
Gabriel, a renown surgeon, has ascended to the pinnacle of his medical career in spite of chronic asthma attributed to a childhood trauma. Western medical conventional treatment for this condition could only manage the illness without completely eradicating it. When his colleague, Norst, promoted the uncanny skills of a Chinese masseuse he claimed had completely reversed a pernicious resistant skin ailment, he becomes curious. Although skeptical Gabriel makes an appointment with that enigmatic restorer of health. Several massage sessions later, Gabriel’s bronchi clear and he can breath again effortlessly.
How did she achieve tissue restoration through touch? What is the mystery behind the treatment?
What are the powers released by her magical contact? He feels this Asian healer had given him a new life. His love for this redeemer blooms. She becomes his protegee.
His passion for her knows no bound. But yet, there’s a lingering feeling of doubt, a sense of dread he can’t explain.
Uncertainties abound and he begins to investigate this health provider. Disturbing, shattering revelations emerge.
Secrets long buried surface with fervor. Enigmas are exposed. His hold on reality becomes precarious. His world spirals and borders on psychosis.
He is trapped in a labyrinth without an exit in sight. Will he emerge unscathed from this Hades?


If you have ever been down and out and felt like you have no purpose, this book is for you! This book will inspire you to dream and dream big! This story is about a quiet boy from the country, his story of shame and redemption growing up in Central Texas on a former cotton plantation with very little in terms of material things. This story will inspire you to never give up on your dreams and goals in life. This story is one about resilience, fighting for what you want, and the importance of having people in your life who believe in you and believing in yourself.
Trusting in something bigger than yourself and putting your faith into action, this story is for the person who is at the point of throwing in the towel on their goals. You can start right where you are and climb out of that pit. You can do great things with the right attitude and support of others. This story is about Johnny Martinez-Carroll, high school dropout to college graduate achieving goals in his life that were not even possible as a kid growing up in poverty.
This story will inspire you to hang in there and go for your dreams. Make them come true with hard work and believing in yourself no matter what the obstacles are. Use them as stepping stones.


Back cover summary

Born and raised in Belfast, Tennessee, I now live in Waynesboro, Tennessee with my husband Marvin. I have been in love with writing since the age of ten. Writing is a good encouragement for thoughts and imaginations. Writing is building blocks for strong faith and love. Before there is a book, it is merely gaining life experience. Love for my husband and privilege of kids, and my grandchildren, who I love and they love me.


Scott Smithfield knew he was in for one hell of a summer since purchasing his new RV that he teasingly christened “The Titanic.” Unbeknownst to him, that doomed name foretold events Scott couldn’t imagine in his darkest nightmares.
The annual camping party started off good when leaving the city but deteriorated upon entering the mountains. Not to be deterred, the group pushes on. Upon discovering that their usual campground is closed, they go in search of another site and become hopelessly lost on the winding and treacherous roads of the Rocky Mountains.
From the first night, things go awry as their campfire stories seem to take on a life of their own. The blood curdling screeches that echo in the night come closer and closer, encircling them.
A dark family secret is revealed, and the group realizes they are being systematically hunted – hunted by something strong enough to punch through the temporal plane.
Their fear turns to stark terror as the closer they get to discovering the truth, the closer they get to becoming victims of the legend unleashed.


Кер-оглы, Кёр-оглу, Гёр-оглы, Гор-оглы, Гуругли, Гургули, в мифологиях азербайджанцев, турок, туркмен, узбеков, казахов, каракалпаков, таджиков, среднеазиатских арабов, грузин, армян, курдов герой-воин, поэт, певец и музыкант. Кер-оглы – центральный персонаж одноимённого эпоса, основное содержание которого – борьба Кер-оглы и его дружины против угнетателей.


"Rabbi Cowen's creative engagement with these contemporary artists reveals how spirituality can enhance the power of the visual image, the emotional persuasiveness of the literary text, and the neurological impact of music …" – Mel Alexenberg, formerly Professor of Art at Columbia University<br /> <br />In the realm of contemporary aesthetic high culture, there are many painters, writers and composers of great talent, but few with deep religious knowledge and belief. In the realm of faith, there are many with deep belief and religious knowledge, but very few with developed great artistic talent. Is there some way of making good the absent but essential combination of artistic prowess and religious depth required to produce great religious artworks in the various artistic media?<br /> <br />In response to this question, this book addresses the theory and practice of engaging significant artists – not necessarily religiously learned or committed – to draw forth from them genuinely religious high art. After exploring the concept of the religious artwork, it documents three religious-creative encounters through which important religious artworks emerged, in the realms of painting, literature and music. It concludes with thoughts on the methodology and kinds of successful engagements between religion and aesthetics – with broader implications for education to religious art.


This is our fifth book in the series of comprehensive travel guidebooks to birdwatching destinations in Australia.<br /> <br />The Northern Queensland guide describes the most interesting and reasonably accessible birding spots located in the northern half of the vast Queensland State.<br /> <br />Description of each birding site includes, at a minimum, habitat description, site facilities and key avifauna. The authors have cross-checked and supplemented their findings with verified sightings reported online. Ebook format is also available.<br /> <br /><a href="https://www.australian-good-birding-guide.com/">https://www.australian-good-birding-guide.com/</a><br /> <br />Other books by Ted &amp; Alex Wnorowski:<br />Australian Good Birding Guide: NSW-ACT<br />Australian Good Birding Guide: Tasmania<br />Australian Good Birding Guide: Victoria<br />Australian Good Birding Guide: Southern &amp; Central Queensland<br /> <br />In preparation:<br />Australian Good Birding Guide: South Australia


В предлагаемом пособии рассматриваются задания с развёрнутым ответом, которые включены в два раздела экзамена: письмо и устная речь. В пособие включены теоретические и практические материалы, стратегии подготовки и алгоритмы для написания заданий с развёрнутым ответом, требования к заданиям и критерии оценивания, разбор работ учащихся с подробными комментариями, практические советы по подготовке к выполнению заданий. Пособие «Английский язык. Выполнение заданий с развёрнутым ответом разделов „Письмо“ и „Говорение“. Как получить максимальный балл на ЕГЭ» предназначено для учащихся старших классов, которые собираются сдавать ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Учителя могут использовать пособие для интенсивной подготовки учащихся к ЕГЭ.



Пособие предназначено для подготовки учащихся 11-х классов к сдаче ЕГЭ по английскому языку. В пособии представлены тренировочные задания по каждому из разделов КИМ экзамена: «Аудирование» (материалы к разделу представлены на сайте издательства www.intellectcentre.ru), «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо» и «Говорение» с методическими рекомендациями по подготовке к выполнению данных заданий и 5 типовых вариантов. Также в пособие включены требования к выполнению работы, критерии оценивания заданий с развёрнутым ответом, дополнительные схемы оценивания заданий с развёрнутым ответом и ответы ко всем тренировочным заданиям и типовым экзаменационным вариантам. Пособие может быть использовано при подготовке к экзамену, типовые варианты могут быть использованы для проведения репетиционных экзаменов в 11 классе, а также для самостоятельной подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку. Пособие поможет выстроить стратегию подготовки к экзамену, оценить уровень подготовки, проконтролировать освоение умений и навыков, необходимых для успешной сдачи ЕГЭ по английскому языку.