
Up-to-date and accessible, the second edition of Helping People with Eating Disorders is a comprehensive guide to understanding, assessing, and treating eating disorders. Focuses on evidence-based practice with references to the latest research and new DSM-V classifications Discusses the types of eating disorders and their causes, reviews treatment methods and their outcomes, and provides guidance on dealing with challenging cases Illustrates concepts and methods using several case studies that run throughout the book, as well as many examples from the author’s clinical work Written in clear and concise language by an expert with over 40 years’ experience in the field


Become the master of your world Presents 20 key concepts, or keys, to aid critical thinking Authored by one of the world's most eminent psychologists – and founder of the Flynn Effect Looks at topics such as Race and IQ, «good» science and the current world economic crisis Written in a clear and lucid style, illustrated with many examples


Future Families explores the variety of family forms which characterize our contemporary culture, while addressing the implications of these increasingly diverse family units on child development. Reveals the diversity of new family forms based on the most current research on fathers, same-gender parents, new reproductive technologies, and immigrant families Illustrates that children and adults can thrive in a variety of non-traditional family forms Shows the interrelatedness of new trends in family organization through the common themes of embedded families and caregiving in community and cultural contexts Features an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from works in areas that include child development, family studies, sociology, cross-cultural scholarship, ethnic studies, biology, neuroscience, anthropology and even architecture Sets an agenda for future research in the area of families by identifying important gaps in our knowledge about families and parenting


This much-needed resource offers insight into building and maintaining satisfying and successful stepfamily relationships. As the number of stepfamilies continues to increase, counselors and other mental health professionals are likely to encounter clients seeking help in navigating these often complicated relationships. In this book, Dr. Gold emphasizes the principles and practices of narrative therapy as a means to address key concerns within the family system, reauthor dominant social myths surrounding stepfamily life, and create realistic treatment plans that are inclusive of all members of the family. Detailing the inherent strengths and challenges of the stepfamily experience, he provides an in-depth examination of the roles of each member in a blended family, including stepfathers and stepmothers, ex-spouses, grandparents, and children. This book is an excellent guide to thoughtful, practical, and empirically validated interventions for helping stepfamilies thrive. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on wiley.com. *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website.


A groundbreaking integrated approach to reading assessment that addresses each child's unique Learning Profile Fifteen to twenty percent of our nation's children have reading difficulties. Educational evalua-tors must be able to use progress monitoring and diagnostic tools effectively to identify students who may be at risk, evaluate the effectiveness of school-wide reading programs, and suggest interventions that will improve reading skills. Written from a strengths-based perspective, Reading Assessment: Linking Language, Literacy, and Cognition is the first book of its kind to present a research-based, integrated review of reading, cognition, and oral language testing and assessment. Author Melissa Lee Farrall explores the theoretical underpinnings of reading, language, and literacy, explains the background of debates surrounding these topics, and provides detailed information and administration tips on the wide range of reading inventories and standardized tests that may be used in a reading psychoeducational assessment. With a focus on how to craft professional evaluation reports that illuminate a student's strengths—not just weaknesses—Reading Assessment enables school psychologists and diagnosticians, reading specialists, and special education professionals to conduct evaluations and develop effective interdisciplinary remedial recommendations and interventions. Clear, engaging, and inviting, Reading Assessment features: Case examples and practice exercises Chapter-opening reviews of each theory Strengths, weaknesses, and potential problems of tests and their interpretations Chapter-ending review questions that foster skill development and critical thinking Comprehensive information on more than 50 different assessment tests Reading Assessment is an invaluable resource that helps professionals gain the knowledge and skills to confidently interpret test results and prepare detailed and effective evaluation reports designed to meet each child's unique needs as a learner.


This book situates the essential areas of psychology within a cultural perspective, exploring the relationship of culture to psychological phenomena, from introduction and research foundations to clinical and social principles and applications. • Includes contributions from an experienced, international team of researchers and teachers • Brings together new perspectives and research findings with established psychological principles • Organized around key issues of contemporary cross-cultural psychology, including ethnocentrism, diversity, gender and sexuality and their role in research methods • Argues for the importance of culture as an integral component in the teaching of psychology


Counselling and Spiritual Accompaniment presents the key spiritually-focused writings of Brian Thorne, one of the most influential thinkers on the convergence of spirituality with counselling, along with new material reflecting his recent work in spiritual accompaniment. Reflects the increasing focus on spiritual issues as an essential part of therapy Represents the culmination of an intellectual quest, undertaken by the most senior figure in the field, to integrate spirituality with counselling and the person-centred approach Features chapters that span thirty years of work, along with new writings that bring readers up to date with the author's most recent work in spiritual accompaniment An invaluable guide for counsellors and therapists who acknowledge the importance of spirituality to their clients, but doubt their abilities to help in this area


В основе многих психологических проблем клиентов лежит внутриличностный конфликт, который возникает на фоне заниженной самооценки, непринятия себя… Иногда клиенты это осознают, а иногда это становится для них открытием во время работы с психологом. Но, в любом случае, у них возникают вопросы: Как познавать себя? Как не бороться с собой, а принять себя? Не означает ли это остановку в развитии, если человек примет себя таким, какой он есть? На все эти вопросы мы постарались ответить в этой книге.


Пособие для тех, кто хочет сам управлять своей жизнью. Давно уже создан свод многочисленных и универсальных правил, которые действуют в любой сфере, будь то взаимоотношения, здоровье или бизнес. Дорогу осилит идущий. Все в ваших руках. Всего 13 истин, которых нужно придерживаться и вас никто не сломит.


Пошаговое руководство для всех, кто решил сам распоряжаться своей жизнью и выходить победителем из любого кризиса. В книге приведены упражнения и задания, выполняя которые, читатель вылечится от депрессии и найдет пути решения проблем, вставших перед ним.