five-star reviews! FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White, six months pregnant, calls off her formal wedding with Ellington and they elope instead. On their honeymoon, they finally have some downtime together—when a call comes in for an urgent case: women are being strangled at a rapid rate in the D.C. area by what appears to be a serial killer. Even more disturbing: this killer is so meticulous that he leaves absolutely no trace. Mackenzie comes up with a radical theory for who he might be, but pursuing it may jeopardize her own job—and her own life. In her most intense game of cat and mouse yet, she finds herself struggling to keep her baby and her sanity while up against a diabolical psychopath, her own agency, and the hunt of her life. Even with her all of her wits, it may be too late for her to save the next victims—or herself. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE LAPSES is book #11 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Also available by Blake Pierce is ONCE GONE (A Riley Paige mystery—Book #1), a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews—and a free download!


From Blake Pierce, #1 bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews), comes BEFORE HE ENVIES, book #12 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series. BEFORE HE ENVIES is book #12 in the bestselling Mackenzie White mystery series, which begins with BEFORE HE KILLS (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five-star reviews! When two rock climbers turn up dead, each killed in the same disturbing way, FBI Special Agent Mackenzie White, mother of a newborn baby, must face her fear of heights as she is summoned to catch a serial killer before he strikes again. Mackenzie, settling into motherhood, wants to take some time off. But it is not meant to be. Rock climbers are turning up dead in Colorado, hunted by an elusive serial killer, caught at their most prone moments. A disturbing pattern emerges, and Mackenzie soon realizes she is up against a monster. And that the only way to catch him will be to enter his diabolical mind. Feeling the effects of post partum and not ready to return to her job, Mackenzie finds herself ill prepared for the hunt of her life. A dark psychological thriller with heart-pounding suspense, BEFORE HE ENVIES is book #12 in a riveting new series—with a beloved new character—that will leave you turning pages late into the night. Also available by Blake Pierce is ONCE GONE (A Riley Paige mystery—Book #1), a #1 bestseller with over 1,200 five star reviews—and a free download!


“Tra i migliori del genere thriller. Gli appassionati, che amano gustarsi la precisa creazione di un thriller internazionale ma che sono anche alla ricerca di uno spessore psicologico e di un protagonista realistico costretto ad affrontare sfide sia sul terreno professionale che su quello private, troveranno A OGNI COSTO una storia avvincente, difficile da abbandonare.” –Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (su A ogni costo) “Uno dei migliori thriller che ho letto quest’anno. La trama è intelligente e accattivante fin dalle prime pagine. L’autore ha fatto un lavoro superbo nel creare una serie di personaggi che vi piaceranno. Non vedo l’ora di leggere il seguito.” –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (su A ogni costo) Quando una notte degli jihadisti rubano del materiale radioattivo da un ospedale non custodito di New York, la polizia, in una frenetica corsa contro il tempo, chiama l’FBI. E Luke Stone, capo di un dipartimento speciale e segreto interno all’FBI, è l’unico a cui possono rivolgersi. Luke capisce subito che l’obiettivo dei terroristi è creare una bomba sporca, che colpiranno un luogo importante per gli Stati Uniti, e che agiranno entro le prossime 48 ore. Segue una serrata caccia al topo, che vede in contrapposizione i più geniali agenti governativi contro i terroristi più sofisticati. Prova dopo prova e scontro dopo scontro, l’agente Stone non ci mette molto a scoprire di essersi trovato in mezzo a una cospirazione vastissima, il cui obiettivo è ancor più importante e iconico di quanto potesse immaginare – il presidente degli Stati Uniti. Con Luke incastrato per il crimine, la sua squadra minacciata e la sua stessa famiglia in pericolo, la posta in gioco non potrebbe essere più alta. Ma in quanto ex commando delle forze speciali, Luke si è trovato in posizioni difficili anche in passato, e non mollerà finché non riuscirà a fermarli – a ogni costo e con ogni mezzo. I colpi di scena si susseguono, mentre un uomo si trova solo a combattere un esercito di ostacoli e cospirazioni, fino al limite di ciò che può sopportare, e fino allo scioccante climax finale. Thriller politico al cardiopalma, con ambientazioni internazionali drammatiche e una suspense continua, A OGNI COSTO segna il debutto di una nuova esplosiva serie che vi farà girare pagina dopo pagina fino alla fine. E ora è disponibile anche il Libro secondo della serie di Luke Stone!


"Wartka akcja, która wciąga od pierwszego rozdziału do samego końca" -Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan "Perełka wśród thrillerów i powieści detektywistycznych! Autor tak doskonale przedstawił rozwój psychologiczny bohaterów, że czujemy się, jakbyśmy byli w stanie zajrzeć w ich umysły, poczuć ich strach i radować się ich zwycięstwem. Akcja jest bardzo inteligentnie skonstruowana i trzyma przez cały czas w napięciu. Ta książka jest tak pełna zwrotów akcji, że nie odłożysz jej dopóki nie przewrócisz ostatniej strony." –Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos Na obrzeżach stanu Virginia pojawiają się martwe ciała kobiet zamordowanych w dziwaczny sposób. Przybyli na miejsce agenci FBI są w szoku. To robota seryjnego mordercy, który działa coraz szybciej. Wiedzą, że tylko jedna osoba może rozwiązać tę sprawę: agent specjalny Riley Paige. Riley jest akurat na zwolnieniu, próbując wrócić do formy po traumatycznych przejściach z ostatnim mordercą. Jest w nie najlepszym stanie i FBI niechętnie sięga po pomoc jej genialnego umysłu. Jednak Riley, chcąc zwalczyć własne demony, wkracza do akcji, a jej śledztwo prowadzi przez niepokojące nisze kolekcjonerów lalek, domy rodzin dotkniętych tragedią, aż do najciemniejszych zakamarków umysłu zabójcy. Odkrywając kolejne wątki, Riley uświadamia sobie, że ma do czynienia z mordercą dużo bardziej skrzywionym psychicznie, niż mogła sobie wyobrazić. Prowadząc nieustanny wyścig czasem, Riley staje na granicy własnych możliwości, ryzykuje utratę pracy, ściąga niebezpieczeństwo na własną rodzinę, a jej psychika chce dać za wygraną. Po raz kolejny jednak Riley decyduje się wziąć sprawę. Nie che się poddać. Ma obsesję, która wiedzie ją w najciemniejsze zaułki jej własnego umysłu, zacierając granice pomiędzy łowcą i ofiarą. Po serii niespodziewanych zwrotów akcji, instynkt doprowadza ją do szokującego rozwiązania, którego nawet sama Riley nie byłaby w stanie przewidzieć. „Zaginiona”, ciemny thriller psychologiczny z atmosferą napięcia zapierającą dech w piersiach, to debiut wciągającej serii – oraz nowej ulubionej postaci – które sprawią, że nie będziesz w stanie oderwać się od książki. Druga książka z serii o Riley Page już w sprzedaży!


En UN RITO DE ESPADAS (A RITE OF SWORDS) – (Libro #7 de El Anillo del Hechicero – The Sorcerer’s Ring), Thor debate con su legado, luchando para asimilar quién es su padre, si revela su secreto y qué medidas debe tomar. De vuelta a casa en el Anillo, con Mycoples a su lado y la Espada del Destino en la mano, Thor está decidido a vengarse del ejército de Andrónico y liberar a su patria – y finalmente proponerle matrimonio a Gwendolyn. Pero se da cuenta de que hay fuerzas aún mayores que la de él, que podrían interponerse en su camino. Gwendolyn regresa y se esfuerza por convertirse en la gobernante elegida, usando su sabiduría para unir las fuerzas dispares y expulsar a Andrónico para siempre. Reunida con Thor y sus hermanos, ella está agradecida por la pausa en la violencia y por la oportunidad de celebrar su libertad. Pero las cosas cambian rápidamente – demasiado rápido – y antes de darse cuenta, su vida se torna de cabeza otra vez. Su hermana mayor, Luanda, en una gran rivalidad con ella, está decidida a arrebatar el poder, mientras que el hermano del rey MacGil llega con su propio ejército para hacerse del control del trono. Con espías y asesinos por todos lados, Gwendolyn, asediada, aprende que ser reina no es tan seguro como ella pensaba. El amor de Reece por Selese finalmente tiene la oportunidad de prosperar, pero al mismo tiempo, aparece su viejo amor, y se encuentra indeciso. Pero los tiempos de inactividad pronto son superados por la batalla y Reece, Elden, O'Connor, Conven, Kendrick, Erec e incluso Godfrey deben enfrentar y superar juntos las adversidades, para sobrevivir. Sus batallas los llevarán a todos los rincones del Anillo, que se convierte en una carrera contra el tiempo para derrocar a Andrónico y salvarse de la total destrucción. Igual de poderosas, fuerzas inesperadas luchan por el control del Anillo; Gwen se da cuenta de que ella debe hacer todo lo necesario para encontrar a Argon y traerlo de vuelta. En un giro final impactante, Thor se entera que aunque sus poderes son supremos, también tiene una debilidad oculta – una que sólo puede traer consigo su caída final. ¿Thor y los demás liberarán el Anillo y derrotarán a Andrónico? ¿Gwendolyn será la reina que todos necesitan que sea? ¿Qué será de la Espada del Destino, de Erec, Kendrick, Reece y Godfrey? ¿Y cuál es el secreto que esconde Alistair? Con su sofisticada construcción del mundo y caracterización, UN RITO DE ESPADAS es un relato épico de amigos y amantes, de rivales y pretendientes, de caballeros y dragones, de intrigas y maquinaciones políticas, de llegar a la mayoría de edad, de corazones rotos, de decepción, ambición y traición. Es una historia de honor y valor, de suerte y destino, de hechicería. Es una fantasía que nos lleva a un mundo que nunca olvidaremos, y que gustará a personas de todas las edades y géneros.


Lorsque des substances nucléaires sont dérobées en pleine nuit par des djihadistes dans un hôpital non surveillé de New York, la police, dans une course effrénée contre la montre, fait appel au FBI. Luke Stone, chef d'un département secret d'élite au sein du FBI, est le seul homme vers qui ils peuvent se tourner. Luke se rend compte tout de suite que le but des terroristes est de créer une bombe sale, qu'ils cherchent à toucher une cible de grande valeur et qu'ils vont frapper dans les quarante-huit heures. Un jeu du chat et de la souris s'ensuit, opposant les agents de gouvernement les plus malins au monde et les terroristes les plus sophistiqués. Au fur et à mesure que l'agent Stone avance dans son enquête, il réalise bientôt qu'il est face à un vaste complot et que la cible a beaucoup plus de valeur qu'il ne l'aurait imaginé, l'amenant jusqu'au Président des États-Unis. Avec Luke accusé de crime, son équipe menacée et sa propre famille en danger, les enjeux ne pourraient pas être plus importants. Mais en tant qu'ancien commando des forces spéciales, Luke s'est déjà retrouvé dans des situations difficiles auparavant et il n'abandonnera pas tant qu'il n'aura pas trouvé un moyen de les arrêter, utilisant tous les moyens nécessaires. De rebondissement en rebondissement, un homme se retrouve confronté à une armée d'obstacles et de complots, repoussant les limites de ce qu'il peut gérer, et culminant en un dénouement étonnant. Un thriller politique avec de l'action palpitante, un cadre international dramatique et un suspense ininterrompu, TOUS LES MOYENS NÉCESSAIRES marque le début d'une nouvelle série explosive qui vous tiendra en haleine jusqu'à des heures tardives de la nuit. Le volume nº2 de la série Luke Stone sera bientôt disponible.


“A powerful opener to a series [that] will produce a combination of feisty protagonists and challenging circumstances to thoroughly involve not just young adults, but adult fantasy fans who seek epic stories fueled by powerful friendships and adversaries.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) (re A Throne for Sisters) “Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless!” –Books and Movie Reviews (re A Throne for Sisters) From #1 Bestselling author Morgan Rice comes a new series for fantasy and middle grade readers (and adults, too)! Fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson—look no further! In THE SCEPTER OF FIRE: OLIVER BLUE AND THE SCHOOL FOR SEERS (BOOK FOUR), 12 year old Oliver Blue is dispatched on an urgent mission to save The School for Seers. He must travel back in time, to Florence, 1592, to find the only artifact that can save them all. Yet the secret is guarded by none other than Galileo himself. As Oliver searches for one of the great scientists and inventors of all time, the man who invented the telescope and who discovered planets, Oliver must wonder: is a he a seer, too? And what other secrets is he holding? His brother Chris, more powerful than ever, remains determined to kill Oliver for all time. Oliver soon realizes it is a race against time, as the fate of the school—and of the world—is at stake. An uplifting fantasy, THE SCEPTER OF FIRE is book #4 in a riveting new series filled with magic, love, humor, heartbreak, tragedy, destiny, and a string of shocking surprises. It will make you fall in love with OLIVER BLUE, and keep you turning pages late into the night.


“A powerful opener to a series [that] will produce a combination of feisty protagonists and challenging circumstances to thoroughly involve not just young adults, but adult fantasy fans who seek epic stories fueled by powerful friendships and adversaries.” –Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan) (re A Throne for Sisters) “Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless!” –Books and Movie Reviews (re A Throne for Sisters) From #1 Bestselling fantasy author Morgan Rice comes a new series for middle grade readers—and adults, too! Fans of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson—look no further! In THE ORB OF KANDRA: OLIVER BLUE AND THE SCHOOL FOR SEERS (BOOK TWO), 11 year old Oliver Blue is back in the present day, racing to save Armando before his destined moment to die. But when Oliver learns that the sacred Orb of Kandra has been stolen, he knows it is up to him—and him alone—to save the school. And the only way is to travel back in time, to the England of 1690s, and to save one very important person: Sir Isaac Newton. The Obsidian School, meanwhile, has powerful seers of its own, and all are bent on Oliver’s destruction. And when they enlist and transform Oliver’s bully brother, Chris, it may just mean a fight to the death. An uplifting fantasy, THE ORB OF KANDRA is book #2 in a riveting new series filled with magic, love, humor, heartbreak, tragedy, destiny, and a series of shocking twists. It will make you fall in love with Oliver Blue, and keep you turning pages late into the night. Book #3 in the series (THE OBSIDIANS) is now also available! “The beginnings of something remarkable are there.” –San Francisco Book Review (re A Quest of Heroes)


“THE SORCERER’S RING has all the ingredients for an instant success: plots, counterplots, mystery, valiant knights, and blossoming relationships replete with broken hearts, deception and betrayal. It will keep you entertained for hours, and will satisfy all ages. Recommended for the permanent library of all fantasy readers.” —Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding A Quest of Heroes) THE GIFT OF BATTLE (Book #17) is the finale of the Bestselling series THE SORCERER'S RING, which begins with A QUEST OF HEROES (book #1)! In THE GIFT OF BATTLE, Thor meets his greatest and final challenge, as he quests deeper into the Land of Blood to attempt to rescue Guwayne. Encountering foes more powerful than he ever imagined, Thor soon realizes he is up against an army of darkness, one for which his powers are no match. When he learns a sacred object may give him the powers he needs—an object which has been kept secret for ages—he must embark on a final quest to retrieve it before it is too late, with the fate of the Ring hanging in the balance. Gwendolyn keeps her vow to the King of the Ridge, entering the tower and confronting the cult leader to learn what secret he is hiding. The revelation sends her to Argon, and ultimately to Argon’s master—where she learns the greatest secret of all, one which may alter the destiny of her people. When the Ridge is discovered by the Empire, the invasion begins and, under attack by the greatest army known to man, it falls on Gwendolyn to defend, and to lead her people on one final, mass exodus. Thor’s Legion brothers, on their own, face unimaginable risks, as Angel is dying from her leprosy. Darius fights for his life beside his father in the Empire capital, until a surprise twist prods him, with nothing left to lose, to finally tap his own powers. Erec and Alistair reach Volusia, battling their way upriver, and they continue on their quest for Gwendolyn and the exiles, as they face unexpected battles. And Godfrey realizes that he must ultimately make a decision to be the man he wants to be. Volusia, surrounded by all the power of the Knights of the Seven, must put herself to the test as goddess and discover if she alone has the power to crush men and rule the Empire. While Argon, faced with his end of days, realizes the time has come to sacrifice himself. As good and evil hang in the balance, one final, epic battle—the greatest battle of all—will determine the outcome of the Ring for all time. With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, THE GIFT OF BATTLE is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. THE GIFT OF BATTLE is the longest of all the books in the series, at 93,000 words! “Action-packed …. Rice's writing is solid and the premise intriguing.” —Publishers Weekly (regarding A Quest of Heroes)